My darling Joey, JWGlasser, used to ambush me with links to pretty freaky porn that sometimes scared me, the too horrible to look away from and can't unsee it but can't stop watching it either, kind of porn. The Coke Can guy, the Giant Butt Plug Man, The Glass Bottle That Broke guy. Skat porn (I couldn't watch that, not at all).
The Shemale porn another friend shared was kind of intriguing, I have to admit. Must have to do with my love of drag. I think I'd watch that kind of porn for sure, Drag Queens Untucked!
I'd like to watch someone having urethral sounds used on them. I love to read BDSM erotica, both m/m and m/f, but haven't really ever sought out porn with the same themes. Hmmmm I wonder why? I think I'm rather a porn virgin. The only porn I've ever consistently watched is this!