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Who's the producer/director/videographer????


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
We knew that David and D&E filmed the content for BSB1. When BSB2 began, we heard the voice of the new director and eventually he was identified as Clay, and he joined us on the forum from time to time. Then Clay was replaced and we met Johnny Blumedia aka Johnny Robins who was very interactive with us on the forum.

Then Damian Christopher told us that Johnny got "sick" and he was filling in in his absence. However he really changed up the style, basically eliminating the director talking to the models at the beginning, often substituting his behind the scenes technique of asking the questions off screen and our only hearing their replies. Damian Christopher was an active poster on the forum, but eventually told us that he was very busy working on the TV show and that there were actually three different directors and that he was no longer going to be commenting much on the forum.

Then today Beth shared this with us on "The images of Damian Christopher" thread:

I wanted to let you guys know this is a reply from Damian's Facebook page.
Here is Alex Maxium and I commented how cute he is on "College Dudes" Damian replied:

"I couldn't agree more Beth. I miss many of the models since leaving Broke Straight Boys a few months ago to pursue another project. Had a wonderful time photographing the models while I was there though!"

So, now we know why the photos have been "underwhelming."

Which leads me to my question of who is filming the scenes? We heard Sha's voice at the end of the most recent solo, but the videography has not been the same since Johnny got sick or left the site. The BTS is nice, the forum is my passion and the TV show will be an interesting sidelight to my membership, but the actual scenes are the bread and butter of the Broke Straight Boys experience and I'm wondering about all of the changes and why Mark is not being upfront with us about what is going on. :confused1:
I'm right there with you, mikey; although I don't remember the part where Damian said there were three directors - but you are the forum expert, not I.

This latest revelation by Beth is most interesting in this sense - Damian told us that he came to Broke Straight Boys to straighten out the tv show. He also implied that included getting it on the air. Now Damian is gone and in the most recent posts by Mark he keeps saying that he is busy with the tv show but yet the year is nearly gone and nary a word about its being scheduled on any type of media outlet. One can logically infer from all this that either the tv show is set to be broadcast and Mark is just working out the final details and Damian left because his work was done, or Damian got discouraged and left to pursue other projects and the tv show is still looking for a media outlet.

Also with Damian gone and Johnny either still sick or gone, maybe sha is doing the scenes. I admire sha greatly and think he is a wonderful person as best I can discern from his interface with us on the forum and his Pride and other BTS's. But that is his expertise, not filming scenes. I seem to remember somewhere in one of the Pride videos or BTS scenes he even mentioned that shooting scenes was not his expertise. If sha is filming scenes perhaps that is why there have been more than the usual amount of complaints about the directing, camera work, sound, etc. Sha is filling in and doing the best he can in an area which is not his specialty.

Also another log to throw on the rumor fire is this: remember a few months ago, Mark's forum avatar description changed from Site Owner to Administrator. One can wonder if the financial situation became such that Mark had to sell all or a major part of the company and that he is no longer the site owner. Maybe Blumedia has become a subsidiary of a larger company and Mark still runs it, but is not the owner nor has controlling interest in it. I mean if we are speculating about things, then this is not out of the realm of possibility.

It will be interesting if, as, or when we will ever find out what's going on. But until then, let our imaginations have fun - lol !!!
I don't believe anything on this site anymore. Sorry but things change and we have not got a clue what is going on. The latest production videos are not well produced at all. Seems all the energy is going to a so called BSB TV that we have been promised for 3 years.
I don't believe anything on this site anymore. Sorry but things change and we have not got a clue what is going on. The latest production videos are not well produced at all. Seems all the energy is going to a so called BSB TV that we have been promised for 3 years.
Again I do agree with Jon. Without a top notch professional website, there would be no proposed BSB TV. It's putting the cart before the horse. (Yes Peter, that is another old man expression lol).
I'm right there with you, mikey; although I don't remember the part where Damian said there were three directors - but you are the forum expert, not I.

This latest revelation by Beth is most interesting in this sense - Damian told us that he came to Broke Straight Boys to straighten out the tv show. He also implied that included getting it on the air. Now Damian is gone and in the most recent posts by Mark he keeps saying that he is busy with the tv show but yet the year is nearly gone and nary a word about its being scheduled on any type of media outlet. One can logically infer from all this that either the tv show is set to be broadcast and Mark is just working out the final details and Damian left because his work was done, or Damian got discouraged and left to pursue other projects and the tv show is still looking for a media outlet.

Also with Damian gone and Johnny either still sick or gone, maybe sha is doing the scenes. I admire sha greatly and think he is a wonderful person as best I can discern from his interface with us on the forum and his Pride and other BTS's. But that is his expertise, not filming scenes. I seem to remember somewhere in one of the Pride videos or BTS scenes he even mentioned that shooting scenes was not his expertise. If sha is filming scenes perhaps that is why there have been more than the usual amount of complaints about the directing, camera work, sound, etc. Sha is filling in and doing the best he can in an area which is not his specialty.

Also another log to throw on the rumor fire is this: remember a few months ago, Mark's forum avatar description changed from Site Owner to Administrator. One can wonder if the financial situation became such that Mark had to sell all or a major part of the company and that he is no longer the site owner. Maybe Blumedia has become a subsidiary of a larger company and Mark still runs it, but is not the owner nor has controlling interest in it. I mean if we are speculating about things, then this is not out of the realm of possibility.

It will be interesting if, as, or when we will ever find out what's going on. But until then, let our imaginations have fun - lol !!!

Oh lord you guys make me laugh. Yes I made another account but that was so I can do other things on another account on the message board so yes it says administrator but that doesn't mean anything lol. I haven't been demoted or sold anything.

As for the show it has been a rough road but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. The TV show will be on air in December 2014 on television. Details will be announced on December 2nd. :)
Oh lord you guys make me laugh. Yes I made another account but that was so I can do other things on another account on the message board so yes it says administrator but that doesn't mean anything lol. I haven't been demoted or sold anything.

As for the show it has been a rough road but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. The TV show will be on air in December 2014 on television. Details will be announced on December 2nd. :)

What he said...... lol
Who is the director or should I say directors??? Why is the camera work, which we've been complaining about for some time, so poorly done? Sorry to be blunt, but something is amiss.
Who is the director or should I say directors??? Why is the camera work, which we've been complaining about for some time, so poorly done? Sorry to be blunt, but something is amiss.

Johnny got sick so we have had several directors. I can't really answer that without knowing which scenes you are speaking of. Please keep in mind some things I can't really answer here on the forum. I don't even know of any other porn sites where you have contact with anyone but a customer service person. ;)
The "we have had several directors." basically answered the question.

I (we) appreciate the forum you provide and that you post on it. I didn't mean to make you angry.

There are obvious production problems that I'm sure are as frustrating to you as they are to us. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.
The "we have had several directors." basically answered the question.

I (we) appreciate the forum you provide and that you post on it. I didn't mean to make you angry.

There are obvious production problems that I'm sure are as frustrating to you as they are to us. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.

No problem I'm not angry at all. I agree and we are working on making everything better and I think we have made it through the rough part and now onward and upward. :)
I believe that when you offer explanations about concerns that become an issue on the forum, it actually encourages the loyalty of your members. As you say, on all the other sites the best one can hope for is a brief email, or usually not even that. If problems on the other sites become an issue, people just cancel their memberships and move on.

Thanks for taking the time to quash the rumors, give us pertinent information and reassure the membership.
I don't believe anything on this site anymore. Sorry but things change and we have not got a clue what is going on. The latest production videos are not well produced at all. Seems all the energy is going to a so called BSB TV that we have been promised for 3 years.


To quote a certain smart engineer from Leeds - "TV show - - - WHAT TV show?" LOL!!!

"A" ;-)

P.S. Jon, I'd just remind you of this famous maxim of Quentin Crisp's: "Ladies and gentlemen, television is not for watching. It is for appearing upon."

I believe that when you offer explanations about concerns that become an issue on the forum, it actually encourages the loyalty of your members. As you say, on all the other sites the best one can hope for is a brief email, or usually not even that. If problems on the other sites become an issue, people just cancel their memberships and move on.

Thanks for taking the time to quash the rumors, give us pertinent information and reassure the membership.

You're very welcome. We try our best to give you the most interaction with staff and models and we appreciate your membership. :)
Thanks for the upfront post Mark really well put. You better get some rest though, black friday is coming and I'm sure you have to work the doors lol
Thanks for the upfront post Mark really well put. You better get some rest though, black friday is coming and I'm sure you have to work the doors lol
Ah, so Peterh also noticed Mark's new title, "Walmart Greeter"! :001_tongue:

But I do agree with Peter that it is nice when Mark does occasionally acknowledge and address our concerns here. He doesn't HAVE to do it, but it is a great sign of concern for his loyal customers, and this customer appreciates it very much.
But I do agree with Peter that it is nice when Mark does occasionally acknowledge and address our concerns here. He doesn't HAVE to do it, but it is a great sign of concern for his loyal customers, and this customer appreciates it very much.

I couldn't agree more with Mikey here. Thanks for responding Mark. I know you are normally wary, if not loathe to posting here, based on some past experiences. The positive side is that it does indeed inspire customer loyalty. Thank you for the update on the tv show. It will make a wonderful Christmas present with it airing in December. :biggrin:
Thank you for the update on the tv show. It will make a wonderful Christmas present with it airing in December. :biggrin:
So Tampa, do you think it will air on the Hallmark Channel right after or before Rudolph or perhaps a replay of an Andy Williams Christmas special? lol :xmaschristmas:



I figure they can sandwich it in between "It's a Wonderful Life" and "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".
I'm right there with you, mikey; although I don't remember the part where Damian said there were three directors - but you are the forum expert, not I.

This latest revelation by Beth is most interesting in this sense - Damian told us that he came to Broke Straight Boys to straighten out the tv show. He also implied that included getting it on the air. Now Damian is gone and in the most recent posts by Mark he keeps saying that he is busy with the tv show but yet the year is nearly gone and nary a word about its being scheduled on any type of media outlet. One can logically infer from all this that either the tv show is set to be broadcast and Mark is just working out the final details and Damian left because his work was done, or Damian got discouraged and left to pursue other projects and the tv show is still looking for a media outlet.

Also with Damian gone and Johnny either still sick or gone, maybe sha is doing the scenes. I admire sha greatly and think he is a wonderful person as best I can discern from his interface with us on the forum and his Pride and other BTS's. But that is his expertise, not filming scenes. I seem to remember somewhere in one of the Pride videos or BTS scenes he even mentioned that shooting scenes was not his expertise. If sha is filming scenes perhaps that is why there have been more than the usual amount of complaints about the directing, camera work, sound, etc. Sha is filling in and doing the best he can in an area which is not his specialty.

Also another log to throw on the rumor fire is this: remember a few months ago, Mark's forum avatar description changed from Site Owner to Administrator. One can wonder if the financial situation became such that Mark had to sell all or a major part of the company and that he is no longer the site owner. Maybe Blumedia has become a subsidiary of a larger company and Mark still runs it, but is not the owner nor has controlling interest in it. I mean if we are speculating about things, then this is not out of the realm of possibility.

It will be interesting if, as, or when we will ever find out what's going on. But until then, let our imaginations have fun - lol !!!

Oh lord you guys make me laugh. Yes I made another account but that was so I can do other things on another account on the message board so yes it says administrator but that doesn't mean anything lol. I haven't been demoted or sold anything.

As for the show it has been a rough road but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. The TV show will be on air in December 2014 on television. Details will be announced on December 2nd. :)

What he said...... lol

Some time you just have to incentivize people to come forth with information. Having said that nothing I initially wrote was implausible based on what was known at the time.

Thank you Mark for coming forth with pertinent information. I think all of us realize that there are some matters which you do not necessarily want discussed on the forum. But when third parties drop tidbits of information then we look to you for clarification. And I think all of us realize that there are some matters that for reasons of business and/or personnel confidentiality can not publicly be revealed.

Thanks for the info on the much-awaited TV show. I hope it will be on a television broadcasting channel where the bulk of us can watch it and more importantly that it won't be edited to the point where it will affect the overall entertainment factor of the show.