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Why does Tyler have a wedding band?


Dec 8, 2008
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In the video of Nu, Tyler and Dustin, Tyler has a wedding band on. Is he married?
In the video of Nu, Tyler and Dustin, Tyler has a wedding band on. Is he married?

Tyler explained that in one of his posts. He said it is ornamental only.:001_cool:
Tyler also mentioned that the ring was a graduation gift from his parents. He did not want to have the standard high school ring....so they bought him what he wanted.

The ring is not a wedding band.
Tyler also mentioned that the ring was a graduation gift from his parents. He did not want to have the standard high school ring....so they bought him what he wanted.

The ring is not a wedding band.

Thanks for the updated information Richard. :thumbup: I was planning on getting back to that once I found the actual quote from Tyler. However, I was called to go make dinner. LOL (M&M everytime that happens now; I will think of you)

Here is Tyler's quote below:

"The ring I wear on my left hand is not a wedding band, it's actually my graduation gift from my family. I didn't want the normal class ring, so I opted for something simple with my birthstone in it." - Tyler Evans
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Nice in an adventurous sort of way...:thumbup1:

Nice in such a large number of ways (sigh)...:001_wub:

Besotted is actually the word anyone observing this would have to use. I even got a stiffy when I saw he'd visited my page. Sad , i know.
Nice in such a large number of ways (sigh)...:001_wub:

Besotted is actually the word anyone observing this would have to use. I even got a stiffy when I saw he'd visited my page. Sad , i know.

Marriam Websters Dictionary defines Besotted as:

Main Entry: be·sot
Pronunciation: \bi-ˈsät, bē-\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): be·sot·ted; be·sot·ting
Etymology: be- + sot (to stultify)
Date: 1567
1: infatuate 2
2: to make dull or stupid ; especially : to muddle with drunkenness
— be·sot·ted·ly adverb

This was agreat word. You made me look it up. I only remembered the second definition of the word. I agree he is infatuating...
Marriam Websters Dictionary defines Besotted as:

Main Entry: be·sot
Pronunciation: \bi-ˈsät, bē-\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): be·sot·ted; be·sot·ting
Etymology: be- + sot (to stultify)
Date: 1567
1: infatuate 2
2: to make dull or stupid ; especially : to muddle with drunkenness
— be·sot·ted·ly adverb

This was agreat word. You made me look it up. I only remembered the second definition of the word. I agree he is infatuating...

The second definition is also fine lol...he turns me really stupid, muddled and drunk just at the idea of his upcoming episode with Master Grant.

Thank you Jay for your excellent scholarly research.
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