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A Great Idea


Oct 25, 2009
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I think that we really ought to put the spotlight on Tyler for the rest of this year and the first 7 months of the coming year. I think and would really encourage David and Mark to release at least 10 updates for Tyler when they release the current interview that they are working on to put up on the site. I also think they should at least put up a Tyler Video every other week for the remaing time that we keep the Spotlight on Tyler.

thank you for your support
I think that we really ought to put the spotlight on Tyler for the rest of this year and the first 7 months of the coming year. I think and would really encourage David and Mark to release at least 10 updates for Tyler when they release the current interview that they are working on to put up on the site. I also think they should at least put up a Tyler Video every other week for the remaing time that we keep the Spotlight on Tyler.

thank you for your support

There's some reason or other that Tyler isn't being filmed. Dave says he will do sessions with him from time to time, but we all know it will be May or June before we see anything that is shot now, in November. The famous solo session surely is coming up soon and that will be great. But why doesn't Broke Straight Boys have masses of Tyler videos coming down the line?


a) he's been there and done that

b) he's in a relationship that prevents his fooling around on the futon

c) his looks have changed enough that he (and they) are leery of destroying all the fans' illusions.

d) he's needed behind the camera to the point that he can't be subbed for even to get nekkid in a pile in front of it for just a couple of hours.

As for keeping the spotlight on him, my spotlight, hot and steaming, is always pointed at him.
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I like Tyler too! and although Tyler is one of our most popular models...we can't update the Broke Straight Boys site with all Tyler episodes. Tyler has done a lot more time on the futon but those scenes will be released next year so to help answer your questions about Tyler, he is still filming.

I know you guys are really passionate about Tyler and think he's hot...and we do get many that love Tyler...but we have to be fair and allow other new models appear on the site. Its also not fair for many of the other members that had contacted us that also don't like the fact we update Tyler so often and they too like to see a change and some new models. We get many emails saying, "enough with Tyler already"....LOL. However, we also get many emails that say we want to see Tyler and when is he coming back?

So to be fair to everyone, we are having him back and he will be back on the Broke Straight Boys site. He also works in our office/studio so Tyler is not gone but also working on other job duties. It is he, that makes sure the content you see on Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher is sent to Mark and everything looks pretty. It is he that helps films College Boy Physicals site and its he that helps take pics, so Tyler is a very busy boy!

But I assure you Tyler will be seen again on Broke Straight Boys :)
I knew some of that of course, but the reassurance means so much.

Thank you God.

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I like Tyler too! and although Tyler is one of our most popular models...we can't update the Broke Straight Boys site with all Tyler episodes. Tyler has done a lot more time on the futon but those scenes will be released next year so to help answer your questions about Tyler, he is still filming.

I know you guys are really passionate about Tyler and think he's hot...and we do get many that love Tyler...but we have to be fair and allow other new models appear on the site. Its also not fair for many of the other members that had contacted us that also don't like the fact we update Tyler so often and they too like to see a change and some new models. We get many emails saying, "enough with Tyler already"....LOL. However, we also get many emails that say we want to see Tyler and when is he coming back?

So to be fair to everyone, we are having him back and he will be back on the Broke Straight Boys site. He also works in our office/studio so Tyler is not gone but also working on other job duties. It is he, that makes sure the content you see on Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher is sent to Mark and everything looks pretty. It is he that helps films College Boy Physicals site and its he that helps take pics, so Tyler is a very busy boy!

But I assure you Tyler will be seen again on Broke Straight Boys :)

I am one of those members who find Tyler unremarkable. I have many other favourites ahead of Tyler. There are plenty of back episodes on the site for those who want to lust after him anew. It seems that every 6 weeks someone posts a "bring Tyler back" thread. Like David said - give the others a chance to register and impress.
well, it seems like everytime I get excited and really into this place than someone comes around and slaps me down. And now they tell me that there will be no more Tyler videos until next year. Well, if thats the way its going to be than fine, I can quit wasting so much of my time trying to fit in this place. I will finish my questions for Tyler later tonite and then I can stop annoying everyone on this pre-determined forum.
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well, it seems like everytime I get excited and really into this place than someone comes around and slaps me down. And now they tell me that there will be no more Tyler videos until next year. Well, if thats the way its going to be than fine, I can quit wasting so much of my time trying to fit in this place. I will finish my questions for Tyler later tonite and then I can stop annoying everyone on this pre-determined forum.

Disagreeing with you doesn't count as slapping you down and neither is getting an answer from management why there can't be a Broke Tyler Boy site. Even if they were, who cares? I find the best way to handle people trying to slap me down is to be more of whatever bugs them in the first place! Just chill and relax and keep on writing your stream of consciousness seven thousand word posts. It's like you're slim's spiritual grandson at times...
Oh and BTW, I'm in the camp that wouldn't miss the videos if Tyler retired to behind the camera completely...
well, it seems like everytime I get excited and really into this place than someone comes around and slaps me down. And now they tell me that there will be no more Tyler videos until next year. Well, if thats the way its going to be than fine, I can quit wasting so much of my time trying to fit in this place. I will finish my questions for Tyler later tonite and then I can stop annoying everyone on this pre-determined forum.



All good things come to people who are patient. Beside, too much a good thing can lead to bad things:

1. Too Much chocolate = A Pillsbury Doughboy!

2. Too Much sun = A french fry.

3. Too much alcohol = Sleeping curbside.

4. Too much sex = Shit. Well three out of 4.

Lastly, if your getting that excited, that's why God gave you two hands ROTATE THEM!

Live Long and Prosper,

well, it seems like everytime I get excited and really into this place than someone comes around and slaps me down. And now they tell me that there will be no more Tyler videos until next year. Well, if thats the way its going to be than fine, I can quit wasting so much of my time trying to fit in this place. I will finish my questions for Tyler later tonite and then I can stop annoying everyone on this pre-determined forum.
Casper, Please explain what you mean by calling this a pre-determined forum. You seem to have more clout here than the majority of us, as Mark responded to your plea for more Tyler sooner, with this response, "I'll see if I can get a Tyler update before the end of the year." When most of us request more of a model and to have the updates posted sooner, we are told to be patient.

And you don't annoy us with your posts. I find your posts to be most interesting, and entertaining.
I am one of those members who find Tyler unremarkable. I have many other favourites ahead of Tyler. There are plenty of back episodes on the site for those who want to lust after him anew. It seems that every 6 weeks someone posts a "bring Tyler back" thread. Like David said - give the others a chance to register and impress.

Got to agree there Centurion. Tyler is a nice guy and is good in front of the camera and behind it too. But at the end of the day, like the rest of us, he's just a number... Sorry to sound so crass. x