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Adam Baer is he back on the forum?!?!


BSB Model
BSB Model
Mar 20, 2018
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Broke Straight Boys community!!! How is everyone?!

Yours truly, Adam Baer here again! That's right I'm back on the forum! I know I know, "Adam you need to film again!" "Does that mean you're coming back to the site?" Unfortunately it's a no for both of those. Mark had messaged me and said that there was a lot of question to where I had gone after being on the forum for a little while and then …… vanish!

For those that are interested, I am still in the military and loving it very much! Stationed in CA still....sorry to those of you that live here....hahaha

Missing you all here so I am very glad to be back!! All of my regulars that used to be on my posts and anyone else, let me know how you are!!

P.S. Almost 6 years after my last video and still in the top 10, you guys are absolutely crazy!!! Thank you so much!!!

Adam - so glad to see your post. I am happy that you are well although a bit disappointed that you are not going to give us a video or two but hey, I would rather you are happy doing what you want to be doing. I, too, am still in California, San Francisco to be exact but not for much longer. I am now officially retired and preparing to move down to my place in Puerto Vallarta and enjoy the beach, sun, and la vida loca. Come down and hang out sometime if you so desire. There is always room.
Adam - so glad to see your post. I am happy that you are well although a bit disappointed that you are not going to give us a video or two but hey, I would rather you are happy doing what you want to be doing. I, too, am still in California, San Francisco to be exact but not for much longer. I am now officially retired and preparing to move down to my place in Puerto Vallarta and enjoy the beach, sun, and la vida loca. Come down and hang out sometime if you so desire. There is always room.

So great to hear from you! Wow big step retirement! Congrats on that, not an easy step! Stay young though, don't stop doing fun and exciting things. Keep that adrenaline up every now and then. That sounds like it would be paradise down there! I hope your move goes smooth and easy!
It is absolutely fantastic to hear from you Adam, whenever you visit us here. Although I do understand that you cannot film for Broke Straight Boys as a member of the United States military, would you consider doing an interview with Sha or Mark so we can see you again, albeit fully clothed? lol

I agree it is remarkable how you've consistently and deservedly been in the Top 10 of all models ever to appear on the site. To my way of thinking, you typify the best of what Broke Straight Boys ever was. We do have many new members of the site now and I would strongly encourage any of them not familiar with your work here, to check out your page and watch some very hot scenes with some excellent partners like Johnny Forza, Paul Canon, Mick, and "my" Ayden, (lol), to name just a few.

Most importantly, I am so glad that you value your experience being a Broke Straight Boys and are not ashamed of your past here, but still think of your fan base and do visit with us here from time to time. You are indeed a total class act Adam, and a beautiful guy, inside and out. I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Please don't be a stranger to the forum and your fans! You are GREAT! :thumbup1:
Broke Straight Boys community!!! How is everyone?!

Yours truly, Adam Baer here again! That's right I'm back on the forum! I know I know, "Adam you need to film again!" "Does that mean you're coming back to the site?" Unfortunately it's a no for both of those. Mark had messaged me and said that there was a lot of question to where I had gone after being on the forum for a little while and then …… vanish!

For those that are interested, I am still in the military and loving it very much! Stationed in CA still....sorry to those of you that live here....hahaha

Missing you all here so I am very glad to be back!! All of my regulars that used to be on my posts and anyone else, let me know how you are!!

P.S. Almost 6 years after my last video and still in the top 10, you guys are absolutely crazy!!! Thank you so much!!!


Not going to lie, you were always one of my favorites. Always enjoyed your scenes and wish you were back. However, understandable being you're still in the military. Wish you a successful career and continue fighting the good fight after those of us who served are no longer doing so. Much respect!!!
Adam, I think you mentioned something about this before. But I’m wondering if any of your military buddies have found your porn scenes and what they have said. Of course if they were looking they may be more interested in hitting on you than causing problems.
Broke Straight Boys community!!! How is everyone?!

Yours truly, Adam Baer here again! That's right I'm back on the forum! I know I know, "Adam you need to film again!" "Does that mean you're coming back to the site?" Unfortunately it's a no for both of those. Mark had messaged me and said that there was a lot of question to where I had gone after being on the forum for a little while and then …… vanish!

For those that are interested, I am still in the military and loving it very much! Stationed in CA still....sorry to those of you that live here....hahaha

Missing you all here so I am very glad to be back!! All of my regulars that used to be on my posts and anyone else, let me know how you are!!

P.S. Almost 6 years after my last video and still in the top 10, you guys are absolutely crazy!!! Thank you so much!!!


It is absolutely fantastic to hear from you Adam, whenever you visit us here. Although I do understand that you cannot film for Broke Straight Boys as a member of the United States military, would you consider doing an interview with Sha or Mark so we can see you again, albeit fully clothed? lol

I agree it is remarkable how you've consistently and deservedly been in the Top 10 of all models ever to appear on the site. To my way of thinking, you typify the best of what Broke Straight Boys ever was. We do have many new members of the site now and I would strongly encourage any of them not familiar with your work here, to check out your page and watch some very hot scenes with some excellent partners like Johnny Forza, Paul Canon, Mick, and "my" Ayden, (lol), to name just a few.

Most importantly, I am so glad that you value your experience being a Broke Straight Boys and are not ashamed of your past here, but still think of your fan base and do visit with us here from time to time. You are indeed a total class act Adam, and a beautiful guy, inside and out. I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Please don't be a stranger to the forum and your fans! You are GREAT! :thumbup1:

Hi beautiful Adam!

I don't know if I can top some of the praise already heaped on you already. But my fellow forum friends certainly convey my own feelings and warm regards for you as well. Thank you for popping back into the forum to give us a greeting and let us know you still appreciate your fan base here. Indeed, your ratings on the site show that you have never been forgotten over here. After 6 years you are still popular, relevant, and a huge favorite of older and newer members alike. Over the course of more than a decade there are few models here who reach a level of recognition to be considered a "household name" of the site. But your stage name of Adam Baer is definitely up there among the all-time greats of the site. :biggrin: xo

As Mikey alludes to, I have great respect for the fact that you do not feel like this a part of your past that you want to hide or run away from. Many models here who are on the straighter side like you, try to go back to their lives and pretend the whole thing never happened. Like it's something to be ashamed of. And I know it was not always easy for you either.

If I recall correctly you did get fired from some jobs and were publicly harassed when some people recognized you as a gay-for-pay porn model. (I always believed that that said far more about them and their character than it ever did about you.) Still, my heart broke for you then having to go through that...and at such a young age. Because we have always held you in such a high regard. And that refers to you as a person and human being. Not just as a performer. I always sent positive wishes and prayers to the universe when you advised us of struggles you were going through, that you would be well taken care of and provided for.

I was also deeply concerned when your back was injured during filming of the Broke Straight Boys TV show, and you worried that your future dreams of a career in the military and law enforcement could be at risk. I'm thrilled that your life is on the track which you wanted it to be.

Thank you for having the maturity and wisdom to be able to embrace a part of your past which undoubtedly taught you many valuable lessons about people and life in general. No experience is wasted. We all learn and grow from our own unique paths. I'm so proud of the man you've become and the man you are still striving to be.

Much Love! :001_wub:
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Hey Adam,
Its always nice to hear from you and catch up with your endeavors. There isn't much more that I can add to what has already been said, but not knowing for sure which Marine base your currently occupying, I will say only this. If you need a good home cooked meal, a dip in the pool to cool off from the sun (hint), and just a place to unwind and relax, Your always welcome here (seriously).
Great to hear you are doing well and life has been kind to you Adam....Like the rest, you truly were one of the premier models to grace our computer screens...And yes, you have provided many a member with countless hours of entertainment, we all have bigger biceps because of the work out program you created.....lololololol....:ohmy::masterbate:
Thank You for checking back in and lettings us know how you are doing...Wishing you the best in life....Be safe and enjoy !!!!!
It is absolutely fantastic to hear from you Adam, whenever you visit us here. Although I do understand that you cannot film for Broke Straight Boys as a member of the United States military, would you consider doing an interview with Sha or Mark so we can see you again, albeit fully clothed? lol

I agree it is remarkable how you've consistently and deservedly been in the Top 10 of all models ever to appear on the site. To my way of thinking, you typify the best of what Broke Straight Boys ever was. We do have many new members of the site now and I would strongly encourage any of them not familiar with your work here, to check out your page and watch some very hot scenes with some excellent partners like Johnny Forza, Paul Canon, Mick, and "my" Ayden, (lol), to name just a few.

Most importantly, I am so glad that you value your experience being a Broke Straight Boys and are not ashamed of your past here, but still think of your fan base and do visit with us here from time to time. You are indeed a total class act Adam, and a beautiful guy, inside and out. I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Please don't be a stranger to the forum and your fans! You are GREAT! :thumbup1:

That means a lot there Mikeyank!! From the beginning you have been there and supportive! So very glad to see you are still around and active on the site!!!!!! I do appreciate the very kind words, it means a lot! I will definitely be around.
Not going to lie, you were always one of my favorites. Always enjoyed your scenes and wish you were back. However, understandable being you're still in the military. Wish you a successful career and continue fighting the good fight after those of us who served are no longer doing so. Much respect!!!

Well thank you very much getitboy, that means a lot! I know its never a good thing to hear that im not back but I am around here on the forums instead! lol
Adam, I think you mentioned something about this before. But I’m wondering if any of your military buddies have found your porn scenes and what they have said. Of course if they were looking they may be more interested in hitting on you than causing problems.

Hey repareur,

Yes I have mentioned this...one of my old posts, but im not opposed to share again.

There have been Marines that have found out what I did. For some reason it's a gay Marine that starts sharing it and then it spreads like wildfire. I ended up having to switch units because it became a problem. It became a conflict between us. I was judged and cast out from being a leader. My character and leadership skills were automatically looked down on. I was put to the side, never really give much. The command thought of it as a if its not in the spotlight then they don't have to worry about it.

I changed duty stations and moved here to CA. The command I am with now is completely different. AGAIN it was a gay Marine that started spreading it around. (I am not trying to say anything bad about gay Marines or people, simply stating what they have been) Multiple people found out, however I was able to establish who I was, My knowledge of my job, and my skills as a leader. Most did not let it influence what they thought of me as a Marine, a leader, or as a person. So I would say it always varies.

I have had ups and downs in life after filming with Broke Straight Boys Each and every experience helps me in life. I find new ways to deal with people, deal with the obstacle and it gives me the opportunity to become better as a person. We are all faced with opposition or things in life that will challenge you. It's how we deal with it and learn from it. If we walk around and live our life with the mentality that everyone is against us or life sucks and we cant get anywhere, then that's exactly what will happen. we will go no where and will continue to live in a dark and depressed life. I however live a positive life. I look for the positive in EVERYTHING. I focus on that and strive off of that. EVERYTHING in life has a learning aspect. If we do not constantly strive to make ourselves better, learn from things, and grow, we will constantly limit ourselves and eventually die no where near our potential.
Hi beautiful Adam!

I don't know if I can top some of the praise already heaped on you already. But my fellow forum friends certainly convey my own feelings and warm regards for you as well. Thank you for popping back into the forum to give us a greeting and let us know you still appreciate your fan base here. Indeed, your ratings on the site show that you have never been forgotten over here. After 6 years you are still popular, relevant, and a huge favorite of older and newer members alike. Over the course of more than a decade there are few models here who reach a level of recognition to be considered a "household name" of the site. But your stage name of Adam Baer is definitely up there among the all-time greats of the site. :biggrin: xo

As Mikey alludes to, I have great respect for the fact that you do not feel like this a part of your past that you want to hide or run away from. Many models here who are on the straighter side like you, try to go back to their lives and pretend the whole thing never happened. Like it's something to be ashamed of. And I know it was not always easy for you either.

If I recall correctly you did get fired from some jobs and were publicly harassed when some people recognized you as a gay-for-pay porn model. (I always believed that that said far more about them and their character than it ever did about you.) Still, my heart broke for you then having to go through that...and at such a young age. Because we have always held you in such a high regard. And that refers to you as a person and human being. Not just as a performer. I always sent positive wishes and prayers to the universe when you advised us of struggles you were going through, that you would be well taken care of and provided for.

I was also deeply concerned when your back was injured during filming of the Broke Straight Boys TV show, and you worried that your future dreams of a career in the military and law enforcement could be at risk. I'm thrilled that your life is on the track which you wanted it to be.

Thank you for having the maturity and wisdom to be able to embrace a part of your past which undoubtedly taught you many valuable lessons about people and life in general. No experience is wasted. We all learn and grow from our own unique paths. I'm so proud of the man you've become and the man you are still striving to be.

Much Love! :001_wub:


Always a great and wonderful time to talk and hear from you! Thank you for such kind and meaningful words. I know that you truly mean all of that. You are correct I have gone through some things, but like I just posted a reply to Repareur, there is always something to learn from everything and always room for improvement.
Hey Adam,
Its always nice to hear from you and catch up with your endeavors. There isn't much more that I can add to what has already been said, but not knowing for sure which Marine base your currently occupying, I will say only this. If you need a good home cooked meal, a dip in the pool to cool off from the sun (hint), and just a place to unwind and relax, Your always welcome here (seriously).

Thank you SFPS!! Been here since the beginning and still here! Means a lot, and thank you for the invite!!
Great to hear you are doing well and life has been kind to you Adam....Like the rest, you truly were one of the premier models to grace our computer screens...And yes, you have provided many a member with countless hours of entertainment, we all have bigger biceps because of the work out program you created.....lololololol....:ohmy::masterbate:
Thank You for checking back in and lettings us know how you are doing...Wishing you the best in life....Be safe and enjoy !!!!!

Thank you Rafe!! AHHAHAHA that's awesome, but great to hear!!!
Dear Broke Straight Boys Adam Baer.

I swore that I would never post on the forum again, but at the time I didn't envision the possibility that YOU would post on here again. I need to say one thing to you.

I just passed my 90th birthday and in all those 90 years, I have never seen a guy as good looking as you are, as mature as you are, who had the personal goals that you've had, and have been so willing to pursue them with diligence and determination, as you have been.

I have always been SOOOOO in love with you. And not just because of your natural good looks but also because of your strong human qualities and high personal goals.

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I have all of your scenes in my "Favorites". Overcoming the small people in your life and looking forward in a positive way of life is a little hard to do sometime, but I'm glad to see you're hanging in there and doing it. I love you.

People hate what I say on here, and I'm back to giving everyone a break. No more posting between now and the time I'm dead.

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Hey repareur,

Yes I have mentioned this...one of my old posts, but im not opposed to share again.

There have been Marines that have found out what I did. For some reason it's a gay Marine that starts sharing it and then it spreads like wildfire. I ended up having to switch units because it became a problem. It became a conflict between us. I was judged and cast out from being a leader. My character and leadership skills were automatically looked down on. I was put to the side, never really give much. The command thought of it as a if its not in the spotlight then they don't have to worry about it.

I changed duty stations and moved here to CA. The command I am with now is completely different. AGAIN it was a gay Marine that started spreading it around. (I am not trying to say anything bad about gay Marines or people, simply stating what they have been) Multiple people found out, however I was able to establish who I was, My knowledge of my job, and my skills as a leader. Most did not let it influence what they thought of me as a Marine, a leader, or as a person. So I would say it always varies.

I have had ups and downs in life after filming with Broke Straight Boys Each and every experience helps me in life. I find new ways to deal with people, deal with the obstacle and it gives me the opportunity to become better as a person. We are all faced with opposition or things in life that will challenge you. It's how we deal with it and learn from it. If we walk around and live our life with the mentality that everyone is against us or life sucks and we cant get anywhere, then that's exactly what will happen. we will go no where and will continue to live in a dark and depressed life. I however live a positive life. I look for the positive in EVERYTHING. I focus on that and strive off of that. EVERYTHING in life has a learning aspect. If we do not constantly strive to make ourselves better, learn from things, and grow, we will constantly limit ourselves and eventually die no where near our potential.

I’m thought I remembered something about that. It stands to reason a gay guy would figure it out looking at gay porn. He was probably jealous. There are bad gay people and bad straight people. But I’m glad you have such a positive attitude. That will get you much farther in life for sure.

Thanks again for answering me.
Dear StuddAndy,

I for one have never wanted you to leave the forum or stop posting. I have missed you in here and would be very happy to hear your contributions on anything that appeals to your interests. Congratulations on your 90th birthday. Holy smokes! Happy Belated Birthday! :thumbup1:
Adam, you were one of my favorites and still spend time re-watching your scenes. You were a natural. Thank you for your service...be well and be your best
Dear StuddAndy,

I for one have never wanted you to leave the forum or stop posting. I have missed you in here and would be very happy to hear your contributions on anything that appeals to your interests. Congratulations on your 90th birthday. Holy smokes! Happy Belated Birthday! :thumbup1:
I agree. I miss your reviews and your stories. Happy Belated Birthday to you. Sending you all the love and happiness in the world.