I cannot imagine the start up costs for something like that but since
Broke Straight Boys is my one small addiction (right Ms K?) I'm in if the powers that be think its workable. Babpuppy has been around since erections to give you an idea and they finally won a cybersocket award this year. Its a mega site but it is not
Broke Straight Boys by a long shot and I'll tell you why. Tho' they have a forum it is not repeat not composed of people like you who can drive one to the extreme of emotions (irritation, humor, etc) in a heartbeat (don't even have time to swallow a nitro). Go take a look and then run back and read the latest from Ms. K or Beth and you'll see what I mean. Finally, you DO NOT get the service on that site when something goes awry that you do here....just saying cause I know.