In The interview after the flipfuck with Carter del Ray, JJ Pinkman admits to being a squirter, and the interviewer suggests that it is his diet. The true reason JJ is capable of such impressive cumssots is no more complicated, but much more scientific. He has an extremely strong Pubococcoxic muscle. (This muscle contracts during orgasm, expelling cum ( in JJ's case, extremely forcefully) out the tip of his dick. But don't worry if you are more of a dribbler than a shooting star - in a future post, I will share the secret of the Kegal (or, if you prefer, the Pubocoxxic flex, which, if done correctly and with dedication, will turn you into a shooting star soon enough. (I went from dribbler to routinely producing a 2 -2 1/2" fountain in about 9 weeks - it really works).