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A love letter to Jon


BSB Addict
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Darling, I love your music threads! I think the thought behind them is brilliant and I've so enjoyed posting songs and finding new music to love! I love hearing what other members love to listen to and I love sharing what I love with you. However, and this pains me terribly, I've been unable to participate for months on either thread because they crash my iPhone each and every time!!!!! This is a source of frustration for me because I can't figure out why. I can't even post a simple smiley face in reply.

(Of course I could use my laptop, but that is so frustrating because its dying, and I've no funds to replace it)

Your very sad and disappointed friend,

Darling, I love your music threads! I think the thought behind them is brilliant and I've so enjoyed posting songs and finding new music to love! I love hearing what other members love to listen to and I love sharing what I love with you. However, and this pains me terribly, I've been unable to participate for months on either thread because they crash my iPhone each and every time!!!!! This is a source of frustration for me because I can't figure out why. I can't even post a simple smiley face in reply.

(Of course I could use my laptop, but that is so frustrating because its dying, and I've no funds to replace it)

Your very sad and disappointed friend,


Dearest Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your Iphone problems but cannot understand how you cannot listen to the links and yet probably watch the porn.. assuming of course that you do watch the porn on your phone. I personally very very rarely use my phone for accessing this site. It's much better on the bigger screen. May I suggest "borrowing" one of your boys laptops or pcs when you want to come on the site, or batter your husband for more funds to repair your lappy..

Maybe Robert has a few suggestions...
There you go Laura - get the above. BTW Robert do you have the said phone and if so, do you watch films and youtube video links from the forum ?