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Welcome to the team, Miss Bartirah. . .


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Dear Miss Bartirah ~

I note (with pleasure) that you are a part of team Jason Matthews. I'm very pleased, to welcome you, to the team.

Every nickel. . . every bright Canadian cent. . . Mark has ever earned from this desolate igloo, at the North Pole. . . each thin, shiny coin, ringing in the coffers of Broke Straight Boys, has been earned by the beauty, and grace, of Mr. Jason Matthews.

A treasure, who can never be, replaced. His like (I boldly conjecture) we shall never see, again.

"A" :)

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYM54vhLYTU

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He deserves the best fan club!!! :001_wub:
I can't understand what this thread is about. Did Jason Matthews die or something?

I sure as hell hope not! I am a little confused about this as well.

Literally a quick reply as the button below says....I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to speak for our friend Batirah, especially since this post was originally addressed to her. However, in this case I don't think she will mind. (if she does, she will let me know I'm sure! haha).

She is a huge fan of Jason Matthews, hence her avatar. Jason Matthews is still with us. Purpose of the post? In my opinion, mutual and group admiration.

Have a great Monday afternoon!
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Literally a quick reply as the button below says....I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to speak for our friend Batirah, especially since this post was originally addressed to her. However, in this case I don't think she will mind. (if she does, she will let me know I'm sure! haha).

She is a huge fan of Jason Matthews, hence her avatar. Jason Matthews is still with us. Purpose of the post? In my opinion, mutual and group admiration.

Have a great Monday afternoon!

thank you for clarifying that...
Well, I join in the love for Jason Matthews. Particularly, I love his dick and his ass. But, if I knew him, I'd probably love him for his inner beauty as a person. But as it is, I am this shallow person, just loving him for his physical beauty! LOLOLOL

On one of his scenes, it came out that he was just getting out of jail. It made me wish I had known he was in jail. I'd have run out to commit a crime just for the purpose of getting put to spend some time with Jason in jail. I'd make that kid's life so nice in jail, he wouldn't want to leave when they forced him out.

Such a beautiful guy!

Such a beautiful world.
If I am not mistaken, Mr. Tyler36 has learned more about Broke Straight Boys and the members in a really short period of time (July I believe) than many others. Kind of like a Librarian. They know everything or where to find it....Good job!
If I am not mistaken, Mr. Tyler36 has learned more about Broke Straight Boys and the members in a really short period of time (July I believe) than many others. Kind of like a Librarian. They know everything or where to find it....Good job!
SFPSO1..All this time and I am embarresd to say I don't know how to post scenes. But you want to see Jason in all his glory.
Check out his scene with Paul Canon..OMG..They are both so Beautiful....But see Jasons ass in all it's Beauty....xo
I actually got to meet and greet Jason in the flesh. It was at the NYC Gay Pride booth and I spent an hour with Jason, Blake, Denver, Cole & Sha and I touched Jason's "silky smooth" skin and he smelled like fresh baby powder and more important, he was a hell of a nice guy and totally respectful to me. Jason is a very cool guy as well as was Blake Bennet. A most memorable day for "mikeyank" of the Broke Straight Boys forum!!! :thumbup:
Literally a quick reply as the button below says....I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to speak for our friend Batirah, especially since this post was originally addressed to her. However, in this case I don't think she will mind. (if she does, she will let me know I'm sure! haha).

She is a huge fan of Jason Matthews, hence her avatar. Jason Matthews is still with us. Purpose of the post? In my opinion, mutual and group admiration.

Have a great Monday afternoon!
That's it! Just sharing our love and admiration for Jason! Ambi is welcoming to the fan club.
Tyler, you can speak for me anytime you want... You usually say ever I want to say and better than I could ever do.

If I am not mistaken, Mr. Tyler36 has learned more about Broke Straight Boys and the members in a really short period of time (July I believe) than many others. Kind of like a Librarian. They know everything or where to find it....Good job!
That's true! Tyler is a very dedicated student!

I actually got to meet and greet Jason in the flesh. It was at the NYC Gay Pride booth and I spent an hour with Jason, Blake, Denver, Cole & Sha and I touched Jason's "silky smooth" skin and he smelled like fresh baby powder and more important, he was a hell of a nice guy and totally respectful to me. Jason is a very cool guy as well as was Blake Bennet. A most memorable day for "mikeyank" of the Broke Straight Boys forum!!! :thumbup:

I am so jealous, Mike!:angel:
There is a scene with Jason Matthews and Graham Brady, where Graham lays there, totally unresponsive while Jason does whatever he wants to do to him. Thats a hot fucking scene which I had played out, lots of times, when I was a young guy.

This scene with Jason and Graham took me way back. Last week, they were celebrating the 70th anniversary of the US Air Force, which started up in 1947. That service was staffed at first by the old Army Air Corp that was transferred into it. But everyone was trying to join, and when I finished my PhD in 1953, I tried to join too. I mean, I was a fucking geneticist, and what would they want with me in the Air Force? But my grandfather had political pull, and knew Generals, so he got me in anyway. My parents wouldn't let me join the Military until the Korean war was over, because they didn't want someone killing their hot little baby son. But when things cooled down, I was allowed to join.

I'm not a very patriotic person. I've always throught of my dick, way before I thought of my country. Sad Sad Sad I am a very simple person. My motivation for having a hot body was because the naked men were at the gym. And my motivation for going into the military was because there would be LOTS of naked men around, and the fucking uniforms were hot as hell. I had mine tailored so that they showed my abs, my ass and my legs and arms. The cold war was just cranking up, and so people loved guys in uniform. And, they loved hot people in uniform even more.

Jason Matthews causes me to remember events that I played out a lot of times. One of the great things that military service offered was anonymity. You were in places where no one knew anything about you. Around my home, EVERYONE knew EVERY THING about me. Give me some anonymity and I'd fall right into role playing.

One of the things I'd do was act like I was straight. Gay people could pick me out of a room, because of my body as it was displayed by the hot tailored uniform. I'd be friendly, open, and manipulatable, and act like I had no idea what they were up to, while I knew EXACTLY what they were up to. LOL

For instance, I was in the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver one time. The early 50's were before gay bars, but in downtown Denver there were lots of "gayish" bars, and I loved to go there. This was before jet plane travel was common, so if you went somewhere you had to go there by road or rail. I had this hot car, which my Grandfather had bought for me. It was one of the first Corvettes they made and you could get them in any color you wanted, as long as you wanted a white car. Are you kidding. But damn that fucking car was hot and my uniform looked GREAT in it.

So I had the body in those days, the uniform and the car, and I'd go places. I was in downtown Denver, and I let this hot fucking guy pick me up and we went back to my suite at the Brown Palace Hotel, which in those days was exactly like Molly Brown built it. Fabulous. (Subsequently, it has been totally remodeled and modernized!) This was before credit cards, so when you traveled, you paid everything with travelers checks and my Mom used to send me stacks of those things so I was living it up for a week in Denver.

What brings this up, was the scene with Jason Matthews and Graham Brady I think that was like Graham's second scene on Broke Straight Boys and he was doing a totally nonresponsive role with Jason. I used to do this lots of times. For example, in Denver I let a hot guy pick me up, and we went back to the Brown Palace Suite. The first thing you know the hot guy was moving in on me, and I'd let him, but act totally like Graham was acting there. Let him do anything to me, but I do nothing to him. Even where Jason was sticking his dick in the kid's mouth and I'd keep my mouth shut and let him rub it all over my face, and then eventually reluctantly let him shove it in my mouth, then act like I'm choking on the fucker. That would make those fucking guys so god damned hot.

There's another scene that reminds me of things I 'd do in this phase of my life. Max Flint and Sam did a scene where Max was licking Sam's ass, playing with his ass hole, rubbing his dick on his ass hole, while Sam was jacking off. He asked Sam if he wanted him to shove it in. Sam's totally unresponsive. I used to do that scene a lot. One difference was, that I'd always try to work it out where I'd cum in the guy's mouth. Then make him swallow the cum.

My favorite thing to do was the play the role of the horny straight guy that wouldn't do anything, and then when you got me naked and got my dick hard, I'd do anything.

Back to that guy in Denver. So I encountered him the next night, and I told him right up front that I really felt bad about what had happened, and told him I NEVER wanted to do that again. Then, we'd wind up in that same fucking suite doing that same things again and I'd be playing the role "Oh Gawd! What happened?" As soon as I'd bust a load, I'd start the thing about how bad I felt to make the straight guy thing look real, and act like I had induced the gay guy into doing something very wrong.

I guarantee you, there are gay old men today, looking back to the days when they found this straight guy, got him down and played with his body and made him bust cum all over the fucking place. I loved to do that because it would make the gay guys so fucking hot, all thinking they were making out with a real straight guy.

Thank God for the US Air Force. Some of the best memories of my life are based on my 4 years there. None of the people celebrating their 70th year anniversary mentioned what a great impact it had had on my sex life and on the sex lives of LOTS of gay people all around the country during the 4 years I was in.

The scene with Jason Matthews and Graham Brody caused me to remember all this.
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There is a scene with Jason Matthews and Graham Brady, where Graham lays there, totally unresponsive while Jason does whatever he wants to do to him.

That was incredible studddandy! Also, that scene with Jason Matthews and Graham Brady was pretty incredible too! I have never watched it! Your post and story, being the catalyst for your post, made it mandatory viewing!!:biggrin:

Thanks again!
