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Where has Adam Baer gone??


New Member
Sep 18, 2017
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Does anyone know where Adam Baer has gone? It's been so long since he has been on the site....

I was watching a couple of his videos last night and the ones with him in the TV show (which should have had more of him in it) and I just miss him. He was so sexy and was great at fucking!

Anyone have anything?
His last actual scene here was released on October 25, 2013, "Adam Baer Fucks Paul Canon". I had heard that he left the adult entertainment industry and moved on with his life after that. And as much as I enjoyed watching him on video, I am happy for the guy if he has moved on with his life, as has Jason Matthews.

Much as in the lyrics of The Bryds song from way back when, "Turn, Turn, Turn" which actually comes from biblical scripture, there are the lines,

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; ... "

And if that season has passed for Adam, good for him!!!

And by the way, welcome to the forum hungtrainer!!!
I am a big Adam fan, too. I miss him, but I think he's definitely done with porn. Sad for me. Happy for him.
Does anyone know where Adam Baer has gone? It's been so long since he has been on the site....

I was watching a couple of his videos last night and the ones with him in the TV show (which should have had more of him in it) and I just miss him. He was so sexy and was great at fucking!

Anyone have anything?

Welcome to the forum Hung! :welcome:
That is a great quote and so true at the same time. The only reason I had asked was that I actually saw a couple of Adam's photos from the site and then photoshopped with them were personal pictures from his facebook I guess. I had messaged Adam personally via facebook messenger and he said that apparently there is a guy who got his real name and was made he ignored him and turned down private shows via webcam and is now blackmailing him. Adam also stated that he was in the military and the whole situation is threatening that and what he wants to be when he gets out of the military.

It was really sad to hear that such a great guy is going through all that just because one person couldn't respect the fact he didn't want to do a private show...
That is a great quote and so true at the same time. The only reason I had asked was that I actually saw a couple of Adam's photos from the site and then photoshopped with them were personal pictures from his facebook I guess. I had messaged Adam personally via facebook messenger and he said that apparently there is a guy who got his real name and was made he ignored him and turned down private shows via webcam and is now blackmailing him. Adam also stated that he was in the military and the whole situation is threatening that and what he wants to be when he gets out of the military.

It was really sad to hear that such a great guy is going through all that just because one person couldn't respect the fact he didn't want to do a private show...

Thanks for sharing that Hungtrainer116. I completely agree. Adam did his scenes here and then moved on with his life, choosing a very esteemed and honorable profession, to serve his country.

It is one thing to be a fan. However, it is sad when some cannot distinguish the difference between fact and fantasy, especially when it is harmful and hurtful. I hope Adam eventually gets this settled and can move on.

Once again, I appreciate you sharing this update regarding Adam. :))))
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The fact that Adam is still rated as the #1 model on Broke Straight Boys, while his last sex scene released was on October 25, 2013, (with Paul Canon) which is almost four years ago, shows his popularity and staying power with the Broke Straight Boys audience. To my mind, Adam may be the "most perfect" overall model ever, with a beautiful body, face, and cock, and highly skilled sexually, with an engaging personality while maintaining my highest qualification for a good looking Broke Straight Boys, which is to be believably straight as well.

While I doubt it would ever happen, I'd absolutely love for a return engagement by Adam Baer. :smile:
I would love to see Adam come back. But even more importantly I want to see him succeed in life, on his own terms. :)
Does anyone know where Adam Baer has gone? It's been so long since he has been on the site....

I was watching a couple of his videos last night and the ones with him in the TV show (which should have had more of him in it) and I just miss him. He was so sexy and was great at fucking!

Anyone have anything?

Since you're such a fan Hung, I think you might enjoy reading a thread here started by Adam in 2013. Especially so when you get to post #93 when he talks about the bad motorbike accident he got into. Fortunately he had no broken bones or permanent disfiguration. But it was scary, no doubt. He then talks about an interesting encounter in the ER. But I won't ruin the story by giving any more spoilers. lol

Threads like this are one of my favorite things about this forum. I went back to check on Adam Baer scenes because of this thread. I think it’s great he is in the military and I can see why a past porn career might cause problems. It would be wonderful if he would come back if only for a catch up interview. In some cases we get to watch these boys grow up a bit and mature. Especially the ones who have been around a long time and came back like Cage Kafig. I sure wish they could talk more of them into it. I don’t know if Adam is gay straight or bi. He comes across as intimately enjoying sex with a man especially when he bottoms but I’ve known guys to do this and go on to be married with kids etc.

While I was checking out Adams scenes I came across Liam Corolla who I guess I had seen but I checked him out. He reminds me a bit of the rough trade hustlers I used to really enjoy. And while he isn’t in too many scenes you see him develop from a twink 18 year old to a more masculine little bear cub with a nice furry chest. Love to see him now. I think he might be straight or at least he really wants to identify that way with the tattoo of the girl on his arm that turns into a sleeve in his last scene with Johnny Forza. He does a fuck and then a revenge fuck with the same guy he fucked. His words are I guess I deserve it! My dick gets hard just hearing that. I miss those days of the boys getting fucked by someone they just fucked. Fare is fare right? Reminds me of playing with my first childhood boyfriend. Even though Clay was a big sleeze he did have some good ideas and got some great scenes. I wish they would revisit some of these old ideas with the new boys. Of course they have to find boys who aren’t strippers and haven’t spread their legs all over the Internet.
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;202409 said:
Threads like this are one of my favorite things about this forum. I went back to check on Adam Baer scenes because of this thread. I think it’s great he is in the military and I can see why a past porn career might cause problems. It would be wonderful if he would come back if only for a catch up interview. In some cases we get to watch these boys grow up a bit and mature. Especially the ones who have been around a long time and came back like Cage Kafig. I sure wish they could talk more of them into it. I don’t know if Adam is gay straight or bi. He comes across as intimately enjoying sex with a man especially when he bottoms but I’ve known guys to do this and go on to be married with kids etc.

While I was checking out Adams scenes I came across Liam Corolla who I guess I had seen but I checked him out. He reminds me a bit of the rough trade hustlers I used to really enjoy. And while he isn’t in too many scenes you see him develop from a twink 18 year old to a more masculine little bear cub with a nice furry chest. Love to see him now. I think he might be straight or at least he really wants to identify that way with the tattoo of the girl on his arm that turns into a sleeve in his last scene with Johnny Forza. He does a fuck and then a revenge fuck with the same guy he fucked. His words are I guess I deserve it! My dick gets hard just hearing that. I miss those days of the boys getting fucked by someone they just fucked. Fare is fare right? Reminds me of playing with my first childhood boyfriend. Even though Clay was a big sleeze he did have some good ideas and got some great scenes. I wish they would revisit some of these old ideas with the new boys. Of course they have to find boys who aren’t strippers and haven’t spread their legs all over the Internet.
Once again Repareur, while you and I are different people not always turned on by the same things, I do like the way you think, and find your thoughts on these subjects more in tune with the site and the forum from a few years back, as do I. Thanks for being here and offering your opinions and takes on things. I enjoy reading your posts a whole lot.
Welcome to the forum Hung.

Adam is one of my favs too. He is still in the military as far as I know. It would be great to have him back. You never know what can happen here. :)


Thanks for the update, Mark. Thinking Adam is in the military kind of makes me want to go to war! LOLOLOL
Threads like this are one of my favorite things about this forum. I went back to check on Adam Baer scenes because of this thread. I think it’s great he is in the military and I can see why a past porn career might cause problems. It would be wonderful if he would come back if only for a catch up interview. In some cases we get to watch these boys grow up a bit and mature. Especially the ones who have been around a long time and came back like Cage Kafig. I sure wish they could talk more of them into it. I don’t know if Adam is gay straight or bi. He comes across as intimately enjoying sex with a man especially when he bottoms but I’ve known guys to do this and go on to be married with kids etc.

While I was checking out Adams scenes I came across Liam Corolla who I guess I had seen but I checked him out. He reminds me a bit of the rough trade hustlers I used to really enjoy. And while he isn’t in too many scenes you see him develop from a twink 18 year old to a more masculine little bear cub with a nice furry chest. Love to see him now. I think he might be straight or at least he really wants to identify that way with the tattoo of the girl on his arm that turns into a sleeve in his last scene with Johnny Forza. He does a fuck and then a revenge fuck with the same guy he fucked. His words are I guess I deserve it! My dick gets hard just hearing that. I miss those days of the boys getting fucked by someone they just fucked. Fare is fare right? Reminds me of playing with my first childhood boyfriend. Even though Clay was a big sleeze he did have some good ideas and got some great scenes. I wish they would revisit some of these old ideas with the new boys. Of course they have to find boys who aren’t strippers and haven’t spread their legs all over the Internet.

Once again Repareur, while you and I are different people not always turned on by the same things, I do like the way you think, and find your thoughts on these subjects more in tune with the site and the forum from a few years back, as do I. Thanks for being here and offering your opinions and takes on things. I enjoy reading your posts a whole lot.
Me to Repareur..I Love reading what You have to say..You are really TOP DRAWER..xo :thumbup:
Here's an excerpt from Adam's thread written on 7/16/2013:

Hey everybody! Sorry I have been absent from the forum for a while. I do have another story for everyone. While I was gone I crashed on my bike.......

It was a nice and peaceful night in the little town that Adam lives in. The moon was up and stars were out, no clouds in site. Adam had a busy over named James. It was about 1130pm and James decided he wanted to go to the local gas station to get a drink. So James asked Adam if he would go with him. Adam said sure we are not doing anything else, but I don't want to drive, lets go on the BMX bikes. Little did Adam know that was a very bad decision!

Adam and James decided to roll around through the park on their way to the gas station. While going through the park that I a pretty good size, James decides he wants to go down the dirt road really fast, so Adam follows. As he turned the corner, there was a young couple on a picnic table getting it on, he didn't want to disturb them, they were going at it pretty good. So, the two boys venture through the park. Half way through James sees a garbage can, one of those you put by the street, well he decides to roll by and kick it over. Of course it was funny so Adam laughed, then Adam sees the cops........No I'm just kidding. Anyway Adam decides he has to one up James so there is one of those traffic comes with the square black things at the bottom, Adam rides by and gives it a good kick...the cone leans half way over and bounces right back to straight up! Like WTF?! Haha anyway so the two boys continue to the gas station, while halling ass down the sidewalk....POP..... Adams BMX bike chain pops off, goes into the back tire, causing the bike to lock up, sends Adam flying over the handle bars...BANG...Adam hits the sidewalk an slides 10 feet until coming to a stop.

Adam immediately gets up an starts walking around to blow it off......then he looks at his hand, couple very small road rash spots so he puts his hand back down, feels a pain and looks again, his left ring finger nail has been halfway ripped out of the nail bed and is sitting at a 45 degree angle up! But Adam stays calm still trying to catch his breath, at this point the pain is really starting to set in. Adam takes a look at his left shoulder, his t-shirt has many rips in it and he can see blood, he feels an extreme pain on his left elbow so he looks, the entire elbow is covered in road rash, bleeding pretty badly. Adam also had road rash on his left hip and left leg.

Adam was going to just go home until while he was walking around he became light headed and blurred vision, he sat down and called 911. The Ambulance got there and immediately insisted on taking Adam to the hospital. Adam went to the Hospital was there for 4 hours! The doctor put 4 times as much numbing agent in his finger to numb one finger than she puts in a regular person. Adam was cleaned up and sent home with many medications.

Now a week later I am feeling pretty good. Pain is still there every once and a while but that road rash for ya. It's the top layer of your skin, and in the top layer are all your nerves! Scabs are starting to come off, the only bruise that I will have for a while is my finger. the doctor did a great job at putting it back in and keeping the infection, blood blisters to none. I take my stitch out tomorrow! Ya know I hate to say it like this but god damn I tell great stories!! Haha

Other than all that, I have been pretty good! I'm excited for this next coming month, we got Chicago Pride! Very excited!!! Been a while since I have been to a pride! Still working on the whole Facebook problem! I'll get it resolved very quick!
