al60, it's one of those questions that keep getting asked and for so many really obvious reasons is never answered. I don't doubt for one instant that David's taxes are in perfect order and I cannot imagine a successful businessman like Mark even contemplating that type of fraud. In such a high risk venture taking a chance on taxes would make even Al Capone blush. In the first place the income is all fairly well documented, credit cards, bank drafts, and so forth, and the expenses, models fees and such, must also be closely scrutinized. There's no way for them to hide profit and why on earth would you want to hide legitimate expenses?
As to what the models are paid, the only thing I could recommend is sleeping with a model and hoping for some pillow talk, or in the case of some of the straight ones, asking their wives or girlfriends. And, al60, knowing some of their wives and girlfriends, the first of those options would definitely be the most exciting. Of course, as a dear friend of mine said, "Sign up, find your way to the futon, and cash your check."
You're going to see this topic bandied about on this site constantly. The best advice I can give you is pay no attention to it. Those who know aren't going to tell you and, I guess, those who don't know want to rename the site "
Broke Straight Boys with a Sore Ass and a Check for $1500 Dollars in Their Pockets."
Years ago, a store I frequented sold computer diskettes for $1 while the bookstore at the university sold them for $3.99. Customers who were obsessed with the price difference hounded everyone about the cost until the bookstore dropped it's price to $1.50. Wal-Mart immediately stocked them at $.98. People began to scream about the bookstore's outrageous markup and the bookstore stopped carrying them. (In truth, they were paying $1.48 for the $1.50 disks.) Then the other store stopped carrying them and Wal-Mart raised the price back to $2.00. (They were paying $.85 for the diskettes.) At the end of the diskette wars everybody got screwed - except Wal-Mart. I know, some of us think the site is more than porn, some of us think it's only porn, some of us think it's a mixture. The truth is, fuck the porn, it's a business and I can't think of a single business (except the automobile industry) where the dealer's cost is advertised (and we all know how many holes there are in that amount).
Goodness gracious, I understand obsessions with inside information and the enjoyment it brings, but if we play that card everytime we want to know something, we may end up back at Wal-Mart paying their price for it and not even knowing if the product was made in China or East Poughkeepsie.
Yours was an excellent question, al60. It's great to have your voice on the forum - no matter which side of the price sticker you eventually come down on. Join in the fray. It's no fun if everyone agrees. Now I need to step back and allow myself to be served up in a pie, Titus Andronicus style. As Mark Twain said, "If it weren't for the honor of the thing, I just as soon pass."