Dear Laura,
Sincerely just Gay,
Again, I implore, WHERE IS THE "LIKE" BUTTON???????
Dear Laura,
Sincerely just Gay,
Cool idea
When I read that he came out this morning my first thought was I hope nothing changes with him. I hope when people come out that are in the "spotlight" that we just go about our normal day and don't make a big deal about it. Of coarse I'm down with rolemodels etc but if we don't act like its a big deal maybe people will stop giving it the stigma of it being this negative or hard thing to do and the kids and people who are scared about coming out will just do it and not think twice. Just being gay shouldn't be abnormal or treated like it is. I get that we need to people to pave the way but I long for a day when someones sexuality doesn't define them, it is just one part of them. I fear now everyone will only define Anderson Cooper as a "gay man" instead of who he has been his whole life.
Cumrag your a great writer.
Celebs normally get more fans when they come out. All the girls want to mother them and all the guys want to fuck em. LOL
I'm very glad that Mr Cooper came out publicly. I think our children need more public, open role models. The more the better for our kids. If I could come out, I would. But what would I come out as? A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom? OK. Done!
Again, I implore, WHERE IS THE "LIKE" BUTTON???????
Stimpy.. thank you for the kind words about the people that work in our field.
One of the things that has always impressed me about Anderson Cooper is that he is a member of the Vanderbilt family and by no means needed to do the job that he does. I have always respected the fact that Anderson does his job for the betterment of the world and not for the money.
My Philosophy in Life has been this... It's not who has the most toys at the end of the game that counts... It's who made a difference in another person's life that is important.
I get to try and make a difference in someones life every day... and I thank my Higher Power for that chance.
Thanks, Erik
And I didn't grow up Catholic, but my Methodist upbringing created a lot of guilt along with fear of eternal damnation, mostly because of my masturbatory practices as a young girl. I wanked all the time. Not much has changed in that department. (there is a thread somewhere where I talk about the 29 big Os day...)
I'm very glad that Mr Cooper came out publicly. I think our children need more public, open role models. The more the better for our kids. If I could come out, I would. But what would I come out as? A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom? OK. Done!
a horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom?
A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom?