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Mar 11, 2009
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This is a bit random... hello btw guys. It's been a minute since I've been online. Looking for a job.
Anyways, I'm here in Atlanta. The South rarely gets snow. Last snow we got was back in 2011, and it was up to like 6 inches of snow and ice and the kids were out of school for an entire week. This week, a big snow storm came in early Tuesday afternoon and left 3 inches of snow and ice all over the roads of the South, but in particular Atlanta. It caused a traffic nightmare. Kids whose school districts did not close had to spend the night at their schools, parents, employees stuck on interstates in bumper to bumper traffic that could not move because of the ice so people were forced to abandon their cars and walk for miles. It is absolute chaos. I am just posting this to let people know around the country to please stop saying to Atlanta, "Wow, Atlanta ain't seen nothing. We get 2 feet of snow and still have to go to school and work." Like I said, it's rare here so they are never prepare for it when it happens. Not to mention, this is only 3 inches of snow! Absolutely ridiculous. I don't see how Northern people do this because we are struggling down her in just a few inches.

That's all :wtf:
Hope you are staying warm.

Us Northerners are use to it, that is how we deal with it. I live in upstate new York and snow is just a part of life for us. We say we don't understand how people can live where there are hurricanes and earthquakes.
Three inches is a dusting for us, we don't have problems until it get to a foot or more. Our problem this year has been the bitter cold, the 0 and below days.
high 5.jpgWe've had loads of ice this year. Most years we usually get a couple of snow/ice storms, but we've been hit hard. One of the main reasons we "don't do storms well," is the number of tall bridges and overpasses. As well, we've had more than our share of temperatures below zero. Here is the "High 5;" a huge intersection of highways...but not our only one; it's in Dallas.
Some of our staff lives in Atlanta, so I have been hearing about it. You guys just dont have the snow removal equipment so its understandable.

In Denver starting tonight we should see 8-10 inches with the mountains could see up to 36 inches of snowfall by the weekend. Stay warm down there :)
of course, hard to get ready for things that very rarely happen, if ever. in san diego, rain causes a near crisis. I have pushed for local governments to coordinate plans for moving people around/out of town and the region. that will be important, in the event of an earth disaster or a human directed disaster. everybody on the same page. the road jams were caused by lack of planning, lack of coordination, and lack of confidence more than the snow and ice. the fear of being wrong meant people sat on the interstate for hours.
i Posted Some Videos On My Facebook Of Me & Dutchs & Paul Playing In The Snow :) She Loves It IDK How She Doesn't Get Cold