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Why Is There a Forum?


BSB Addict
Oct 24, 2016
Reaction score
Lansing, Michigan
I hate it when someone goes all passive/aggressive on me and I apologize to avoid confrontation, then seethe about it later. Pretty much just as I did yesterday.

When I posted my comment yesterday about the scene with Jos Alvarez and Zach, I said some things that I haven't felt I could say in a long, long time. Things like, "I mean, this was good. Really, really good." and, "The camera work was a lot better, too. Did anyone else notice that they avoided the windows about as much as they could?" When was the last time anyone saw me post anything like that? I sure felt good to be able to write something like that and mean it. Of course, me being me, I had my criticism as well. I had to wonder why the lighting had switched back and forth the way it did. Then I had the audacity to say, in my own inimitable way, "The one stupid thing I can think of was the ending." What happened after that, frankly, shocked me.

Admin responded, quoting me, and took me to task for making such a statement. WTF? I called the ending stupid. I didn't call any models stupid. I'll call ideas stupid or actions stupid, but I don't call people stupid. I've read far more scathing personal attacks against specific models by forumites, and admin never said a word. I don't like having my words twisted around and turned into something I didn't say, especially if that implies an attack against the models. I also remember when "admin" actually had their own names, like Sha or Bryce, as well. I have no idea who is even doing what anymore, now that Sha is limiting himself to just a few on-camera moments.

Then "admin" continued, "There was a very long and constructive post a month or so back from a member offering very specific suggestions in the scenes." Yes, I remember that post very well. In fact, it was a good 4 or 5 pages long. That's where I learned they used Kino Flo lighting (I had no idea what that was, so I researched it. It's pretty interesting stuff. In fact, I've discovered that I can learn actual hands-on video production at a local public access TV station near me, so I'm going to do that this winter. It could come in handy with a couple of non-profit organizations I work with). I, too, remember the specific suggestions for the ending. Apparently, we differ in what our idea of "doing what comes naturally" means. Fortunately, the person who posted it, bithebi, spelled it out:

"But if you go back and review the scenes Johnny shot, he would often just let the camera keep running after the guys shot their loads, without any words being spoken for at least a minute. There they lay, stroking their cocks, or making out, or doing a little frottage (again, thank you Ashton for a little frottage action at the end of your scene)."

Doing what comes naturally means doing what a couple would do after their hot sex, as they catch their breath and relax. Frottage is rubbing against each other, not waving to the people watching. Why even acknowledge the camera?

I don't even know what Broke Straight Boys is supposed to be anymore. It started out as a genre where we watched "straight" boys do icky, queer things with each other for money. That was then. Things have changed. That just doesn't work any more, and many forumites have conceded as much. My hope would be that Broke Straight Boys would produce good gay erotica, whether the actors are gay or gay4pay, but lately I was ready to give up on that idea. That is, until the scene with Jos Alvarez and Zach. That was the the most erotic, passionate scene that I've seen Broke Straight Boys put out in a long, long time. And the videography was greatly improved as well. This has nothing to do with how friendly or ebullient the boys are (By the way, they're not boys anymore. Zach was in the military FFS. They're young men). This has to do with professionalism and a critical eye. Am I supposed to believe that they can go to the effort getting in top physical shape before they can be on camera, but I can't expect them to act professionally? They are bringing in more models with previous experience and say they are doing it so that the guys can learn something from them. What are they supposed to be learning? And I prefer to think of them as actors rather than models. Jos Alvarez and Zach showed that they can act extremely well. They didn't just stand there.

Finally, I actually pay to belong to this site (As it's been pointed out, it's a ridiculously low price. Seriously, that's not a sign of a healthy business). This forum was offered as part of that payment; I didn't ask for it. In fact I belonged, on and off, many years before I joined the forum. Too many times I feel it's more of a headache than it's worth. As long as I'm paying to be here (which is tenuous right now), and this forum is offered as part of that payment, then I'll post when I want and as critically as I want (without making personal attacks) in the hope that Broke Straight Boys can regain some of the prominence it had in the past (Remember the different studios, the interviews, and the Pride events?). If I can't do that, then why is there a forum?
Hey... this is Bryce. I'm really thankful for your feedback and appreciate the compliments on the things you liked about the scenes. I certainly didn't mean to gloss over that... but those are the things you should expect from us. I expect no thanks for doing something right, but am still very appreciative. We take every word to heart you guys take the time out of your busy days to post to us. When we do something right, we don't look for praise. But, when we do something wrong we want to address it and try to make it better.

My comments to your post weren't an attempt to do an injustice to the parts you liked about the scene. I'm very glad you noticed that we were trying to up our game and address the prior concerns. For us, the forum isn't a way for us to stroke our ego. It's an additional way for us to find out when we mess up and a chance to learn and improve.

Your criticism about the lighting was valid. When I saw it, I wanted to explain why that scene was off and why it didn't meet your expectations. It wasn't an attempt to call you out or judge you in any way. That never crossed my mind. Instead, I thought... He has a really good point. I can see how they would think the lights were being switched on and off or that we didn't know how to compensate for ambient light. Thats why I gave the specific camera model and explained what was happening. I thought you were owed an explanation and I wanted to let everyone know that we also were aware and had fixed the issue to set the expectations going forward.

Additionally, I never thought for an instant that you were calling a model stupid or that you were calling me or the company stupid. You thought the ending was stupid and I never for a moment thought you were applying that word to anything other than the action at the end. Someone doing something stupid doesn't mean that they are. Smart people do stupid things all the time. My apologies that you felt called onto the rug... I didn't mean to make you feel that way at all! I was merely trying to explain why that scene ended the way it did. My feeling (which was obviously wrong) was that you all were interested in seeing a non contrived ending that was true and real to the boys and their personality. We can certainly direct them instead, per your quote about Johnny. We can instruct them to kiss, make out, caress, just lay there... tell us what you want and we will make it happen.

I sincerely and truthfully thought you all wanted them to cum and for me to just keep the camera rolling without intervention or us influencing the natural reactions of the guys. We want to give you what you want and if we aren't doing that then let us know... which you did. I still felt like I should tell you why that happened though.

I don't really know how to make this right to you. Please let me know and if it's in my power... I will gladly do it. I publicly apologize here and now for offending you and hope you will trust that it was not my intent and not the sentiment coming from my heart. I often regret posting in the forum as many others before me. If you want me to go back and delete my post (striking it from the record), I'll happily do so. I'm sorry. I truly thought I was just addressing the criticism and never thought your concerns were invalid... just owed a response to explain why things happened the way they did in that particular episode.

Thank you for your response, Bryce. That is all that I ask for. I'm going to look into more information about that new camera. Since this has piqued my curiosity to learn about video production this winter, I'll have more of a firsthand idea of the work that you and the others do. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be working with sexy, naked young men, though.

As far as "my quote" about Johnny goes, that wasn't my quote, but a quote directly from the post that you referred to. Bithebi was the one who referred to kissing, fondling, and frottage. Here is my take on that; the guys are creatingt a fantasy. When it's done, what would the guys do if they weren't acting? There are a number of ways that could be shown and still maintain the aura of a fantasy. In other words, why acknowledge the camera? I hope that makes sense.

This scene that Jos Alvarez and Zach did was one of the hottest I've seen here. They spoke softly to each other throughout the scene rather than yell out tacky porn-talk. The shot where they were spooning with Jos Alvarez inside Zach, then they rubbed noses and laughed...that just looked like what you would imagine two guys in that situation might do (that's how good it was). It made me chuckle, in a good way. They could still be playful and funny, but with each other, ignoring the camera. And I'm not saying that the other guys should do a carbon copy of this scene, either. That is unrealistic, and unfair to the other models.

That is what I meant by my criticism. The last couple of scenes have ended pretty much this way, and it's certainly going in a good direction (in my opinion). From what I've read other forumites say, Broke Straight Boys just has to go in a different direction. The idea that we're going to see straight guys getting paid to do gay stuff, and then be dismissed just doesn't work anymore. One forumite even pondered if that we knew an actor was straight but they portrayed a gay character without making a big deal out of it, that wasn't the very definition of Gay4Pay? This is sure getting complicated, but I have noticed that those issues that Bithebi brought up are being addressed. And I'm really am looking forward to seeing more work done with the new camera. I could notice the clearer image right off the bat.

It bothers me when I read forumites saying that they haven't watched a new scenes for months, or that they think Broke Straight Boys's best works are in the archive. These young men have gone to a lot of effort to work here, and I'd like to see that rewarded. And I'd like to see more talent lining up to work for Broke Straight Boys, rather than having to go out and look for someone (like an overage French-Canadian) There's nothing wrong with fostering professionalism. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that Zach and Jos Alvarez hashed this scene out pretty well before the filmed it. Guys can be professional and still be fun. I think Cage Kafig and Kaden Alexander are two examples of this. I remember a BTS with Kaden Alexander Porter blocking a scene with two other models. It's all part of creating a fantasy, whether that fantasy is a passionate loving scene, or a quick hot fuck between classes. If this last scene is any indication, guys won't be missing many new scenes anymore. Thanks, Bryce
Thanks for the feedback.

I'm filming Zach 22 minutes from now. Let's see what happens ;)

I don't really know how to make this right to you. Please let me know and if it's in my power... I will gladly do it. I publicly apologize here and now for offending you and hope you will trust that it was not my intent and not the sentiment coming from my heart. I often regret posting in the forum as many others before me. If you want me to go back and delete my post (striking it from the record), I'll happily do so. I'm sorry. I truly thought I was just addressing the criticism and never thought your concerns were invalid... just owed a response to explain why things happened the way they did in that particular episode.


Thank you for your response, Bryce. That is all that I ask for. I'm going to look into more information about that new camera. Since this has piqued my curiosity to learn about video production this winter, I'll have more of a firsthand idea of the work that you and the others do. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be working with sexy, naked young men, though.

It bothers me when I read forumites saying that they haven't watched a new scenes for months, or that they think Broke Straight Boys's best works are in the archive. These young men have gone to a lot of effort to work here, and I'd like to see that rewarded. And I'd like to see more talent lining up to work for Broke Straight Boys, rather than having to go out and look for someone (like an overage French-Canadian) There's nothing wrong with fostering professionalism. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that Zach and Jos Alvarez hashed this scene out pretty well before the filmed it. Guys can be professional and still be fun. I think Cage Kafig and Kaden Alexander are two examples of this. I remember a BTS with Kaden Alexander Porter blocking a scene with two other models. It's all part of creating a fantasy, whether that fantasy is a passionate loving scene, or a quick hot fuck between classes. If this last scene is any indication, guys won't be missing many new scenes anymore. Thanks, Bryce

As a member outside of this conversation looking in, I have been following the exchanges of this thread off and on since yesterday. If it is none of my business, I will be proactive and ask for forgiveness up front. However, I feel compelled to say to both parties, from beginning to end, "Thank You"!
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I'll second that, if I may. Thank you to both of you, gentlemen. :)
Bryce, I want to sincerely thank you for replying to me on this thread. Somehow things got contentious, but I think we addressed each other rationally and will marshal on. I know you said that you often regret posting in the forums. I know exactly what you mean! Perhaps I may sound blunt, but I see Broke Straight Boys now in a kind of a flux, and you all are working hard to move it onward and upward, and I really want to see that. I post here to be seen by you as much or more than anyone else. That's what makes Broke Straight Boys different, and better, than other sites I hope Jos Alvarez and Zach don't think I'm too much of an asshole. Make sure to tell them that I was really impressed with their work and gave them all 5s. I even downloaded it to my collection. Now I think I'm going to bed. It's been a long day.

Reading this thread and the other - I really liked that Bryce responded to the comments in a constructive way. Thanks very much.

I have another thread on a technical issue so here's hoping Bryce can respond to that or ask the right person to do so.