Note to management: There has been quite a bit of forum commentary lately about the dearth of new models and the repetitiveness of certain models. Take this coming week: You give us Blake fucking
Vadim Black on the 12th; Blake fucking Brandon on the 15th; and the orgy scene on the 17th. Talk about repeats. You could at least put the orgy scene in between the two Blake scenes or better yet give us only one Blake scene in a week unless there is a dearth of scenes to choose from and you have no choice. And while admittedly there is no driving necessity to show scenes in the order they were filmed, I think there is a need when the circumstance dictates. Last week we saw Brandon's last scene. And here we are getting another Brandon scene. It would have made it better from a continuity viewpoint to have given us this week's Brandon scene last week, and Brandon's last scene when it was in fact going to be his last one. I'm sure this doesn't bother many other, if any other, forumites and in the grand scheme of things it is hardly cosmic. But it really ruffles my anal retentive feathers a bit.