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A question for David


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score

Since your reign as our beloved director is drawing to a close, care to shed light on any trade secrets? Funny stories involving any of the more popular shoots/models? What exactly goes down when planning a scene? How tightly are the scenes scripted? Now, don't give away your golden formula for turning lead into gold (or straights into gays)! I believe it would add some flavor to the "old sauce."


Since your reign as our beloved director is drawing to a close, care to shed light on any trade secrets? Funny stories involving any of the more popular shoots/models? What exactly goes down when planning a scene? How tightly are the scenes scripted? Now, don't give away your golden formula for turning lead into gold (or straights into gays)! I believe it would add some flavor to the "old sauce."


Wow! This is a great post. I will post some stuff soon-later on today. I have models here and we have to go and film Boy Gusher content :thumbup:

Please stay tuned to this thread!!!


Since your reign as our beloved director is drawing to a close, care to shed light on any trade secrets? Funny stories involving any of the more popular shoots/models? What exactly goes down when planning a scene? How tightly are the scenes scripted? Now, don't give away your golden formula for turning lead into gold (or straights into gays)! I believe it would add some flavor to the "old sauce."


Well I guess its no surprise to many that D&E Productions will no longer be filming content for the Broke Straight Boys site. We've been filming Broke Straight Boys content since the start and it was one hell of a ride and experience. There have been so many things that has happen to us and so many models that have gone through our doors in the past 6.5 years.

I will say the time period between the start of CJ and Tyler and Dustin (Andrew Grande) and Danny and when Diesal started along with Austin and a few others like Logan and Mikey and his cousin was the best time for D&E and the pinnacle and high point of Broke Straight Boys I don't think those days will ever be seen again. That group of guys were awesome! They had such chemistry on and off camera and we had so much fun filming them and having them in our home. I would say that was the best and greatest time and experience we had filming Broke Straight Boys

One story that always sticks out in my mind was the scene of JACOB, KYLE, & MORGAN - Jul 7, 2007. This was truly Kyles first time filming porn and he has never did anything with a guy before. He started sucking on Mogan's dick and the poor boy turned green. I stopped the camera and asked Kyle if he was going to be okay and before you know it he ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

My all time favorite scene is or was ALDEN & ROBERT - Oct 11, 2008. That was the only scene that I turned me on. From all the content that I've film over the years, this scene really turned me on.

My favorite model, which will come to a surprise to many was:Giovanni. He reminded me of me when I was his age and we had so much in common his nickname that week was "mini me". The things he would say and his mannerisms and his likes and dislikes mirrored my own.

My second favorite model but I don't really consider him a model so I don't like placing him in the "model" category is Tyler. He is like my Son, if I ever had a child (which I doubt) I consider Tyler my adopted Son.

Throughout the weeks I will share more fun stories and post them to this thread.
No. Broke Straight Boys is going to be stronger then ever and I'm sure the new director and the folks filming the new Broke Straight Boys content will do a great job!

David, as you know I've been a member for quite a well and I've loved so many of your films - but not all, but that is life. You and Eddie have a great relationship and this shows in your productions for all the sites you film for. So here are a few questions I hope you can answer:

Now that you have admitted that you will no longer be filming Broke Straight Boys films, will you be continuing with College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher ? And if so will we be able to get these updates with our current subscription.

If the answer to the above question is no, but you will be continuing directing some porn, would you please be so kind to direct me to your new site.

Thank you David and Eddie - Your rock - oerrr do I sound like an American

jon xx
David, In this thread,you mentioned some of your favorite models. I'm really sad to see that the rumors have been correct and that you'll be leaving Broke Straight Boys Any chance of having a 'reunion' of some or all of your favs before your departure? That would be hot even they just sat on the futon and told stories about their 'futon memories'. Personally, I think that would be a great way to bring down the curtain on your 6.5 years of filming (excellently, I might add) Broke Straight Boys Hopefully, we'll get to know what is in your future
David you are such an awesome person. Your reminiscences are going to be such a fitting way to wind down your association with this website. I might not be the only one you've made a bit teary eyed with the first installment. Not for the first time in connection with you I remembered when my liver and white pointer bitch had her only litter, one pup more than she had nipples. I was about 11 and had officiated at the birth one morning when it was still dark, fascinated and stunned at what was happening with her. She gave birth in a big cardboard box lined with lots of clean cotton castoff clothes and when she'd had all her puppies I went up from the basement to tell everyone how many babies she had. When I came back down, there were two more.

You told us about how you have the Brokies to stay at your place, and how you run a tight ship and look after them while they're there. I thought then about Chocolate and her litter, one pup more than she could suckle at a time. Whichever one it was at any given meal she always made sure that the odd man out got his turn. She was a mixture of patience and exasperation, just as I picture you with a houseful of cute assed troublemakers. You talk about Tyler and how you sort of feel like he's your son? I know from his 10 random facts that he never knew his real mother. I wonder if it's ever struck him that in a very inappropriate and anatomically impossible way, it's you.
I will say the time period between the start of CJ and Tyler and Dustin (Andrew Grande) and Danny and when Diesal started along with Austin and a few others like Logan and Mikey and his cousin was the best time for D&E and the pinnacle and high point of Broke Straight Boys I don't think those days will ever be seen again. That group of guys were awesome! They had such chemistry on and off camera and we had so much fun filming them and having them in our home. I would say that was the best and greatest time and experience we had filming Broke Straight Boys

My all time favorite scene is or was ALDEN & ROBERT - Oct 11, 2008. That was the only scene that I turned me on. From all the content that I've film over the years, this scene really turned me on.
Thank you David. This retrospective is exactly what's needed on this site, during this transitional period. It is very much appreciated. :thumbup:

Specifically, I like knowing what a great time you and Eddy had housing and filming CJ, Tyler, Dustin, Danny in the early says followed by Diesal, Logan and the cousins. Those were the "peak" years of the site, and I'm sure you have vivid lifetime memories of having these guys in your home and studio for a week at a time. It must be a very special memory for you.

And the Alden and Robert scene is also my favorite of all time. And strangely one of my two favorite moments in Broke Straight Boys history was when you reached into Alden's tighty whities and pulled the band out and reached in a held his cock in your hand. I would of done exactly the same thing, the same way. That moment made me realize that David, you represent me and all of the other viewers, and we live vicariously through your interactions with the models. When I was a kid, I thought that the best job in the world would be working behind the counter in a candy store, (an old time New York City tradition), making egg creams, and milk shakes and malteds and mixing cherry cokes. But as an adult, I think you have the best job in the world.

I know that I will thoroughly enjoy your retrospective of a six and a half year "hell of a ride". And thank you Mark, for allowing David to speak openly and honestly about the changeover on the site.
My all time favorite scene is or was ALDEN & ROBERT - Oct 11, 2008. That was the only scene that I turned me on. From all the content that I've film over the years, this scene really turned me on.

I know why this episode is your all time favourite you got to do what so many of us wished we could do (me at the head of the queue) - feel up the gorgeous Alden.
Seriously though it was a very hot scene & Alden is an incredibly gorgeous guy.

BTW I will still be watching College Boy Physicals & Boy Gusher as I know you are not going away totally
Wow! I'm a bit choked up reading everyone's response and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will still be around and will continue filming College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites.

I'm not going anywhere unless Mark bans me from this forum so I will still be around, just because we are not filming Broke Straight Boys, we are not dead or going anywhere anytime soon.

I will continue posting on this thread with some more interesting stories about Broke Straight Boys scenes from the past.

Wow! I'm a bit choked up reading everyone's response and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will still be around and will continue filming College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites.

I'm not going anywhere unless Mark bans me from this forum so I will still be around, just because we are not filming Broke Straight Boys, we are not dead or going anywhere anytime soon.

I will continue posting on this thread with some more interesting stories about Broke Straight Boys scenes from the past.


That's more like it. :thumbup1:
Wow! I'm a bit choked up reading everyone's response and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will still be around and will continue filming College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites.

I'm not going anywhere unless Mark bans me from this forum so I will still be around, just because we are not filming Broke Straight Boys, we are not dead or going anywhere anytime soon.

I will continue posting on this thread with some more interesting stories about Broke Straight Boys scenes from the past.


Great news David about you continue to film College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher, those students need caring for lol. I just hope that Mark continues to include them in the Bonus sites - Mark hope you're listening.

So if your films are running 6 months behind will you tell us what will be your last film that you have directed for Broke Straight Boys Thanks x
Great news David about you continue to film College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher, those students need caring for lol. I just hope that Mark continues to include them in the Bonus sites - Mark hope you're listening.

So if your films are running 6 months behind will you tell us what will be your last film that you have directed for Broke Straight Boys Thanks x

All the bonus sites will stay the same. :)
Well David, (once again) I am apologizing to you PUBLICLY for the harsh/blanket criticism. Now knowing it was NOT YOU that 'approved' of that 'infamous' update, makes ME feel like MORE of a SHITHEAD.

Please understand, that from MY POV, as well the 'title' of the production studio, "D&E ", I was under the implied impression, (redundant), that YOU had the final say in what makes it to VIEWABLE updates.

Thank you.

P.S. I hould hope that you would consider removing the 'block' you have on my SN as I tried to PM you, and it came back with basically, 'blocked'
Here is another crazy experience that happen several years back and perhaps you can see the stress that we had to deal with, its a funny story to tell, but at the time we were all freaked out!

A model from Los Angeles applied. He was really good-looking, he kind of looked like Logan but with blonde hair and I was super excited to film him for Broke Straight Boys I was actually going to pair him up with Tyler.

Tyler arrived early in the day and later that day this model was arriving. I asked Tyler if he wanted to come with me to the airport, and he was willing to go for the ride and was excited to see this model as well.

We got to the airport and this guy comes off the plane and we meet him in the baggage area and he was annoying other fellow passengers from his flight. He noticed me with my sign that reads D&E PRODUCTIONS and comes towards Tyler and myself. This guy was so strung out and was shaking and bouncing all over the place and super hyper. Both Tyler and I knew something was wrong with this guy. He got his bags and we proceeded back to my town home.

As we got out of the airport, Tyler whispers in my ear that the guy is strung out and is on meth or coming down from meth. I said, "Tyler, how do you know the guy is on meth?" Tyler response back, "Watch he's going to ask for a menthol cigarette." It didn't take 2 seconds thereafter and this guy asked for a menthol cigarette. I couldn't believe it and Tyler just looked at me and smirked with sarcasim.

At the time Tyler did smoke cigarettes but not menthol so he offers the guy a cigarette and they smoked. After smoking we all got into the car and started driving.

Tyler was sitting in the passenger seat and I was driving and this guy was in the back looking outside from the car window, speaking softly repeating and chatting, "Oh! fast cars, fast cars...roller coaster up & down, up & down". Like some kind of crazy person. We tried to start conversation and he went on to tell us that our government is part of the transformers and that the government is going to control us and other countries by having the transformers take over the world and he kept on going with this conspiracy theory about the transformers and our government. Both Tyler and I couldn't help it and we start laughing, we just couldn't help it.

This guy got so offended that he started yelling and telling us off and screaming in my car and calling both Tyler and I names. By this time, we were approaching my home and I slammed on the breaks and I turned around and looked this guy in the eyes and basically told him that if he doesn't stop it and if he continues to act like this, I'm turning the car around and bring him back to the airport and dropping his ass off and leaving him at the Ft.Lauderdale airport to figure it out!

I quite down for a moment and continue arguing with me, screaming at me, "your not my Mother, you can't threaten me, who do you think you are?" So we pulled up into my drive way, and I told him before he gets into my house he better chill out, Tyler gives him another cigarette and as Tyler and I go into my home, he's out side smoking. I immediately called Eddie and told him the story and Tyler refused to work with this model. Eddie in the meanwhile was at the supermarket with Dustin (Andrew) on his way home. As the boy starts to walk into my home, Eddie and Dustin was right behind him with Eddie asking this guy in a firm voice, "what the hell is going on with you". Tyler breaks down and tells Dustin and Eddie the whole story and this guy turns to Eddie and goes in a very calm voice and normal attitude and tells Eddie, "I have NO clue what these guys are talking about, they are making up the whole story." He was making us out like we were the crazy ones. Both Tyler and I were like, Hell no!!! But Eddie didn't take sides and we threw the guy out and Dustin took his bag and Eddie escorted him outside and place this guy into the car and drove him back to the airport leaving him there at Ft.Lauderdale to figure it out, never hearing from him again!

We did find out that he got home safe and left on a flight stand-by within a few hours of us dropping him off so no worries. This was one of our crazier moments we had to deal with and unfortunately we couldn't film him. It was scary at the time, but its a great fun story to tell and we laugh about it now.