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A letter to Admin for the THANK LESS job you do!


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
I had some time on my hands and decided to read as many Forum Posts as I could tolerate in one sitting. It made me realize what a "Thank Less" job the administration of this porn site has! Whenever there are inquiries about models past or present, if and whenever possible, admin addresses what they can regarding a models status for future filming. Many times I've read that there has been an attempt to contact certain models whom fans seem to favorite and admin reaches out to them. If there is no reply or the model is simply not available, that's certainly not something admin has control over.

There are numerous complaints from time to time about the over use of models because they obviously were available for filming and admin was able to put together as many various pairings among the available models for that shooting session. There's the ever present request for New, unseen in scene models and when admin is able to bring new faces, it's not long before there is a cry for models past.....again!

I've personally enjoyed the models and the work that has gone into providing entertainment on this site. I also understand that there is a lot of work involved in: Finding new models to film as well as trying to keep a steady flow of work for models who've appeared on the site as their schedule allows.

You have a very THANK LESS JOB! What goes on behind the scenes is work that members cannot begin to appreciate, I'm sure.
You receive praise for some things but are vilified for others, yet you still provide some of the best entertainment one can expect from viewing porn on a web site (depending on their taste of course).

With regard to the models that I've enjoyed who are either no longer available or have moved on...there are the scenes already filmed in the Vast Achieve of scenes and BTS for me to revisit. If I really have a burning desire to follow up with a model (which is not hard to do on the internet) I check out any number of social media outlets available if they are still active. Sure, it requires work on MY part but, I also realize that admin is not the Keeper of the models past or present...LOL

So, thank you for All that you do admin.....As opposed to "What you don't........"
The current person representing "admin" on Broke Straight Boys is Bryce, whom I agree with betu is doing an excellent job of responding to membership queries and complaints. We have been through a number of company representatives who were "the face" of Broke Straight Boys on the forum over the years that I've been a member and I agree that Bryce is one of the finest, most up front reps through the years.

And I agree that it can be a thankless job for in any aspect of a consumer driven business, they will always be varying ideas of in the public's mind of what is good or right, but especially in porn there will be an even wider variance in people's taste, as human sexuality has endless variations. So again, I do believe that Bryce does an excellent job of being a liaison between ownership and membership. So I echo Betu's comments and say Thank you Bryce! :nicethread:
The current person representing "admin" on Broke Straight Boys is Bryce, :

Unlike my "myopic" friend who sees things through a Telephoto Lens rather than a Wide Angle LOL....(inside joke) my post is all encompassing to all who work on the Other side of the forum, from the person who gets coffee to the desk clerk answering the phone and everyone in between! That's Admin to me! So, I hope that covers it!:001_tongue:
Okay, I have to add my:2c:dd to express this same sentiment. Bryce and Sha have been doing a great job, and that's coming from someone who had a major rant :angry2:not that long ago. Of course, I was wrong and to this day don't know why the hell I felt the way I did. And Ronan Kennedy was very sincere and mature responding to my complaint. I have no doubt that you are doing everything you can to find new models and invite former models to return. Not all of these guys are full-time professional adult entertainers, and frankly those part-timers are the ones I tend to like. It's not like the number of guys lining up to work in porn are as plentiful as the number of guys applying to Walmart (and I think I'm grateful for that).

Keep up the good work! Broke Straight Boys is the best out there!
Unlike my "myopic" friend who sees things through a Telephoto Lens rather than a Wide Angle LOL....(inside joke) my post is all encompassing to all who work on the Other side of the forum, from the person who gets coffee to the desk clerk answering the phone and everyone in between! That's Admin to me! So, I hope that covers it!:001_tongue:
Call it "myopia" if you like, my friend, but I've been around here long enough to be able to see very definite changes in the "attitude" of those who represent management with us on the forum over the years, and I can only make judgments based on those who interact with us, and not the person who gets coffee, or answers the office phone. lol

Mark, the owner of the site has been the one constant in communicating with us on the forum, over the years. Original director David was a very active participant on the forum, and gave us much information. Clay was reticent to post and we did not even know his name for months, and former forumite RRHill decided that he sounded like a "Matthew", so we called him that for a while, until he finally came out to meet and greet us on the forum, and Clay did make a handful of posts, but never seemed totally comfortable with the give and take with membership.

Johnny Robbins became a great communicator with the forum, and in fact told us he would stop his "signature move" of putting his hands in the scenes, as it bothered some forumites. He also explained his "gonzo" style of film making, and seemed to enjoy asking for advise and exchanging thoughts with membership. He was terrific with us during his period as director. Later Damian Christopher became a "jack of all trades" at Broke Straight Boys, as he communicated with us about his role with Mark and the site, first as a photographer, then with the Broke Straight Boys-TV project, and he eventually "filled in" for Johnny when he took "ill", as director of the actual scenes. I never felt comfortable with his style of posting as it always seemed as he was "talking down" to us rather than to us, but maybe that's just me.

In addition to Mark and the directors posting, Sha has been here the whole time, as has Chuck, and we had Scorpion in the early forum days as well as WebMonkey for a while who I always enjoyed reading. But today Bryce fills the role of "admin" and I really enjoy his open and friendly style of communicating and offering customer service to his loyal public. So Betu, I'm sorry if you see my compartmentalizing of the various members of management as being myopic, but I see each era and representative during their time here as an individual and not one cumulative monolith. But again I do find the current liaison between management and membership, Bryce to be terrific and I of course understand that he and Sha have a lot of duties and are in no way obligated to post, but I appreciate and respect his transparency with the forum, when he takes the time to come on here.
Okay, I have to add my:2c:dd to express this same sentiment. Bryce and Sha have been doing a great job, and that's coming from someone who had a major rant :angry2:not that long ago. Of course, I was wrong and to this day don't know why the hell I felt the way I did. And Ronan Kennedy was very sincere and mature responding to my complaint. I have no doubt that you are doing everything you can to find new models and invite former models to return. Not all of these guys are full-time professional adult entertainers, and frankly those part-timers are the ones I tend to like. It's not like the number of guys lining up to work in porn are as plentiful as the number of guys applying to Walmart (and I think I'm grateful for that).

Keep up the good work! Broke Straight Boys is the best out there!
Great post oldfart63! For a newbie here, I really feel like you "get it" and I agree with so much of what you say!!!! :thumbup1:
Thank you admin, you are appreciated!!! wow 6 posts and half are Mikeyanks??? lol why don't you go outside once in awhile....lol
Indeed, it may be THANKLESS, but it is not much different than any other service industry where customers have any voice and are free to share their opinions. Having ground through the service industry myself for over 30 years I know that most "opinions" you hear are the negative ones. I don't know if its just human nature or if people feel entitled to complain if they are spending their money on something. Whatever. Its just an unfortunate part of any people-related industry. Other customers have the idea that if someone is unhappy or complains about something they should just leave or not do business there. I have been told that here, myself. :cya: Yet that is a very short-sighted and stupid thing to say from a business standpoint. Imagine if every customer (or member) who complained about something was told that and did so. It would be catastrophic for any business. I know first-hand that Broke Straight Boys has been going to extensive and extreme lengths to get former members to come back, so suggesting those who were unhappy about anything leave would be the last thing they would condone. So while the complaints and nit-picking may seem endless or ridiculous to some members, those on the business-side of things I sure take them in stride as just part of the job (and often graciously address them on the forums, which they are not obliged to do, but does show management listens and is interested enough in what their paying members have to say. Some of these "complaints" lead to great changes -- we've seen some recently -- while other are just politely ignored. You can't please everyone).

But as a member who has been vocal with his opinions -- good and bad -- I'll add my voice to the THANK YOU to Bryce and Mark and Sha and the rest of the Broke Straight Boys/BluMedia crew for a job well done. :thumbup:
Thank you admin, you are appreciated!!! wow 6 posts and half are Mikeyanks??? lol why don't you go outside once in awhile....lol
I'm like a delicate flower who needs to be persevered in a controlled environment. lol

And if you must know, I will be going out shortly to the gym, at the same time that some of the college boys from across the street get out of school, and I will be there to "mentor" them in their workouts, and in the locker-room. lol

I enjoy being a positive influence on the young men of Brooklyn! :001_tt2: :wink:
Indeed, it may be THANKLESS, but it is not much different than any other service industry where customers have any voice and are free to share their opinions. Having ground through the service industry myself for over 30 years I know that most "opinions" you hear are the negative ones. I don't know if its just human nature or if people feel entitled to complain if they are spending their money on something. Whatever. Its just an unfortunate part of any people-related industry. Other customers have the idea that if someone is unhappy or complains about something they should just leave or not do business there. I have been told that here, myself. :cya: Yet that is a very short-sighted and stupid thing to say from a business standpoint. Imagine if every customer (or member) who complained about something was told that and did so. It would be catastrophic for any business. I know first-hand that Broke Straight Boys has been going to extensive and extreme lengths to get former members to come back, so suggesting those who were unhappy about anything leave would be the last thing they would condone. So while the complaints and nit-picking may seem endless or ridiculous to some members, those on the business-side of things I sure take them in stride as just part of the job (and often graciously address them on the forums, which they are not obliged to do, but does show management listens and is interested enough in what their paying members have to say. Some of these "complaints" lead to great changes -- we've seen some recently -- while other are just politely ignored. You can't please everyone).

But as a member who has been vocal with his opinions -- good and bad -- I'll add my voice to the THANK YOU to Bryce and Mark and Sha and the rest of the Broke Straight Boys/BluMedia crew for a job well done. :thumbup:
Good post Scott! :thumbup1:

And we had an example of Bryce and the team being proactive earlier this week, when a model insulted a member on the forum, and Byrce stepped in and removed the post and at least temporarily banned the model from the forum. I worked for a business for over thirty years, and while I was not directly involved with customer service there, my former employer once told me that when you lose one customer, you actually are losing a lot more as word spreads and that every customer is extremely important to any business.
Great post oldfart63! For a newbie here, I really feel like you "get it" and I agree with so much of what you say!!!! :thumbup1:

Thanks Mikeyank. While I may be a "newbie" to the forum, I've been a member of Broke Straight Boys, on and off, for many years. Anybody who's been a part of any theatrical production whether it was at a high school, college, or community level, should realize all the work involved in getting to the finished product. Add video production to the mix, and it's even more complex. I think the best phrase I've heard that would sum it all up was one I saw on the marquee of a strip club that I used to pass on the way to work. It simply said, "It's a business doing pleasure with you." And I think Broke Straight Boys does there business very well.
Thanks for the post and all the compliments. I really do have an amazing team that truly work their asses off and care so much about this company. It just started with just me and then I hired Chuck to start helping me. Back then I worked like a dog putting in 15-20 hours a day. I have learned to let go of so many things that were tough for me because I was just used to doing them but it has helped the company as a whole. I've had people come and go but the heart of the company has remained the same. We have all become really good friends and we work together really well. We continue to try to improve the site on a daily basis and your feedback is vital to us. We care what you think, what you like and don't like etc.

This site is also what is it today because of all of you, the members. Without you we couldn't support this site. So I thank each and every one of you for standing by us through our hiccups and everything else. Cheers to my amazing team and the amazing members on this site.

Nice post Mark! And the years I've been a member I have always felt the mgmt. has cared about the members..
I've always said that topics of conversation on this forum tend to "resurface" "repeat" (kind of like acid reflux...LOL) but since Tampa has been busy taking care of real life situations and hasn't posted in a while, I did find this comment he posted a while back regarding a different topic but, I felt the quoted comment he made at that time was appropriate to ad here! Hope you don't mind Tampa? (I just CUT and PASTED it..LOL)

"Thank you G. for speaking up also. So many times when the site is criticized, it's easy to lose track of all the good things going on in here. We do have a very good thing going here and most of us know it. And those in mgmt and operations of the site have much to be proud of here". :bump: