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Adam Baer is he back on the forum?!?!

Adam, you were one of my favorites and still spend time re-watching your scenes. You were a natural. Thank you for your service...be well and be your best

Amen he was one of the all time greats and it’s really nice to hear from him. I guess it’s nice for Adam to know he still has lots of fans.
.......I have never seen a guy as good looking as you are, as mature as you are, who had the personal goals that you've had, and have been so willing to pursue them with diligence and determination, as you have been.

I have always been SOOOOO in love with you. And not just because of your natural good looks but also because of your strong human qualities and high personal goals.

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I have all of your scenes in my "Favorites".
Adam, you were one of my favorites and still spend time re-watching your scenes. You were a natural. Thank you for your service...be well and be your best

Amen he was one of the all time greats and it’s really nice to hear from him. I guess it’s nice for Adam to know he still has lots of fans.
Adam, I could not agree more with what has been said about you. You are an amazing performer and a great guy as well!!

Since you've rejoined us on the forum the other day, I've been "binge watching" Adam Baer and I forgot just how good you were, both in your scenes and your many BTS episodes where we got to see how you act off set. In fact I went all the way back to November 12, 2012 when you did your solo, (which incidentally is a great solo still highly rated for a solo at 4.49), and were interviewed by Clay. You told us that you were 18, a recent high school graduate from Dallas Texas, who was a swimmer and a bowler. And even then you said that you wanted to go into the military so I congratulate you on being a young man who knew what he wanted to do and actually did what he said he wanted to do.

I highly recommend that not just old timers on the forum revisit your page and scenes and behind the scenes episodes. But even more so I would encourage folks who joined the site in more recent years to view some of your amazing work. You are a true Broke Straight Boys Superstar, Adam, one of the best of the best.

Thanks again for honoring us with your presence here!

I agree. I miss your reviews and your stories. Happy Belated Birthday to you. Sending you all the love and happiness in the world.

Dear StudddAndy, I so agree with Tampa24 and Jaybifla............I miss your posts and comments so much. As you know, I have always loved your stories and life experiences. They are truly so entertaining and well written. Happy belated birthday, whenever it was, wish you so much health and happiness. Please reconsider and come back to the forum. Don't let a few folks deprive many of us of the pleasure of your company.
Hey repareur,

Yes I have mentioned this...one of my old posts, but im not opposed to share again.

There have been Marines that have found out what I did. For some reason it's a gay Marine that starts sharing it and then it spreads like wildfire. I ended up having to switch units because it became a problem. It became a conflict between us. I was judged and cast out from being a leader. My character and leadership skills were automatically looked down on. I was put to the side, never really give much. The command thought of it as a if its not in the spotlight then they don't have to worry about it.

I changed duty stations and moved here to CA. The command I am with now is completely different. AGAIN it was a gay Marine that started spreading it around. (I am not trying to say anything bad about gay Marines or people, simply stating what they have been) Multiple people found out, however I was able to establish who I was, My knowledge of my job, and my skills as a leader. Most did not let it influence what they thought of me as a Marine, a leader, or as a person. So I would say it always varies.

I have had ups and downs in life after filming with Broke Straight Boys Each and every experience helps me in life. I find new ways to deal with people, deal with the obstacle and it gives me the opportunity to become better as a person. We are all faced with opposition or things in life that will challenge you. It's how we deal with it and learn from it. If we walk around and live our life with the mentality that everyone is against us or life sucks and we cant get anywhere, then that's exactly what will happen. we will go no where and will continue to live in a dark and depressed life. I however live a positive life. I look for the positive in EVERYTHING. I focus on that and strive off of that. EVERYTHING in life has a learning aspect. If we do not constantly strive to make ourselves better, learn from things, and grow, we will constantly limit ourselves and eventually die no where near our potential.

With that kind of attitude nothing will stop you.
Hi Adam!

Huge fan of yours.

Just wondering if you ever check out the site here and there..
And is there anyone new that you wish you had the chance to work with?
Adam Baer. You were the guy who I joined Broke Straight Boys to see more of. I won't requote the many nice comments from others on the forum but certainly, echo their remarks. You always seemed like a decent guy and were so hot! I imagine you still are very fit if you are in the active Marines.

I will quote part of your reply to Repareur:

I have had ups and downs in life after filming with Broke Straight Boys Each and every experience helps me in life. I find new ways to deal with people, deal with the obstacle and it gives me the opportunity to become better as a person. We are all faced with opposition or things in life that will challenge you. It's how we deal with it and learn from it. If we walk around and live our life with the mentality that everyone is against us or life sucks and we cant get anywhere, then that's exactly what will happen. we will go no where and will continue to live in a dark and depressed life. I however live a positive life. I look for the positive in EVERYTHING. I focus on that and strive off of that. EVERYTHING in life has a learning aspect. If we do not constantly strive to make ourselves better, learn from things, and grow, we will constantly limit ourselves and eventually die no where near our potential.

You are right on the mark with this attitude. Your reply says a great deal about your strength of character. I'm an old soldier who served in Korea in 1964 through 1965 and appreciate your service very much. I would most certainly be proud to serve with you. I wish you the very best and hope we continue to hear about how life is treating you.
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Dear Broke Straight Boys Adam Baer.

I swore that I would never post on the forum again, but at the time I didn't envision the possibility that YOU would post on here again. I need to say one thing to you.

I just passed my 90th birthday and in all those 90 years, I have never seen a guy as good looking as you are, as mature as you are, who had the personal goals that you've had, and have been so willing to pursue them with diligence and determination, as you have been.

I have always been SOOOOO in love with you. And not just because of your natural good looks but also because of your strong human qualities and high personal goals.

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I have all of your scenes in my "Favorites". Overcoming the small people in your life and looking forward in a positive way of life is a little hard to do sometime, but I'm glad to see you're hanging in there and doing it. I love you.

People hate what I say on here, and I'm back to giving everyone a break. No more posting between now and the time I'm dead.



Don't ever feel like you are unwanted!! My posts everyone is wanted. I do appreciate the nice comments very much. Im glad that I can be that to you. 90 is a feet and I congratulate you! It takes a lot in life to make if that far! You are ALWAYS welcome on my posts!!
Adam, I could not agree more with what has been said about you. You are an amazing performer and a great guy as well!!

Since you've rejoined us on the forum the other day, I've been "binge watching" Adam Baer and I forgot just how good you were, both in your scenes and your many BTS episodes where we got to see how you act off set. In fact I went all the way back to November 12, 2012 when you did your solo, (which incidentally is a great solo still highly rated for a solo at 4.49), and were interviewed by Clay. You told us that you were 18, a recent high school graduate from Dallas Texas, who was a swimmer and a bowler. And even then you said that you wanted to go into the military so I congratulate you on being a young man who knew what he wanted to do and actually did what he said he wanted to do.

I highly recommend that not just old timers on the forum revisit your page and scenes and behind the scenes episodes. But even more so I would encourage folks who joined the site in more recent years to view some of your amazing work. You are a true Broke Straight Boys Superstar, Adam, one of the best of the best.

Thanks again for honoring us with your presence here!


You truly out do yourself every time you post there Mike! Thank you so much! Always great to get on here and hear from you guys and everyone who has been there from the start. You really never fully understand or grasp how much you truly effect peoples' lives in this industry. Furthermore when you are a outstanding person both on and off camera, it makes it that much more for the fans and those that watch and follow. So once again, thank you very much! I am so glad that you still follow me and that I can still help you out at times.... :wink::wink::porn::porn:
Hi Adam!

Huge fan of yours.

Just wondering if you ever check out the site here and there..
And is there anyone new that you wish you had the chance to work with?

Hey there!

I have not seen much of the new models or checked out the scenes much.... I may have to do that and get back to you. That is a good question that I usually get asked when I do come back to the forum...I should have been ready! lol I will look around and let you know!!
Adam Baer. You were the guy who I joined Broke Straight Boys to see more of. I won't requote the many nice comments from others on the forum but certainly, echo their remarks. You always seemed like a decent guy and were so hot! I imagine you still are very fit if you are in the active Marines.

I will quote part of your reply to Repareur:

I have had ups and downs in life after filming with Broke Straight Boys Each and every experience helps me in life. I find new ways to deal with people, deal with the obstacle and it gives me the opportunity to become better as a person. We are all faced with opposition or things in life that will challenge you. It's how we deal with it and learn from it. If we walk around and live our life with the mentality that everyone is against us or life sucks and we cant get anywhere, then that's exactly what will happen. we will go no where and will continue to live in a dark and depressed life. I however live a positive life. I look for the positive in EVERYTHING. I focus on that and strive off of that. EVERYTHING in life has a learning aspect. If we do not constantly strive to make ourselves better, learn from things, and grow, we will constantly limit ourselves and eventually die no where near our potential.

You are right on the mark with this attitude. Your reply says a great deal about your strength of character. I'm an old soldier who served in Korea in 1964 through 1965 and appreciate your service very much. I would most certainly be proud to serve with you. I wish you the very best and hope we continue to hear about how life is treating you.

Absolutely! Thank you for your service as well! That was a crazy time! Im glad I could be the reason for you joining the site! I may not be/have created content in a while but I hope what I did create still keeps you around.
Hi Adam.
Thank you for returning to the site, and thank you so much for your service.

I was just curious (apologies if you have been asked this already) but how do you identify sexually if I may ask?

Also, do you have a favourite scene of your own? Maybe one you enjoyed filming most?

Thank you so much Adam!
Hi Adam,

I want to thank you again for reaching out to your fans with so much grace and generosity of spirit. Some of your experiences in life could have turned you off to gay people in general and made you homophobic. Based on the fact that so much of your worst treatment in life over your former porn past was because you were outed by a few individuals who happened to be gay, you could have been seen as justified in not wanting anything to do with gay people in general. Thank you for not painting us all with the same brush based on your experience with a few bad apples.

We do have lots of love in here for you. xo :)
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Hi Adam,

I want to thank you again for reaching out to your fans with so much grace and generosity of spirit. Some of your experiences in life could have turned you off to gay people in general and made you homophobic. Based on the fact that so much of your worst treatment in life over your former porn past was because you were outed by a few individuals who happened to be gay, you could have been seen as justified in not wanting anything to do with gay people in general. Thank you for not painting us all with the same brush based on your experience with a few bad apples.

We do have lots of love in here for you. xo :)

HAHA Tampa, if I thought like that, then I wouldn't want to talk to a lot of people or groups. ANY group or organization always has that select few, but they don't define they whole group!
HAHA Tampa, if I thought like that, then I wouldn't want to talk to a lot of people or groups. ANY group or organization always has that select few, but they don't define they whole group!

Amen to that, brother! haha :thumbup1: :001_wub:
I really appreciate the fact that you are dropping by the forum often lately to check on us and how things are going. I hope you are having a good week. :angel: :smiley-love021:
Looking great Adam....As they say in my neck of the woods, "You are as fine as Frog Hair" ....lololol.....Yea I might be a Redneck Hillbilly Country Boy....Can you tell......lolololol
But truly a sweet body.....The Military keeps you in shape !!!! :thumbup::001_smile: