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the shane and braden scene out of order


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
so cal
seems someone thought it would be better to hide my comments.

this scene is the anal scene, which comes after the oral scene. the oral scene will appear when ever those in control of the updates get around to posting it.
this posting out of order, is annoying.
why can't they be posted in order?
what is posted is posted on time, but this order thing has me uncomfortable.
six months ago scene were to appear in order. that was the big push, then.
that was then, this is now!
did they do a duo jackoff scene, where they meet each other for the real first time on tape?
will wait until the oral scene before watching this one out of order.

why hide comments?

am i asking to wrong questions about the order of the scene with shane and braden?
are there things that should not be said in this forum?
i ask just so i will know for future post.
i guessing this post will be taken down.

No conspiracy here, only the fact that for whatever technical reasons, or perhaps just out of choosing the tapes according to taste, Blu has got a bunch of them out of order. Perversely this is after having already recognized how important it is to the members that the "progression" be honored, since we like to see the soap opera evolve. David over the years has kept his ever changing stable of Brokies fairly coherent, and obviously, I mean really, obviously, films in order. Unless Tyler is mixing up the material when sending it to Colorado, Blu is mixing it up as they update it on the site. They, like anyone, would say this was just another result of the complexity of organizing and running a business like theirs. Alternatively they may be more interested in day to day impact on prospective new punters thinking of subscribing, and pick and choose hot episodes with more of an eye to those guys, than to the effect of jumbled chronology on the membership they already have signed up.
well if management was to say that the decision on which scene to air is based upon factors that have nothing to do with the memberships' sense of progression, then i would stop this periodic, idoitic posting of my concern for order.
what bothers me almost as much as this order of scenes thing is the fact that my comments were merged with another thread.
i don't know the reason why, but the effect was to hide a complaint, within a group of comments about the quality and the content of the scene.
after reading thru the comments on the video, i found a comment from mark.
so either he got my email or read my post.
Well, I have said it before and I will say it again.
Only when and until this showing of the videos in order issue becomes important to Mark, will we see a change. Slim makes a valid point, the goal of all enterprises is attracting new business. The members you already have are not likely to leave or cancel over such a trivial issue. This subject is raised periodically and all too often. If the feelings and concerns of the vocal majority mean nothing to the top guy and are summarily dismissed as the rantings and ravings of those who have nothing better to do but complain, then in essence you are being told to "just shut up and watch what I post, when I post it and be content with that".

As for this weeks video, I see it was still holding a 4.9 rating as of this morning, not sure why because I fell asleep while watching it last night, so I will wait and watch it again before I vote or comment.

Have a happy day!

this what i posted that was merged away from sight:
have not watch the latest scene with shane and braden.
i just read the narrative. this scene is the anal scene, which comes after the oral scene. the oral scene will appear when ever those in control of the updates get around to posting it.
this posting out of order, is annoying.
why can't they be posted in order?
what is posted is posted on time, but this order thing has me uncomfortable.
six months ago scenes were to appear in order. that was the big push, then.
that was then, this is now!
did they do a duo jackoff scene, where they meet each other for the real first time on tape?
will wait until the oral scene before watching this one out of order.
My bad on the my post regarding the order of scenes. I admit that I haven't watched it yet. And I had not read the narrative where it spoke to another oral scene yet to be shown. The one thing I will say in the defense of the decision to hold off the oral scene is this. In this case there is little concern that the "progression" of the models will be out of balance. Usually our biggest complaint about scenes shown out of sequence is that we don't see the nervous buildup of a new straight model as he moves up the rungs of the ladder of gay sex. With established models like Shane and Braden that particular issue is not as important anymore.

But I see that you are standing on principle here. Simply advocating for all scenes to be shown in sequence. And that is your right to speak your mind.
I think most people see the "progression" as an evolution of a new straight guy's gay experience. But even with established guys like Shane and Braden, who are an unlikely pairing to begin with, it's fun to see them move from oral to anal. It's more natural, if I can use that word!

I would be cool if management would take a stab at explaining the choice of order. A mistake? technical reasons? marketing decision?