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American Pride


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I am not intending this to be a political thread. I am posting this for the purpose of bringing awareness of who We are and What we stand for. We are the totality of Who we are that makes our Country what it is today. We came from many countries. We are a mix of different cultures, different races, different faiths, different ideologies. We have gotten to this point in our history after many struggles and sacrifices.

My point is that we continue to stand with PRIDE. I am Proud to be an American. I am Proud to be a Veteran. I am Proud to be a Parent. AND, I am Proud to be a Gay Man who has survived years of abuse and discrimination.

I stand Proud today to walk in the streets of my Country and fear nothing. I Am Who I Am!

Very nice post. Would also have liked to hear the Kate Smith rendition as well. Not sure if its out there but that girl could belt it out.
SFPS - Your wish is my command. Here's your song from the incomparable Kate.

SFPS - Your wish is my command. Here's your song from the incomparable Kate.

wow..........thank you so much. Talk about an American fixture. I remember hearing her on the radio. Now I know what she looks like. That gal could sing. Also nice to hear the whole song, not just the chorus. Thank you again Louis.......
Louis - It is fortuitous that you started this thread now. Next week, ABC-TV will run a primetime miniseries called "When We Rise", a four evening (M0m. Wed, Thurs, Fri) event on the gay rights movement and its intersection with the Civil Rights and Women's Rights movement. Has gotten excellent reviews and I know I'll be watching. Thought I'd pass it along.

Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, Stowe. I checked the airing schedule and it appears it has been modified. Apparently the Networks will be covering the address to Congress on Tuesday so the remainder of the series will be pushed further by a day.

I will definitely be watching this.

Here's the new schedule.

Louis - It is fortuitous that you started this thread now. Next week, ABC-TV will run a primetime miniseries called "When We Rise", a four evening (M0m. Wed, Thurs, Fri) event on the gay rights movement and its intersection with the Civil Rights and Women's Rights movement. Has gotten excellent reviews and I know I'll be watching. Thought I'd pass it along.

Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, Stowe. I checked the airing schedule and it appears it has been modified. Apparently the Networks will be covering the address to Congress on Tuesday so the remainder of the series will be pushed further by a day.

I will definitely be watching this.

Here's the new schedule.


I was fully aware of the current schedule when I made my first post in which, as you can see, I listed the days as Mon, Wed, Thursday, Fri. The time is 9pm-11pm EST each night.
I don't usually watch morning network TV, but I happened to be flipping the dial yesterday morning and saw this interview on Good Morning America. I didn't realize that the director, Dustin Lance Black, is marrying Tom Daley the handsome British diver. But this is the interview about this project.

Here he is with his fiance. They are a very handsome couple.

Mary-Louise Parker also starred in one of my all time favorite movies, Longtime Companion. In an interview this week she talked about her passion in participating in these films that have important messages that bring to light awareness about the plight of the LGBTQ Community.
I don't usually watch morning network TV, but I happened to be flipping the dial yesterday morning and saw this interview on Good Morning America. I didn't realize that the director, Dustin Lance Black, is marrying Tom Daley the handsome British diver. But this is the interview about this project.

Here he is with his fiance. They are a very handsome couple.


Well, I don't know what the future holds for them. I read earlier this week that Daley has admitted cheating on Black; but it wasn't an affair - he was just schtupping some male model a number of times because he was lonely with Lance working and he is a highly sexualized person. God these people believe all the bullshit they put out there - lol!!!
We are now at a point in our history where we must Stay Strong and Stand Proud. What happens here, does not "stay here." What happens here affects the entire globe. We the People are the force and strength to assure peace and protection around the world regardless of our diversities.

Well, I don't know what the future holds for them. I read earlier this week that Daley has admitted cheating on Black; but it wasn't an affair - he was just schtupping some male model a number of times because he was lonely with Lance working and he is a highly sexualized person. God these people believe all the bullshit they put out there - lol!!!
Oh they are young. They are Beautiful. They have the world on a string. There not married Yet.They have been together two years. And They are men. Surrounded by many Beautiful men.
Give them a break.If I had a chance to have either of them knowing they had a boyfriend. I Would Do It. There not married yet.
When I was there age my Dick had a mind all of it's own....Still does.lol And these boy's are Talented..
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