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A message from your neighborhood Home Depot

I cannot watch that video in the uk, but I am still in touch with Undie x

Dear Jon,

Is there anything I can do to the format to forward this clip to where you can open it? I would be happy to send it directly to your e-mail if that would help. Let me know if I can help you out!

With Singapore having such draconian anti-gay laws, I just really hate for Undie to find himself in such an potentially punitive homophobic environment. I have no doubt Undie's survival instincts are strong and well-informed, but in such an environment, it only takes one person talking too much to the authorities, to become someone the authorities want to make an example of. I wish him a long and happy life safe from having to deal with such bigotry from Singapore's legal system.


A couple more videos have come out on this event that I found very heartwarming as well. :)

The mother of the guy being proposed to at one point uses sign language by closing her hands, crossing her arms across her chest and pointing to him. That's ASL deaf sign language for, "I love you." Just before he approaches to propose, the suitor does the same sign to him by crossing his arms across his chest and pointing to his soon to-be-fiancé.

Here's a link to the video for Ellen DeGeneres' show where she has the lucky couple on for an interview as guests.

I am also struck by the irony of this happening in Mormon Central of Salt Lake City, Utah. Just a few short years ago the LDS Church funneled million of dollars into funding passage of Prop 8 in California. Now an event has happened on their front doorstep which has gone viral with national praise. The times they are a changin'. :) :thumbup1:
