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Age of Consent


Jul 1, 2017
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Greater New York City Area
In their pre scene interview, both Ethan and Masyn Thorne stated that their first sexual experience was when they were 14 year old high school Freshmen, and that they were both seduced by high school seniors (a female did Ethan, and a male did Masyn Thorne). That legally made both the victims of statutory rape (meaning that a minor below the age of consent is legally incapable of consent even if he very much agrees to and wants the sexual act to take place). At common law, the age of consent was 18, so if two high school students had sex together, they technically both raped each other, notwithstanding their enthusiastic consent. Many but not all states have liberalized the common law by lowering the age of consent to 15 or 16, and some states have enacted an exception legalizing consensual sex between two high school students if they are within two years of each other in age. But because high school students socialize with each other which often leads to sexual relations, and since there are four grades in high school and not just two, that two year window that some states have does not completely resolve the issue. Further the old common law dates back to the middle ages when boys and girls sexually matured years later than they do in modern times with improved diet, etc. So even in the most liberal states with that two year window, you can have two high school couples, both one senior and one sophomore, having sex with one couple being perfectly legal because they are one day shy of being two years apart in age, and the other couple in big legal trouble, because they are two years and one day apart in age. In most situations, the consenting kids just keep their mouths shut (as apparently did both Ethan and Masyn Thorne), and nothing happens (look at how many high school frosh are being dated by high school seniors). But the potential legal injustice is when homophobic parents of a gay high school underclassman discover that he is in a consensual relationship with a high school classmate two years and a day older and file a complaint with the police. There may be little or no interest in discussing this issue on this Forum, but it is an important legal issue that can destroy young lives, and, since the pre scene interview of Ethan and Masyn Thorne did raise it, I thought it appropriate to start this tread for the Broke Straight Boys members' consideration.
In their pre scene interview, both Ethan and Masyn Thorne stated that their first sexual experience was when they were 14 year old high school Freshmen, and that they were both seduced by high school seniors (a female did Ethan, and a male did Masyn Thorne). That legally made both the victims of statutory rape (meaning that a minor below the age of consent is legally incapable of consent even if he very much agrees to and wants the sexual act to take place). At common law, the age of consent was 18, so if two high school students had sex together, they technically both raped each other, notwithstanding their enthusiastic consent. Many but not all states have liberalized the common law by lowering the age of consent to 15 or 16, and some states have enacted an exception legalizing consensual sex between two high school students if they are within two years of each other in age. But because high school students socialize with each other which often leads to sexual relations, and since there are four grades in high school and not just two, that two year window that some states have does not completely resolve the issue. Further the old common law dates back to the middle ages when boys and girls sexually matured years later than they do in modern times with improved diet, etc. So even in the most liberal states with that two year window, you can have two high school couples, both one senior and one sophomore, having sex with one couple being perfectly legal because they are one day shy of being two years apart in age, and the other couple in big legal trouble, because they are two years and one day apart in age. In most situations, the consenting kids just keep their mouths shut (as apparently did both Ethan and Masyn Thorne), and nothing happens (look at how many high school frosh are being dated by high school seniors). But the potential legal injustice is when homophobic parents of a gay high school underclassman discover that he is in a consensual relationship with a high school classmate two years and a day older and file a complaint with the police. There may be little or no interest in discussing this issue on this Forum, but it is an important legal issue that can destroy young lives, and, since the pre-scene interview of Ethan and Masyn Thorne did raise it, I thought it appropriate to start this tread for the Broke Straight Boys members' consideration.

Age of consent laws and "Romeo & Juliette" exemptions vary. The age of consent in the various US states ranges from between 16 and 18. Some states have the Romeo & Juliette exemption and the age difference can be anywhere from 5 years to two years. However, there are many states that do not allow the exemption. And of those who do, it often does not stop a prosecution but lowers the penalty. Having said all that, I was 12 years old when I had sex for the first time and I totally enjoyed it. I exchanged blowjobs with the 13-year old boyfriend of my 14-year old cousin, Esteban.
Age of consent laws and "Romeo & Juliette" exemptions vary. The age of consent in the various US states ranges from between 16 and 18. Some states have the Romeo & Juliette exemption and the age difference can be anywhere from 5 years to two years. However, there are many states that do not allow the exemption. And of those who do, it often does not stop a prosecution but lowers the penalty. Having said all that, I was 12 years old when I had sex for the first time and I totally enjoyed it. I exchanged blowjobs with the 13-year old boyfriend of my 14-year old cousin, Esteban.

You are quite correct that the age of consent and any exceptions vary state to state. It was admirable that Masyn Thorne, who came to hate the 17-18 year old high school senior who took his virginity consenually, resisted the temptation to report him to the police for statutory rape, which he could have done. By the way, where was Esteban when you exchanged blow jobs with his 13 year old boyfriend?
This is a messy subject. I started messing around with my best friend when I was 13. He is married now with 5 kids and he started it. You can’t completely control human behavior with laws. I don’t think you are ever going to stop kids of both sexes and all combinations from playing around. The problem with straight sex is you can have very young pregnancies which can cause life changing circumstances. Then you have the parents who might use the law to get back at someone or try to change their kid. I can see someone’s parents pressing charges on another kid because they made their son Gay. I think the law should be there to protect kids from abuse especially by adults. But I don’t think it should get involved with kids experimenting with sex.
And let us not forget having your name on the Criminal Sexual Conduct list for the rest of your live. Posted on the internet. Your life will go no where and it's not because you sexually abused you 5 year old neice.
And let us not forget having your name on the Criminal Sexual Conduct list for the rest of your live. Posted on the internet. Your life will go no where and it's not because you sexually abused you 5 year old neice.

Good point, that's where the term "jail bait" came from. There have been cases where a kid looks 18, produces fake ID that he is 18, turns out to be 15, and the guy who gave him what he wanted is prosecuted for statutory rape. Gay porn studios have had similar problems with models producing fake IDs. The famous porn star Brent Corrigan's breakout first porn scene was when he was 17 and not the 18 his fake ID indicated. Another gay porn studio got into a lot worse legal trouble than that and had to recall every copy of a video where the star 18 year old twink bottom turned out to be 15 due to fake ID and his scene partners in all three of his scenes were technically guilty of statutory rape.
By the way, where was Esteban when you exchanged blow jobs with his 13 year old boyfriend?

Esteban was hiding his closeted arse in the treehouse in his backyard. I did not know about the relationship until the next year when the 13-year old, named Patrick btw, was made at Esteban and told me about it. Ah youth, so wasted on the young. LOL
Esteban was hiding his closeted arse in the treehouse in his backyard. I did not know about the relationship until the next year when the 13-year old, named Patrick btw, was made at Esteban and told me about it. Ah youth, so wasted on the young. LOL

Sound like all three of you had fun!