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Anal sex is a felony in Flint Michigan


BSB Addict
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
brooklyn ny
With poisoned water BIG PROBLEM Flint passed a law to make anal sex a felony. What can we say? SHAME ON THEM
Yep the State of Michigan has their priorities pretty fucked up!!! However a federal law does override this....
There is more than enough shame to go around for politicians wh poison there own people.
since Lawrence v. texas sodomy laws have been unconstitutional! while several states still have such laws on the books, they cannot be enforced.
a state that poisons its children considers anal and oral sex to be crimes against mankind and poisoning drinking water is not.
so sad, so bad, so wrong!
Flint was the hub for Buick and Chevrolet. In fact, General Motors was headquartered there until the late 20's-early 30's when it moved its headquarters to Detroit. There are precious few (less than 8,000) automotive related jobs in Flint - the main reason for its being so economically depressed.

Ford Motor Company is headquartered in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, and never had any presence in Flint according to its corporate listing of current and previous but now closed facilities.
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all I am saying to this new news is....YET ANOTHER FREEDOM, or CHOICE taken from us!!!!!
Flint was the hub for Buick and Chevrolet. In fact, General Motors was headquartered there until the late 20's-early 30's when it moved its headquarters to Detroit. There are precious few (less than 8,000) automotive related jobs in Flint - the main reason for its being so economically depressed.

Ford Motor Company is headquartered in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, and never had any presence in Flint according to its corporate listing of current and previous but now closed facilities.

Thanks for the history lesson teacher....
People are upset because they figure that as long as section 158, the anti-sodomy law in Michigan, is being revised, the term “with mankind” should also be struck from the Michigan Penal Code.

The problem was that, given the varied opinions on sexual activity between conservatives and liberals, such an amendment could jeopardize the whole bill. It could create a separate issue to debate in the passing of an otherwise completely bipartisan bill. The Senate bills passed 37-1, after the bill was in the works for four years.

Michigan is one of more than a dozen states that still have sodomy bans left over from a long-passed era. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling in Lawrence v. Texas declared such laws unconstitutional.

“‘The minute I cross that line and I start talking about the other stuff, I won’t even get another hearing. It’ll be done,” Senator Jones told the New Civil Rights Movement, speaking of eliminating the human sodomy phrase from section 158 with SB 219. “Nobody wants to touch it. I would rather not even bring up the topic, because I know what would happen. You’d get both sides screaming and you end up with a big fight that’s not needed because it’s unconstitutional.'”

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2775741/mi...simply-not-un-banning-it/#ZjdOFRCrKp4c6f4h.99

Small snippet from a news article I found on the article on the sodomy law, from the rep. that sponsored the bill in Michigan.....It's his explanation...It was just a revision of an old law that was on the books and he just didn't want to do battle with the right wing Christian crowd over something that is fed legal anyhow...so the verb age just stayed in the law and was passed....
:thumbup: Great post and article. Well written and researched!
Just thought I would share a link dealing with this matter. The article addresses the unenforceability of the matter and attempts to offer a "reason" albeit a foolish one, for leaving the wording in the statute.
