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Jan 5, 2009
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This is the title of a new novel by Stephen King. I am a big King fan, but did get burned out a while back. This is 849 pages! It is the size of the unedited Stand. I am on page 87. The book weighs about 20 pounds; I could be wrong about this. I have to read it sitting up. If I read it laying down and fall asleep, it could be lethal. I am not sure if "laying down" is correct grammar, but since this is a porn site, I am not going to worry about it. Any other Stephen King fans out there?
This is the title of a new novel by Stephen King. I am a big King fan, but did get burned out a while back. This is 849 pages! It is the size of the unedited Stand. I am on page 87. The book weighs about 20 pounds; I could be wrong about this. I have to read it sitting up. If I read it laying down and fall asleep, it could be lethal. I am not sure if "laying down" is correct grammar, but since this is a porn site, I am not going to worry about it. Any other Stephen King fans out there?
I am not a big reader of books, but November 22, 1963 certainly strikes a cord in my system, for that was the scariest day in the life of a 13 year old kid who absolutely adored JFK.

What is this novel about? I imagine that King was also a young man on that tragic day.
I love Stephen King. Have read and/or seen most of his work. Some books The green mile, christine, cujo,dreamcatcher,salems lot and pet sematary were way better books then movies. Some movies Carry, misery and " REDRUM" haha were better movies. The only book that freaked me out when I read it was Pet Semetary. I finished it, couldn't believe what I just read and started over again. I haven't seen the new book yet, but will probably get it for summer reading.
my sister is a stephen king fan. too much horror for me.
but reading the nytimes book review.


it is a must read. and it will give something to talk to sis about.
i lived through the reality of the horror of 11/22/63.
the horror in fiction outdone by the horror in reality.

i often wonder, if i would change things if i could change things. how could i be certain that the decisions i take are the best or even correct.
i think our history is like our universe. when it becomes clear, you realize that is bearly anything revealed.
i think our history is like our universe. when it becomes clear, you realize that is bearly anything revealed.
ok, less try that last sentence again.
when it becomes clear to you, you realize there is barely anything revealed.
I like all the movies that he is in.. lol

Like a kid favorite of mine was the Langaliers! that one was good, and most people have never heard of it.

I loved the movie the Langeliers! Gripping, suspenseful drama at its best. And with a reasonably happy ending.
my sister is a stephen king fan. too much horror for me.
but reading the nytimes book review.


it is a must read. and it will give something to talk to sis about.
i lived through the reality of the horror of 11/22/63.
the horror in fiction outdone by the horror in reality.

i often wonder, if i would change things if i could change things. how could i be certain that the decisions i take are the best or even correct.
i think our history is like our universe. when it becomes clear, you realize that is bearly anything revealed.

I did read a review of this book in my local paper. It was probably from another major national paper. But in any case the story involves time travel, love found in unexpected places, drama, intrigue...the whole gamut. I'm sure it will be a good read.
Page 189. I continue to read. As for movies from books, the books usually win. It is really hard to condense a book into a 90 minute movie. Can any of you think of a movie based on a novel that really worked. "Catch 22" captured the novel, I think. I would be interested in your thinking on this.
I have to agree Tim that the movies cannot hold a candle to the books. That's true for just about every movie/book series that I have both watched and read. The Twilight series for instance is an example of movies that have not captured the book well at all. Especially so in regards to capturing the intensity of emotions between the protagonist of the movie, Bella..and her vampire love interest Edward. The acting and adherence to the book in that regard was really lacking. Of course that's true of most book/movie pairings on one level or another.

I can think of only one movie which I love that adheres pretty well to the book. It's the novel "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. It's a great book! I love the British English and the British cultural references of the early 1800's. Plus I actually love both major movies done on it. They both of course had to condense down the plot and leave some things out. I really enjoy the version of the movie with Colin Firth playing the lead male role. In some ways it adheres most closely to the book. Yet my favorite of the two is the movie with Matthew Mac Fayden in the lead male role. But you will not be disappointed by either one. I watch both of them from time to time. :)
Speaking of The King books... "The Body" novella which became "Stand by Me" was really close to reading the book. That's really a short story and not a full King novel. Just a point. It seems to work good for the short stories.... case in point, "Brokeback Mountain"
I have to agree Tim that the movies cannot hold a candle to the books. That's true for just about every movie/book series that I have both watched and read. The Twilight series for instance is an example of movies that have not captured the book well at all. Especially so in regards to capturing the intensity of emotions between the protagonist of the movie, Bella..and her vampire love interest Edward. The acting and adherence to the book in that regard was really lacking. Of course that's true of most book/movie pairings on one level or another.

I can think of only one movie which I love that adheres pretty well to the book. It's the novel "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. It's a great book! I love the British English and the British cultural references of the early 1800's. Plus I actually love both major movies done on it. They both of course had to condense down the plot and leave some things out. I really enjoy the version of the movie with Colin Firth playing the lead male role. In some ways it adheres most closely to the book. Yet my favorite of the two is the movie with Matthew Mac Fayden in the lead male role. But you will not be disappointed by either one. I watch both of them from time to time. :)
I saw the "Thornbirds" on tv first then read the book. In this case I loved both. Seeing the movie first I visualized what was happening while I was reading the book, it made the book exciting for me.:biggrin:
I'm half way thur the novel. So far, so good. It is a huge book. Steven, however, can let you down at the end. I think that is why I stopped reading him back when. Sometimes there is no "ending." Life is messy. I guess we both realized that.
Just finished the novel, all 849 pages of it. To us of a certain age, this was a major event. Steven decided that Oswald was the lone gunman. The novel is based on this. I don't think this is the case and never have believed it to be the case. The novel does bring up the "what if" idea if we could have a do-over. Do-overs are hard in real time; are do-overs easier with time travel? Steven is a good writer. In my opinion, this is not one of his best books.
Just finished the novel, all 849 pages of it. To us of a certain age, this was a major event. Steven decided that Oswald was the lone gunman. The novel is based on this. I don't think this is the case and never have believed it to be the case. The novel does bring up the "what if" idea if we could have a do-over. Do-overs are hard in real time; are do-overs easier with time travel? Steven is a good writer. In my opinion, this is not one of his best books.
I am not a big reader, so I won't comment on Steven King, but I also do believe that Oswald was the lone assassin, and have never seen any conclusive evidence to prove otherwise, but it sure is a fascinating subject, and the fact that close to fifty years later, folks are still debating it.