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Upcoming Broke Straight Boys Gay Sex Scenes

Oct 25, 2018
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I really like seeing upcoming scenes. Any chance we can have more then 3 updates at a time. For example, Next Door, does 15 to 20 upcoming previews. It is fun to see what is coming. Just a thought. Love the site a lot and think you are doing great finding hot guys.
That's what almost all porn studios completely suck at (Next Door being the exception) you never have a good indication as to what's coming, to help you decide whether or not you would like to subscribe. And you never really get to know which models are still actively shooting scenes & which have moved on, until enough time has passed and you see no more scenes from them. Never really understood the secrecy behind what's upcoming from porn studios. I think paying members should know in as much detail as possible what is coming, so they can decide if they wish to keep spending their money to remain a member.
That's what almost all porn studios completely suck at (Next Door being the exception) you never have a good indication as to what's coming, to help you decide whether or not you would like to subscribe. And you never really get to know which models are still actively shooting scenes & which have moved on, until enough time has passed and you see no more scenes from them. Never really understood the secrecy behind what's upcoming from porn studios. I think paying members should know in as much detail as possible what is coming, so they can decide if they wish to keep spending their money to remain a member.

Men does 3 but they update every day. From what management has said they do good to get the 3 edited and up. Broke Straight Boys is still reasonably priced and it’s a bargain today. I appreciate that they have kept up the number of scenes. I like most old timers are not that impressed with current talent but I think they try very hard to keep things going.
Didn't I read that they have 30 something scenes filmed? I think they make their scene decisions based on the comments and feedback on the scenes and these forum threads. That's just my opinion, and I could totally be wrong. So, they only release three at a time so they can change the direction they want to go if need be. If they get two scenes back to back that have really negative feedback, they can change the upcoming scenes around if they need to.
Didn't I read that they have 30 something scenes filmed? I think they make their scene decisions based on the comments and feedback on the scenes and these forum threads. That's just my opinion, and I could totally be wrong. So, they only release three at a time so they can change the direction they want to go if need be. If they get two scenes back to back that have really negative feedback, they can change the upcoming scenes around if they need to.

I think your spot on.........
I will be checking later tonight after the new update is uploaded to see what will be the next one, as I am skipping the three already listed as "upcoming". I still wonder about Kace, hope for another Sky update and especially wonder if anything is coming up with Jake?????? :smiley-love021:

Didn't I read that they have 30 something scenes filmed? I think they make their scene decisions based on the comments and feedback on the scenes and these forum threads. That's just my opinion, and I could totally be wrong. So, they only release three at a time so they can change the direction they want to go if need be. If they get two scenes back to back that have really negative feedback, they can change the upcoming scenes around if they need to.

You're right about that. That's exactly what they did with Axel Kane's episodes, spacing them out so that they do eventually play them but infrequently due to membership's dissatisfaction (at least a majority of dissatisfaction).
You're right about that. That's exactly what they did with Axel Kane's episodes, spacing them out so that they do eventually play them but infrequently due to membership's dissatisfaction (at least a majority of dissatisfaction).

I tried to edit my comment to add a PS but I see it didn't take, so here it is:

P.S. I do look forward to Denver's scene with Derek. Derek is a close second to Richie as far as bottoms who truly enjoy their work and Denver has plenty of cock to give to him. That and I think Denver has been dying to do this for a long time.
Didn't I read that they have 30 something scenes filmed? I think they make their scene decisions based on the comments and feedback on the scenes and these forum threads. That's just my opinion, and I could totally be wrong. So, they only release three at a time so they can change the direction they want to go if need be. If they get two scenes back to back that have really negative feedback, they can change the upcoming scenes around if they need to.

Yes Jay. That makes a lot of sense. I can see them not wanting to be publicly committed to showing several scenes in a particular order. Also, just because they may have a backup supply of 30+ scenes at any given moment, doesn't mean they have all of them edited, spliced and ready to click and play. That's a process that can take a lot of time and labor hours. Also as you guys have alluded to, they want/need some flexibility to change their minds on the rotation of various scenes if certain models or formats are not going over well.

Also, just because you have a batch of scenes with 5 models filming in a weekend doesn't mean you want to show each and every one of them in chronological order. For instance many of us love Jos Alvarez. But I doubt that many of us want to see 5 or 6 scenes of him in a row. You want the company to have the flexibility to play the shell game a little bit. That way individual models don't get overexposed and stale in a matter of days or a couple weeks.

Many years ago they had what I considered to be a bad habit of bait and switch with updates. They are so much better about that now. I can't even remember the last time it happened. What I mean by that is posting an update that I or we are looking forward to on a particular day, and then at the last minute, switching it to another update that we were not expecting nor necessarily all that happy to see. My own feathers got ruffled over that a few times. But if we ask them to post pics and descriptions of updates for say, 10 upcoming scenes, and then they decide (for whatever business reasons known only to them) that they need to take one or more of said update(s) out of the rotation and hold them back longer, not show them at all, etc...they risk annoying paying members that way also.

So while I'm not saying that it wouldn't be nice if we could get a look at maybe 5 upcoming scenes instead of 3...I do understand their reasons for not wanting to get too far ahead of the game into the future. Because some weird things can be happening behind the scenes with models and a company at large. If I was running a company I would want flexibility to change things around and shuffle the shells a bit more (and later in the game) without being committed to the paying members too far in advance.
I always check to see what the next "coming soon" is when a new video is released as was the case last night. I see that the newest to be promoted is "John Henry And Cory Flip Fucking" coming on April 19. What I found most interesting and unusual was the wording in the scene description.

"John Henry is back! Well, only because we had a scene in the can. We hope you enjoy as these two sexy guys take turns on who fucks who..."

I was very surprised to read that it was said that the reason John Henry was back was only because they "had a scene in the can." Interesting........
I always check to see what the next "coming soon" is when a new video is released as was the case last night. I see that the newest to be promoted is "John Henry And Cory Flip Fucking" coming on April 19. What I found most interesting and unusual was the wording in the scene description.

"John Henry is back! Well, only because we had a scene in the can. We hope you enjoy as these two sexy guys take turns on who fucks who..."

I was very surprised to read that it was said that the reason John Henry was back was only because they "had a scene in the can." Interesting........

I could be wrong but I think they said John Henry was retiring. I think Sha said it. But I do remember something was said.
I could be wrong but I think they said John Henry was retiring. I think Sha said it. But I do remember something was said.
Is he retiring from porn all together? I know there were some that were tired of seeing him in every scene, but I liked John Henry for the most part. It’s like they were apologizing for it in the scene description., which I don’t think was necessary. John Henry works hard and did a good job. I’d rather see him than a couple of the new guys.
Is he retiring from porn all together? I know there were some that were tired of seeing him in every scene, but I liked John Henry for the most part. It’s like they were apologizing for it in the scene description., which I don’t think was necessary. John Henry works hard and did a good job. I’d rather see him than a couple of the new guys.
I don’t recall any announcement of John Henry’s retirement so I also took it as an “apology”, Jay. It kind of surprised me to see him introduced that way, which is why I made my post. :001_unsure:
I always check to see what the next "coming soon" is when a new video is released as was the case last night. I see that the newest to be promoted is "John Henry And Cory Flip Fucking" coming on April 19. What I found most interesting and unusual was the wording in the scene description.

"John Henry is back! Well, only because we had a scene in the can. We hope you enjoy as these two sexy guys take turns on who fucks who..."

I was very surprised to read that it was said that the reason John Henry was back was only because they "had a scene in the can." Interesting........

My bad for not going back a page and catching your post. Yeah, it was totally weird wording. Kind of disappointing to be honest. I know I am guilty of saying that I wanted a break from him, but I didn't mean all together. It was getting to the point where he and Xavier were in every other scene, but I like John Henry.
Nothing inspires me about the next three upcoming scenes, nor did anything inspire me about the last couple of scenes released. The name of the site is still "broke straight boys", but these are all far from that original premise. Yes Ben may have started off straight, and Sky who appeared two scenes ago is new and still discovering but the rest.............:yawn:
I think I feel you mike, but fortunately there are still boys like Charlie, the two Tylers, or Adam that you recently mentioned in the vault
I think I feel you mike, but fortunately there are still boys like Charlie, the two Tylers, or Adam that you recently mentioned in the vault
Exactly ajames! If not for the #1) forum and

#2), the vast archives of the Tylers, Adam, MikeR, Logan, Tank Shane, Abram, Ayden etc. etc., (and JAKE too), I would have "headed for the hills" a long time ago. lol

Thinking of John Henry: it reminds me of a scene (I know HikeYank will remember) from the BSB TV. Johnny Forza had done 40 scenes in one year. In a skype conversation with Mark, Sha and the company CTO discussed that members appeared to be tiring of his many appearances and as a result his ratings had dropped in to the 30s. They brought Johnny in and told him that they were not going to renew to renew his contract. I think this has been one reason for "spreading out" some scenes. The porn business can be a bit tricky and all models have a limited time. I think Mark and Sha do their best to support their models, but they also have a business to run.
I don’t recall any announcement of John Henry’s retirement so I also took it as an “apology”, Jay. It kind of surprised me to see him introduced that way, which is why I made my post. :001_unsure:
I don't think there was an official announcement, but the February 10, 2019 thumbnail caption it says something about this episode being one of the few remaining episodes with John Henry!
I don't think there was an official announcement, but the February 10, 2019 thumbnail caption it says something about this episode being one of the few remaining episodes with John Henry!
That to me doesn’t necessarily say that “he retired” as it could also indicate that “he was retired”??? :001_unsure: