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A suggestion - DK/Paul Canon extravanganza

:welcome: back Rudy!!!!!! It's great to see you here again!

I do think that Damien & Paul either have made or will make a video of themselves as they are so popular both here and on social media as well and their fans really want to see it. :001_smile:

We will sit back and anticipate... Social media yes they are popular and for me is they continue to reply to all the tweets they receive which shows, we appreciate them as they do us (Special individuals
Honestly I think its a great Idea. Theres alot that needs 2 be said and to only hold it all back will only cause more confusion amoung many of the members. As there is now.

I find this observation from Damien Kyle most interesting. While there are many members who think, believe, or would like to believe that Damien and Paul are in a sexual loving relationship, both of them have stated on more than one occasion that they are not.

Damien implies that it would be a good idea to do this video to clarify confusion among many of the members. One could infer that they would reveal that they are as they have always said just very close and good friends. However, if they were to reveal that they are in a sexual and loving relationship then people might very well get upset, accusing them of lying all this time.

There is also a business factor in all this from Broke Straight Boys's viewpoint.

It seems to me that if they think it is important to clear up whatever confusion might exist among members about their relationship, they could just as easily create a joint thread and post on it together whatever it is they want to clarify and want us to know about their relationship.

As for me, while it might be nice to fantasize about them as a couple because they do make a nice looking one, I have to ultimately take them at their word unless they reveal otherwise.
:welcome: back Rudy!!!!!! It's great to see you here again!

I do think that Damien & Paul either have made or will make a video of themselves as they are so popular both here and on social media as well and their fans really want to see it. :001_smile:

Thanks Mike :biggrin: :thumbup1: so true they're very popular. It will be amazing and one of a kind (in a good way)
I do apologise in advance Damien Kyle and PC if we have already got your wedding plans sorted! But soon as we find another suitor for either one or both of you we will have you divorced as fast as we got you married..lmao

Thanks InspireMe for the great laugh :001_tongue: As I read this I pictured them walking down the aisle lol. However their wonderful friendship is so awesome and one can only fantasize or dream of it becoming more.
I find this observation from Damien Kyle most interesting. While there are many members who think, believe, or would like to believe that Damien and Paul are in a sexual loving relationship, both of them have stated on more than one occasion that they are not.

I do apologise to both Damien Kyle, PC and the forum for allowing my fantasy run wild as a newbie I was not aware that this had been clarified by the men.
I find this observation from Damien Kyle most interesting. While there are many members who think, believe, or would like to believe that Damien and Paul are in a sexual loving relationship, both of them have stated on more than one occasion that they are not.

I do apologise to both Damien Kyle, PC and the forum for allowing my fantasy run wild as a newbie I was not aware that this had been clarified by the men.

There is no need to apologize Inspire. Many forumites express their fantasies and that's great - I think we all share what we feel comfortable in sharing. Frankly, I'd rather read your fantasy than some of the things people post which we are expected to believe are real.

I just thought Damien Kyle's observation was interesting in that he perceives a need to clarify confusion among members, but what that confusion is and how members will react to the clarification will be interesting to observe.
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I would just like to clarify ~

By suggesting this set of scenes, I was not intending to suggest that Damien Kyle and Paul share personal information which would be compromising to their privacy, or comfort.

Both Damien Kyle and Paul have given us very personal interviews on BTS already, treating issues which are very important to them. What I had in mind (much more) was a light-hearted but sincere discussion of how they came to be friends in the Broke Straight Boys scenario, and perhaps a little insight into some of the fun they've had, and places they've been, as friends.

Followed up (if possible) by a couple of GREAT erotic scenes, which I think they are capable of - because they seem to have great chemistry together.

That's it, that's all.

"A". :blushing:
I would just like to clarify ~

By suggesting this set of scenes, I was not intending to suggest that Damien Kyle and Paul share personal information which would be compromising to their privacy, or comfort.

Both Damien Kyle and Paul have given us very personal interviews on BTS already, treating issues which are very important to them. What I had in mind (much more) was a light-hearted but sincere discussion of how they came to be friends in the Broke Straight Boys scenario, and perhaps a little insight into some of the fun they've had, and places they've been, as friends.

Followed up (if possible) by a couple of GREAT erotic scenes, which I think they are capable of - because they seem to have great chemistry together.

That's it, that's all.

"A". :blushing:

Very true Ambi. Hell, most times I'm spent just "thinking" about the pair!:bump:

And they came back for too shitty scenes that were not worthy of ether of them .They brought them back cause we wanted them.
Just to shut us up.
Still shots or selfies of them are more fun than most of the crap than most of the recent scenes. Save for
Brandon and Zeno Kostas. Jason is gone. Give us Paul and Damien.
I dunno ~

Maybe this is daft, but I would like to suggest something, which I, personally, think would go over rather well.

I think it would be AWESOME to see TWO VIDEOS in SERIES, featuring Mr. Paul Canon, and Mr. Damien Kyle, up-close and personal.

#1 would be an "up-close-and personal" interview (with lots of naked and playing and mischievous shots, interspersed) conducted by Sha - in which Sha would sit Damien Kyle and Paul down on the couch, and question them closely on how they got to be such good friends, since first meeting on Broke Straight Boys And asking them about the whole course of their friendship, and obvious affection for one another.

#2 would be a passionate "flip-flop scene" with Damien Kyle and Paul, in which they GIVE VENT and FULL REIN to all that affection for each other. (And if this stretched into TWO videos - Damien Kyle f***ing Paul, and Paul f***ing Damien Kyle - I'd love that, too. In fact, that would count for BONUS POINTS.

I wonder if anyone else would be up for a videographic dyad, like that???? (I would bet the last, depreciated, Canadian five-dollar bill in my back-pocket, that JOHNNY from San Francisco would be up for it!!! Maybe Beth, too!) But I bet a lot of other members would like it, too - a little narrative, a little "bromance", and a little HOT SEX. I bet Damian Christopher could direct this up, JUST RIGHT.

Just a thought. Of course, if you agree - post about it. I don't know, but, right about now, I could use a little inspiration ;-)


*"BAD THINGS" ~ Jace Everett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMPNjPpdjKU

P.S. Are you up for this, Damien Kyle??? ;-)))

This a great idea, would love to see it happen...But I would add 1 small part to that...allow the members ( us ) to send in questions for them to answer in a "after the scene" chat....Of course i might be biased on several fronts....I enjoy Damien Kyle and Paul immensely, and love when they talk to the models / actors....
This a great idea, would love to see it happen...But I would add 1 small part to that...allow the members ( us ) to send in questions for them to answer in a "after the scene" chat....Of course i might be biased on several fronts....I enjoy Damien Kyle and Paul immensely, and love when they talk to the models / actors....


Super idea, Rafe!

Just a footnote -

I am still keeping my fingers crossed for this tantalizing nexus of scenes, to transpire. "Ask, and ye shall receive" - so saith the Good Book. Well, I'm going to keep ASKING.

Because it's conceivable; attainable; and (I think) could be an award-winning montage for the television programme. When it is ready to air. (Hush, Jon ;-)

"A" :)))))))