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Scene Thread - Newbie Mason Fucks Shawn

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Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
There is another thread with the title of our latest update, but it seems to be a bad link, as we cannot read it or open it, so I wanted to try again with a new thread. I enjoyed this update, as I am intrigued by Mason, by his massive size, 6'5", 215 lbs, (one of the tallest ever Broke Straight Boys models), and by his very open BTS interview with Sha where he spoke of his total inexperience with not only gay porn but with gay sex as well. And so I am most interested in watching his journey as he is one of the few here in 2017 who can make that statement.

It was a good first time for Mason. While Shawn is very sexy with beautiful eyes and a great body, and obviously very skilled at his profession, Mason has the body of a college athlete perhaps a football lineman and I do recall his speaking of his massive thighs during his BTS. But he is not toned the way Shawn is, which is what I prefer, but this is Broke Straight Boys, and Mason does have the look of a real straight boy, rather than a professional porn star, so I am okay with that for his first round of scenes.

Mason also had erection issues as newbie Ashton had as well, although Shawn did stay harder than Ashton did, but still not the rock hard dick that we expect in gay porn. But this was apparently Mason's "first rodeo" and over-all I thought he did a good job for a newbie, and Shawn was fine in his role breaking the new model into into the wonderful world of gay porn. And so I was pleased with this update and look forward to seeing where Mason goes as his journey progresses. And that is what Classic Broke Straight Boys was all about and it's good to see it again, at least for now with Mason. :smile:
I really liked this scene. (Differing slightly from “absolutely loving” the scene) There are ways to detract from it, but I think this is Broke Straight Boys, and my life long experience with straight-boys is that they are sexually attracted to pussy, and they find that a guy is a lot different, in many ways, to a pussy. So maneuvering them and maintaining them into that place where they are having sex with a hairy muscular ass-hole instead of a stinky wet pussy, is sometimes a little difficult. I have always gone past whatever difficulties they have. I can’t throw away a 6’5” hot body, just because his mind is a little fucked up with pussy. I bridge whatever conflicts they have with my imagination. And using this philosophy, I really liked this scene.

Starting off with Shawn. That kid is looking at Mason the way I would have been looking at Mason. Knowing that that big fucker is about to take me down and fuck my god damned ass, because he’s fantasizing about some nasty pussy and my ass feels, actually better, than any pussy he’s ever been inside of. And you see how hard it makes that kids dick when Mason bends him over in front of those bright windows (someone must know that that downgrades that part of the scene by 50% - You can almost overcome the bright light with good cameras – but god damnit! Why try?) and fucks that kids ass. Believe me, that hot little kid’s nuts were WANTING to bust from the git-go. That’s one of the greatest feelings in mortal experience is when the straight boy first sticks that long skinny dick inside your ass, and SATISFACTION was everywhere on Shawn’s hot body. Damn, that guy loves a good fucking from a hot straight guy!

Some things are completely beyond my experience. All forms of acrobatic-sex goes completely over my head. In my whole long life, it has never even ONCE occurred to me that I should stand a guy on his god damned head and fuck his ass. Are you kidding me? Whoever thinks this shit up. I guess someone does. No matter whoever else enjoyed Shawn standing on his head for a fucking, Shawn’s dick was sure not there. It didn’t go limp, but his dick clearly was wondering what was happening. But there’s some hot virtue to this aspect of the scene. Mason is saying something to Shawn. Its not clear to me what he’s saying, but I love “dying declarations” where straight guys are excited by intense events, and they mutter shit excitedly that they believe somehow has something to do with the tight, wet and warm feeling their dick is having. I’m telling you, about Mason. Its clear that there is a smart guy attached to the other end of that hot dick. He admits that the loves the gym, sports and food. Well, I’m adding his dick to his list of “likes”. That guy loves his god damned dick. And when it feels good, it causes these excited utterances, whatever ever they were.

I loved the way Mason recovered from the acrobatic-sex. He physically hauled that little kid up and set him on top of that long, skinny, hot dick. Mason was loving the cowgirl fucking. Just look at his tows all curled up on those size 13 feet. Curled tows and tight balls are straight-boy body language that demonstrate how much they are liking the fucking they can’t really believe they are doing. And even more, they can’t believe it feels so fucking good. (Usually they sense how much guys love their dicks and are feeling amazing while they hope that no one finds out. LOL!)

Straight-boys like to think that they are pleasing their partners with their dicks. Believe me, Mason thinks if he pleases that little kid with his dick that he’ll be seen as a 6’6’ guy. It’ll clearly make him an inch taller. He says these straight-boy “Tanner” words like “Yeah?” and “You like that?” and its is clear that Shawn was “liking” that. When Mason finally rolled him over onto his back, Shawn just busted those nuts ever since they felt that long skinny dick in the bright windows. And then he coaxed the cum shot out of Mason. Both cum shots were really good, and you can’t fake a good cum shot.

You can pick this scene apart, and say Mason didn’t do this or he didn’t do that. But I’ll tell you what mistake Ashton made. Ashton was creditable as a “top” and so is Mason. This is just me. But the thing Ashton wouldn’t do was let someone inside that hot little white baby ass-hole of his. Oh Jesus. I loved Ashton. But he just couldn’t give it up. Fuck. Put Gage Owens on top of that little hot kid’s ass and it would have blown the fucking top off of that Broke Straight Boys Studio. Well, Mason’s whole success on Broke Straight Boys will depend on his “giving up those big ole boy cheeks”, as Damien Nichols would say. There’s a bunch of guys that could creditably take that big boy’s virginity. We are on the brink of a whole new hero here, and it all depends on when Mason “gives up the cheaks”.
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With regard to threads on this topic, Mikeyank is my hero, and I still want to have Tyler36's baby.
I like the sweet country boy look, if Shawn would've been a little more aggressive (power bottom) and really forced Mason to push his boundaries I think it might have been a little better of a scene. But not bad for his first.....
I like the sweet country boy look, if Shawn would've been a little more aggressive (power bottom) and really forced Mason to push his boundaries I think it might have been a little better of a scene. But not bad for his first.....
What do you know about power bottoms, Peter???? lololololol
I enjoyed it. Enjoyed seeing Mason in action. Well, some action. He didn't do oral. For some reason I just wanted to see that. That's just me.
God damn it! Its great to see you back posting, Johnny!

I REALLY hope you're doing well!
Thank You StuddAndy I REALLY REALLY REALLY Apprecite Your Kind words..When I feel up to it ??? I will tell You all my story up to now.
But I am here. I am Queer And glad to be back on the Forum..One of My Faviorte places to be. One more word..
If You feel anything might be wrong with You ?? Go too your Doctor. Don't wait 10 years like I did. Stupid Johnny.
I Really thought I was Superman. The longer You wait. The worst it will get..xoxoxo
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