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A Very, Very Hot 14 Minutes

Go to xvideos.com, number 27, Titled, "I Want Your Love." Sizzling. Does anyone know if this is a part of a larger movie?
You're not exactly precise in your directions ... whereis this scene? I went to xvideos.com and had a lot of pussyporn in front of me. Be specific
Go to xvideos.com, number 27, Titled, "I Want Your Love." Sizzling. Does anyone know if this is a part of a larger movie?

This is part of a movie done by Travis Mathews. It centers around gay guys and what happens in their bedrooms. It did not get the funding it needed to really explode on the scene, but the parts that are "out there" are fantastic! Check here for more info:
[video]http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=i+want+your+love+2010&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAAErANT_AHvTx-gAAAAOCAQiCi9tLzBobmJtbDXdUuK4DBhC1D_Y5u3i_OwI95Ib lKMZjRwrAAAA&sa=X&ei=4ChhUZi4C4S_2QWZh4HIAw&sqi=2&ved=0CH8Q6RM&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.b2I&fp=bd8098778f2e0b10&biw=1366&bih=651[/video]
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Safer than a site like xvideos... Try this link instead...


(you'll need a program like utorrent (http://www.utorrent.com)

I Want Your Love
Two best friends playfully negotiate their way toward having sex together for the first time. It's a familiar scenario that most gay men can relate to, and one not as uncomplicated as these two friends would prefer.
source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1765849/

BEWARE - Utorrent are allegedly full of viruses.
One tend to find viruses mostly in executable files. Even if your .mp4 file contained a virus, your media player would still not be able to read the encrypted virus.

read: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090824230607AADRt2G

According to Virus Software company McAffee, http://www.mcafee.com/sg/resources/reports/rp-malicious-media-files.pdf

"Trojan media files are increasingly employed as an infection vector, with attackers exploiting design issues or undocumented features in file formats. Modern media file formats allow for hyperlinks to be embedded inside and are frequently misused as a vehicle for web-centric attacks. Unlike the notorious history associated with executable, Microsoft Office, or PDF files, media files are often perceived as trustworthy by users. And malware authors have been quick to capitalize by using exploit-laden media files to propagate malware."

There was a report on ABC News also related: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=3445887&page=1

"Media players in personal computers have serious vulnerabilities that could allow online criminals to attach malicious code and infect computers...As a result, audio and video downloads can be turned into digital weapons that hackers could use to hijack or corrupt computers…"

MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) files are used to store digital video and audio streams defined by MPEG, but they can also be used to store other data to include subtitles and still images. Almost any type of file can contain viral/malicious code but only executable files can actually activate and spread the malware.

Malware writers have been known to use fake audio files and fake video codecs which look legitimate but are actually Trojans in disguise. Some types of malware may even disguise itself by hiding a file extension or adding to the existing extension.
Never experienced an infected .mp4 file ever myself, or could find examples on Google of known such files. Tested the movie before posting the link, and this one does not contain a virus.

Visiting unknown websites that seem to good to be true, is far more risky. Many are attack websites, that execute Java code to install adware, worms etc.