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18 year old, 10.5 inch cock


Active Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Damn.... I just got through sucking a 18 year old 10 and a half inches long cock, for four hours and fifteen minutes. I have either lost my touch or this is one tough boy. I am give out. I had to come to work to get a break. But I shall try again this afternoon, as he is waiting for me right now. Usual it takes only two to three minutes for guys his age. I shall try again. I will update you guys as to how it goes. and my throat hurts just a little. I wonder why?
Damn.... I just got through sucking a 18 year old 10 and a half inches long cock, for four hours and fifteen minutes. I have either lost my touch or this is one tough boy. I am give out. I had to come to work to get a break. But I shall try again this afternoon, as he is waiting for me right now. Usual it takes only two to three minutes for guys his age. I shall try again. I will update you guys as to how it goes. and my throat hurts just a little. I wonder why?

Dude more power to you... I know you will succeed here soon. I think many of are envious of your momentous task at hand...
Life's cruel joke

Damn.... I just got through sucking a 18 year old 10 and a half inches long cock, for four hours and fifteen minutes. I have either lost my touch or this is one tough boy. I am give out. I had to come to work to get a break. But I shall try again this afternoon, as he is waiting for me right now. Usual it takes only two to three minutes for guys his age. I shall try again. I will update you guys as to how it goes. and my throat hurts just a little. I wonder why?

There you have in your possession(of sorts) what should be one hot, hot encounter of a kid loaded to the hilt with male hormones and a libido at it's prime. I would suggest rubbing two sticks together to ignite your next "meating".:blushing: Hope his cum shot is in direct proportion to his cock length.

Before engaging on another pointless "four hours and fifteen minutes" of tonsil massage when your tonsils no longer exist, I would establish how recently he got off and how frequently he gets off daily.:masterbate: I hate to put out so much effort and only get barely a trickle in payoff. If things look promising, try a little prostate massage on the boy to pump him up in addition to everything else.:thumbup1: After all with such a mammoth cock, he has additional responsibilities to live up to and anything less would be a permanent mark against his manhood!:scared:
Damn.... I just got through sucking a 18 year old 10 and a half inches long cock, for four hours and fifteen minutes. I have either lost my touch or this is one tough boy. I am give out. I had to come to work to get a break. But I shall try again this afternoon, as he is waiting for me right now. Usual it takes only two to three minutes for guys his age. I shall try again. I will update you guys as to how it goes. and my throat hurts just a little. I wonder why?
That is fantastic news Jerrys, but you leave me wanting so much more information, like how you met him, and how did you're sucking his cock come about? And on this site particularly, but always of interest to me, what does he consider his "sexual persuasion" to be?

Any details that you could provide would enhance my next masturbatory session. :biggrin:
Yea! It took me 8 months, but I finally made Senior Member!!!!

Still only on Page 11 of the episodes though, and school just started back up today, so my watching time will be limited. My goal is to be caught up with Episodes by the end of the year.

So much work to do....

Last night took 65 minutes. I asked if it usually took that long for him to cum. His answer was, " This is the fasted he had ever came". I had a great time, and I don't think it was pointless......
Last night took 65 minutes. I asked if it usually took that long for him to cum. His answer was, " This is the fasted he had ever came". I had a great time, and I don't think it was pointless......

Congratulations. :blowjob: :thumbup: :waw:
My experience with guys that age is that if you put some pressure on the prostate right behind the balls they usually blow right away. If that doesn't work, he might be on anti-depressants, specifically SSRI's. When I was on them it would take at least an hour or more. Great for endurance, but most people don't have the patience or energy to help you to the finish.
Well if they get too much bigger than that you may need to throw it over your shoulder and burp it. LOL:lol: Toddo makes a great point. The same holds true if they have had a few beers or had some hard liquor.
Jayman, I had noticed that with Jon, specially if he had been drinking hard liquor, it took him a lot longer to blow, but with Jon, it usually takes him awhile unless he is really horny.

Jayman, I had noticed that with Jon, specially if he had been drinking hard liquor, it took him a lot longer to blow, but with Jon, it usually takes him awhile unless he is really horny.


The whole horny thing does play an important role too. Another thing I have found is sometimes the person just like to lay there lifeless and try to let you do all of the work. I guess that plays into horny or not. None the less it takes a lot of skill to get a guy off that does not work his hips or even try to assist in the process. That is the real challenge. Sometimes those guys can go t 2-3 hrs. and never have an orgasm.:bored:
The whole horny thing does play an important role too. Another thing I have found is sometimes the person just like to lay there lifeless and try to let you do all of the work. I guess that plays into horny or not. None the less it takes a lot of skill to get a guy off that does not work his hips or even try to assist in the process. That is the real challenge. Sometimes those guys can go t 2-3 hrs. and never have an orgasm.:bored:

Hi guys: No offense, buy I didn't ask for advice. I was just sharing an experience I am having. But thanks anyway......
Hi guys: No offense, buy I didn't ask for advice. I was just sharing an experience I am having. But thanks anyway......

Jerry S., It wasn't my intention to side track this thread by sharing information. I was kind of following the flow of an evolving conversation.

I am as envious as the next person and delighted that you have had the opportunity to take on the challenge of such an awesome cock. I do think you have many of us intrigued by this wonderful young 18 year old. I for one am dying to hear more about the guy with the 10.5 inch cock and how you guys met and how you came to being offered the job of bringing him to the point of orgasmic ecstasy.

Trust me when I say that the young man with the 10.5 inch cock and you are definitely the stars of this thread.
I am as envious as the next person and delighted that you have had the opportunity to take on the challenge of such an awesome cock. I do think you have many of us intrigued by this wonderful young 18 year old. I for one am dying to hear more about the guy with the 10.5 inch cock and how you guys met and how you came to being offered the job of bringing him to the point of orgasmic ecstasy.
Jerrys, I had asked the same questions as Jayman, after your initial post. Please understand that I and I'm sure many of my fellow forumite's are very happy for you, but you've given us an isolated piece of information, that begs for answers to the questions that Jay and myself have raised.

You have to see that it is quite unusual for a mature man to have at his disposal an 18 yo, who is waiting for your mouth to get him off, and the size of his cock is exceptionally unusual. In my long varied "career" as a cocksucker, I've never encountered 10 1/2" in person, so please understand our interest in this unusual lad. You've teased us with bits and pieces of information, so please understand our curiosity and interest in your young companion.
I will get a photo out asap. It looks great in the photo. No offense taken by what anyone said. Don't get me wrong. I will let everyone know as soon as I upload it.

ok, go to my home page and there he is.

Thank you for your understanding... Bless your heart.:blush: