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Anderson Cooper Comes Out

When I read that he came out this morning my first thought was I hope nothing changes with him. I hope when people come out that are in the "spotlight" that we just go about our normal day and don't make a big deal about it. Of coarse I'm down with rolemodels etc but if we don't act like its a big deal maybe people will stop giving it the stigma of it being this negative or hard thing to do and the kids and people who are scared about coming out will just do it and not think twice. Just being gay shouldn't be abnormal or treated like it is. I get that we need to people to pave the way but I long for a day when someones sexuality doesn't define them, it is just one part of them. I fear now everyone will only define Anderson Cooper as a "gay man" instead of who he has been his whole life.
Celebs normally get more fans when they come out. All the girls want to mother them and all the guys want to fuck em. LOL
When I read that he came out this morning my first thought was I hope nothing changes with him. I hope when people come out that are in the "spotlight" that we just go about our normal day and don't make a big deal about it. Of coarse I'm down with rolemodels etc but if we don't act like its a big deal maybe people will stop giving it the stigma of it being this negative or hard thing to do and the kids and people who are scared about coming out will just do it and not think twice. Just being gay shouldn't be abnormal or treated like it is. I get that we need to people to pave the way but I long for a day when someones sexuality doesn't define them, it is just one part of them. I fear now everyone will only define Anderson Cooper as a "gay man" instead of who he has been his whole life.

Cumrag your a great writer.

Dear Frontier (with the Catholic upbringing we share in common),

You are too kind! :jesushippy: I notice something else that we both have experienced, namely being "Public Servants" for upwards of 35 years or more. I was a public school counselor for 36 years while you worked in corrections some 38 years.

Then, this exposed another similarity we happen to share, namely an interest in the field of corrections. Being that I always was empathetic and rooting for the underdog, in the late 60's while attending college, there was a "National Scandal concerning Arkansas' horrific...
"Prison/Farm System"!​
They were indeed fairly compared with with the "worst of the worst" legendary Civil War Era Prison, namely the dreaded "Andersonville" for their total lack of concern for basic human rights and treated their inmates worse than animals(like many employers do currently). Naturally, this had to catch my eye!

Working on coursework in the Sociology field, I innocently enrolled in an unassuming course entitled "Small-Group Dynamics" as one of my minor's requirements. Upon going to the college bookstore before my first class, to my amazement I saw the recommended books dealing exclusively with prison populations and I did a double-take. Could the book store simply had made a mistake? Not knowing what my next step would be, I decided to forget purchasing these two books until I at least sat in the class to get a better idea what was involved. I was pleasantly surprised and grateful to have unwittingly selected the class and then purchased my previously dismissed textbooks.

This course turned out to be one of the very best courses I ever took while in college and it started me to thinking that, with my demonstrable "social conscience", I was ready to assume..."the good fight for the restoration of human decency and preserving humanity for the futures for these forgotten orphans of our judicial/correctional systems." I toured the three prison installations and met personally the newly appointed Arkansas Commissioner of Correction. Realize for one instant, that all prison facilities statewide were run like the fiscally conservative "Tea Party" would have it run in their wildest dreams with...
from the $tate!"​

In effect the prisons were run exclusively as "Farming Operations only by proven Farm Managers", rather than provide any reasonable attempt to actually "reform & reeducate inmates being committed, preferrably, to rehabilitation to safely foster reintergration into the "free world - with some marketable skills" hopefully preventing...
This "new concept" to "Penology" as first introduced to the nation back in 1886 as a means to preventing the "Human Co$t of doing Pri$on Busine$$," namely discouraging inmate's greater socialization within the harmful prison culture, rather than readjusting positively to normal society. As was typical for all "Prison Farms" in the South, long before the federal courts got involved, the only concern of the Warden/Farm Manager was making enough profit on the "crop production" to pay for the day-to-day operations of the prison itself. Tax revenue was non-existent at the time even as late as the late 1960's. In reality this resulted in "Prison Warden/Farm Managers" making a forced choice, whether to invest in buying a new "spark plug" for a tractor OVER purchasing a seemingly "luxury item" of life, like a "frequently necessary tampon" reasonably required for female hygiene.

Facetiously speaking, I can't imagine the number of unnecessary "yeast infections" resulted from plugging in whatever "spark plug" that would fit, during their "time of the month""!
The tractor always won out!​

Needless to say, the Tea Party devotees would be thrilled, but any attempt at accommodation for basic human needs was "IFFY AT BEST"!:confused1:. Inmates were routinely farmed out to other free-world farmers "FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR, LIKE IN SLAVERY TIMES" on chain-gangs, in hopes to bringing in more revenue for the prison farm operations. Farming and not "licence plates" as one might reasonably expect, took priority time and time again. First aid OR attempts at medical care was reduced to "Civil War" levels, again something the "Tea Party" would nod their heads approvingly, as well. After all, their thought is..."nuthing should be 2 horrible for them lo-lifes 2 ndure

To make a long story short (if that is even remotely possible with me), I applied to the Arkansas State Correctional System following receiving my B.S. degree and the current Commissioner of Corrections sat me down and with fatherly advice saying..."Dont waste your time getting a limiting degree in the field of Corrections. Rather, he suggested getting a "School Counseling degree as it offered me many more alternatives including working with corrections." Upon my return to College, I heeded his advice religiously finishing a MSE in Counselor Education-Secondary level about two year later. Then, following my graduation, my first serious job offer in my state was a Middle School Counseling position which, financially speaking, I was more than happy to accept. Thus began my newly chosen adult career lasting 36 years as a primarily High School level Guidance Counselor. I never worked one-single day for the Correctional System, but I have always maintained, throughout all these many years, a passion and a warm place in my heart for such a career!

Hats off to you for doing something I was unable to achieve in my lifetime and at great personal sacrifice to you, NO DOUBT! You have my...


well my gaydar does work.
does he now become the gay tv news commentator?
as if he were the gay tv guys, i mean he is one of many.
what has always made who he is, is he talent and looks. not his personal life or choice of partners.
interesting info, but not big news!
sorry, not overwhelmed!
To Stimpy and Frontier... Wow, it's a small world. I too work for the DOC in my state. I found myself working there about 19 years ago, from no real effort on my on part. I feel my HP put me there. I am a Substance Abuse Counslor.
Stimpy.. thank you for the kind words about the people that work in our field.
One of the things that has always impressed me about Anderson Cooper is that he is a member of the Vanderbilt family and by no means needed to do the job that he does. I have always respected the fact that Anderson does his job for the betterment of the world and not for the money.
My Philosophy in Life has been this... It's not who has the most toys at the end of the game that counts... It's who made a difference in another person's life that is important.
I get to try and make a difference in someones life every day... and I thank my Higher Power for that chance.
Thanks, Erik
I'm very glad that Mr Cooper came out publicly. I think our children need more public, open role models. The more the better for our kids. If I could come out, I would. But what would I come out as? A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom? OK. Done!

I love your attitude Lovelumps! :)
Stimpy.. thank you for the kind words about the people that work in our field.
One of the things that has always impressed me about Anderson Cooper is that he is a member of the Vanderbilt family and by no means needed to do the job that he does. I have always respected the fact that Anderson does his job for the betterment of the world and not for the money.
My Philosophy in Life has been this... It's not who has the most toys at the end of the game that counts... It's who made a difference in another person's life that is important.
I get to try and make a difference in someones life every day... and I thank my Higher Power for that chance.
Thanks, Erik

Thank you Erik for doing your part to try to make the world a better place.

I also agree with you in that I have always admired Anderson Cooper because his family has enough money that he could have chosen to be one of the idle rich. He could have hung around the country club all his life with other wealthy Republicans whining about how high his taxes were. Instead he has always wanted to be the one telling the stories of the underdogs and the oppressed.
And I didn't grow up Catholic, but my Methodist upbringing created a lot of guilt along with fear of eternal damnation, mostly because of my masturbatory practices as a young girl. I wanked all the time. Not much has changed in that department. (there is a thread somewhere where I talk about the 29 big Os day...)

I'm very glad that Mr Cooper came out publicly. I think our children need more public, open role models. The more the better for our kids. If I could come out, I would. But what would I come out as? A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom? OK. Done!

I think I love you. :biggrin:
I really am ashamed of my ignorance concerning Anderson Cooper. He sounds like a straight up (no pun intended) guy.

I never thought about a like button that would be so easy to do and most web sites have them. Can we have one too please daddy please? LOL
Like this?

A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom?

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A horny, straight, wishes she had a dick so she could be gay, or at least have gay sex, supportive and loving middle aged mom?


O M G That is wild! And, no, that's not what I mean! :001_tt2: It goes in the mouth the other way!