This is what I posted on my blog today:
American Idol is baaaaack and the first auditions were AWESOME……… NOT! If that’s what’s expected this season, that’s promising. This was a really boring start. I consider myself a “fan” of American Idol, just because it’s really entertaining. My favorite part, like most of you, is the interviews. I just love making fun of people, who doesn’t really hehe But Boston left me dry, I probably giggled a few times, raised a few eyebrows but nothing to remember.
You can definitely tell Paula is not there anymore
I’m 35 years old, I spent my teenage years listening to Paula. You can laugh all you want, but she was the “shit” back then hehe. Anyway, I miss her already but I’ll try to get over it. One thing I noticed though and I’m gonna say it, some of the contestants were sooooo fake, it was unbelievable. They probably went through all the Boston’s auditions and didn’t get anything interesting so they asked a few “actors” to come in and act stupid/crazy which is probably what happened with that stupid ass girl, Janet, the first Audition. She acted so fake it was ridiculous. There is no way this was a real audition. Another one that I think was fake was that scary dude with the black glasses, Clark Kent meets Dumbass, Andrew. I mean come on, even the most retarded person would not act like that for an audition. He was really annoying acting like he was “mad” or something. Stupid.
Then you have “THE” flamboyant gay guy (Below with blue shirt). Typical queen, loud and obnoxious. Not my favorite type of guy… at all. Thank God the bitch is out. You know, that’s what pisses me off, gays always have a hard time out there, so why do those guys have to feel the need to act like “retarted girls”, enough with the cliches alright?! Grow some balls and act like a man. There I said it
The only contestant I liked was Joshua, the “nice” guy (Below with green shirt). To me, not only he’s cute but his shyness makes him adorable. He’s the only one who grabbed my attention, not with his voice but the person he is. Well ok, we just saw him for like 3 minutes but he’s got that good energy about him and I hope we get to see him more, or I should say “more of him” hehe.
Anyway, not really impressed with this American Idol, so hopefully tonight will change my mind. With Simon’s departure after this season, it’ll be even harder for me to watch it so step it up AI or you’re “out”. Speaking of which, I’m out
Have a good day guys.