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What are you all doing this fine Saturday?


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
My truck would not start yesterday. This is the second time this month. The first time it happened I had it towed to the garage. When it got there it started up perfectly. The mechanics went through the whole thing and could not find the problem. As I said, it happened again yesterday. I am not letting it get me down or depressed. At least I am not stranded. I do have Linda and her truck as a back up.

I decided this morning to catch up on some much need house chores around here. I've been cleaning everything from the kitchen to the bathroom including vacuuming the carpet. During this I have been listening to one of my favorite College Dudes's which is of the Great Organ of St. Patrick Cathedral in New York City. When I am done I am thinking of preparing one of my favorite dishes: Olive oil and garlic with freshly diced tomatoes over pasta along side Italian sausage.

Lee Ann Womack sang, "...When one door closes, another one opens..." My truck is down but my butt is "up" off my chair. I just set it down for a minute to take a break and write this message.

Please share. What are you doing today or even this weekend?
It's great to hear your example of making lemonade ut of lemons. I'm having car trouble too, something wrong with my cooling system and it could be a variety of things all of witch are quite expensive. Damn I miss the days when I could look at an engine and tell you what part was what then pull it off and replace it. I can't even see any parts on my engine because there's covers all over the whole thing. Even changing the battery is a major operation.

I'm sitting naked in front of the window enjoying the beautiful breeze blowing through the screen while I write erotic fiction. I woke up horny this morning and had to get it out of my system. I have a world cup game on with the sound turned down and I usually listen to Beethoven when I write. Housework is a good possibility for me later this afternoon. I'm in the mood for Julie Andrews "My Fair Lady" playing in the background while I clean.
Well I've said what I've been doing on the Glastonbury thread and now the stages are all closed and it's time for me to watch some porn before bed. hic
Louis -

I am just hanging around. Like you, I love the organ (here come the *jokes*), and you prompted me to listen to one of my favourites of all time, Cesar Franck's "Fantasy in C-major." This is not one of the spectacular organ works - on the contrary, it is quiet, gentle, subtle, and serene (very much in the Romantic organ tradition, so unlike the Baroque). . . and I always return to it, in reflective moments. Perhaps you might like it, too.


Thank you. Seems like I have now a lot of music to listen to today.