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Terrorist Attack on Canada


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Thanks to the work of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ottawa City Police, and the quick thinking of the House of Commons' Sergeant-at-Arms, Kevin Vickers (a former Mountie): yesterday's terrorist attack on our Parliament was quickly contained, and quickly shut down. Though there will doubtless be (and need to be) increased security, in future. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/22/ottawa-terror-attack-left-images-both-vivid-and-horrifying/

However, my thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Corporal Nathan Cirillo, of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, who was standing as a ceremonial guard at the National War Memorial, and who was shot at point-blank in the chest by the wicked and deluded miscreant in question. A nice young man, with a little son, who was targeted only because he represented Canada, at the wrong time, on the wrong, fateful, day. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com...illo-died-standing-guard-over-one-of-his-own/


*"Amazing Grace" ~ The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8AeV8Jbx6M

Nathan Cirillo.jpg
I'm so sorry Ambi.

And yes. Corporal Nathan Cirillo looks to have been a lovely man. (MHRIP)

I have discussed this in a couple of other threads. We are in a war of a different nature than we have ever seen. In previous wars we knew who the enemy was, where they were located, and what we had to look forward to in their strategies. Today, it is a war of camouflage. It is a war on terrorism. They are all over the world, hidden in our societies disguise. Passengers on two planes destroy two major buildings in the US, unidentified people bomb buses in London, and the list goes on. They are like the enemy in Kevin Bacon's movie "Tremors" where one never knew where the next one would pop up.

Whereas at one time you could identify the battle front, today it could be in one's own backyard. What is sad is that the enemy's strategy these days are: Instilling fear in people and societies, making prisoners of us in our own homes, causing us to cast doubt on every stranger we meet in the streets. They are slowly eroding our sense of freedom and security as we have known it.

God help us all. I pray that we stay strong and together we will prevail.


A senseless crime against a man simply and innocently doing his job. My tears go out to his family, friends and comrades.

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Ambi, I hope that is the end of terrorism for your beloved Canada. Your officials certainly handled it well, as did the citizens. I must have missed the video of the riots and burning. That's what we do.
Ambi, My thoughts and prayers go out to all in Canada, especially to the family's of the victims. I think what disgusts me even more then the 2 senseless acts against the 2 soldiers, ( the car and the shooting ) is the fact that I have not heard 1 Islamic organization denounce these acts....Being a gay man, I have low tolerance for racism and bigotry but I have to say....If the Muslims can't stand for right,.... well no need to finish that statement.....
Here's a photo of the Canadian Parliament terrorist and killer, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, (who got shot and died):


Here's a photo of terrorist and killer Martin "Ahmad" Couture-Rouleau, now deceased, who performed another terrorist attack on Canadian soil (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu) two days ago:


Both guys were Canadian-born Islamists. Ahmad had recently converted to Islam and was a follower of the #‎IslamicState‬. Before committing his crime, he dialed 911 and said he was acting in Allah's name. You can't kick native Canadians out of their own country. The problem is the #‎IslamicState‬ indoctrinating, zombifying and making cruel monsters of them. Ahmad was also inluenced by anti-Iluminati/anti-NWO/anti-Zionist documentaries such as 'The Arrivals': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObPj36CV9E .
Thanks to all for their kind messages, in response to this thread.

This whole thing just blows my mind....why are people acting like this....
This whole thing just blows my mind....why are people acting like this....

Good question. I think one of the answers is that people these days like to push the boundaries of freedom. Instead of enjoying the freedom we have in most western countries, something in their mind wants to spoil it. If people don't like where they live and wish to plan to go and fight for ISIS or any such organisation then let them go. Trying to keep them under lock and key in their country will only add fuel to the fire and make similar people hate their own country.

It's a harsh policy I'm advocating but rather these bastards die in the hot desert than cause damage and death in their own country
This whole thing just blows my mind....why are people acting like this....

Because, Damien Kyle:
*Evil and wickedness are a permanent component of human nature; and,
*There are many people in this world with big problems (in terms of relationships, finances, mental health, and substance abuse) who find some comfort and justification for their own worries and failings, in seizing upon a militant/violent ideology, which excuses their problems by attaching the blame to others, in the name of religion, politics, or something large, of that nature.
*These excuses give their lives a false and transitory sense of meaning. And embracing these excuses is easier than facing their real problems, which entails personal pain, and a lot of work.

It was ever thus, but social media has accelerated the process.
