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Republican Primary Debate


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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I get the feeling we have a lot of Democrats here, but did anyone else watch the Republican Primary Debate on ABC tonight. Politically, I am right of center. I like their thinking on fiscal policy and job creation.
I watched because I believe in the adage "know your enemy." There isn't a man or if I can speak figuratively of MS Bachman, a harpy among them that would support gay rights. They also don't support their president who could have made a good deal of progress on the economy if the Rep. weren't more interested in destroying him and consequently the country just to get back in power. I know, you're sorry you asked.
I watched because I believe in the adage "know your enemy." There isn't a man or if I can speak figuratively of MS Bachman, a harpy among them that would support gay rights. They also don't support their president who could have made a good deal of progress on the economy if the Rep. weren't more interested in destroying him and consequently the country just to get back in power. I know, you're sorry you asked.
While I did not watch it last night, I too have "enjoyed" watching some of their previous encounters for the same reason as you do, to "know your enemy".

I completely agree with every word of your post, Larkster.

I am amazed how I lately completely agree with you on so many different issues. :thumbup1:
Something to think about

I watched because I believe in the adage "know your enemy." There isn't a man or if I can speak figuratively of MS Bachman, a harpy among them that would support gay rights. They also don't support their president who could have made a good deal of progress on the economy if the Rep. weren't more interested in destroying him and consequently the country just to get back in power. I know, you're sorry you asked.

While I did not watch it last night, I too have "enjoyed" watching some of their previous encounters for the same reason as you do, to "know your enemy".

I completely agree with every word of your post, Larkster.

I am amazed how I lately completely agree with you on so many different issues.

Dear Larkster and Mikeyank,

I am in total agreement with you guys. I greatly resent the Republicans that have sought more to destroy Obama's presidency than to do what is right for the country.

With the Supreme Court's recent decision allowing unlimited money from corporate interests into the political process, Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont has a reply to this further adultration of the political process by the Supreme Court. Sanders proposes to have a constitutional amendment where only financial support for campaigns can come from individuals and not corporations. Afterall, if there aren't enough lobbists already buying politicians left and right, campaigns and their candidates should not be "bought and paid for" by corporate interests to the exclusion of voting citizens having the final word in the matter. With the recent changed view expressed by the Supreme Court, there would never have been a Lincoln presidency had this limitation been in effect in 1860.

To sign Bernie Sanders petition for an new constitutional amendment banning corporate money in political campaigns, click on the following link to signup:


I have signed this long overdue petition and I hope all likeminded forumites will see the light and do the patriotic thing too! How else are we ever going to get beyond all of the excessive corporate interests that are causing the US to loose it's international economic standing in the industrialized nations of the world!

Sincerely worried about our country's future,

I signed up Stimpy...anything to help our "Democratic" society!
I get the feeling we have a lot of Democrats here, but did anyone else watch the Republican Primary Debate on ABC tonight. Politically, I am right of center. I like their thinking on fiscal policy and job creation.

Well Tim, I am dead center. I truly believe that as long as our politicians, and the majority of our citizens, are so caught up in "party" politics.............our country will not be able to make a full recovery, on the financial, military, or humanitarian fronts. Statistically, historically, and logically, all of these fronts have been supported and led by our middle class, the strength and backbone of our country.

Well, the Republicans favor business and the upper class. Democrats favor the lower class. While they fight about it, and take turns with their agendas, the middle class is disappearing. Their goes our strength. With our strength....goes our financial, military, and humanitarian systems. These systems CANNOT be rebuilt by the poor, and WILL NOT be rebuilt by the wealthy...............so who is going to do it?
Ms K,

You may have a good point there. Our country has to be pro-business. Businesses have to make a profit or they don't survive. But business doesn't operate in a vacuum. In operates within a society within a nation-state(s). So business does have to work out a fair relationship with labor, the community, the environment, etc. I think we understood this in the '50s and '60s and then started to lose it since. And we have allowed Wall Street to become a large and dangerous casino. I don't think we have too much more time to fix the problem. The market may "correct" the problem before our elected officials get to it.
Im in the center too! I would like what works to fix the economy. If its a Republican or a Democrat I could care less. Look whats happeneing now with a Republican House. Gridlock more than ever before. We need people who can work together to fix the problems. Enough of Global politics. Outsourcing is the problem. Think of all the American jobs done by other countries.
A number of people on this forum have mentioned the Republican Party's opposition to the gay movement, especially gay marriage. They are just throwing a little red meat to the religious right. Remember G.W. Bush and the suggestion that we pass an amendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage. Pure bullshit and not going to happen. This is a non-issue. Look at where they stand on other important issues.
Please tell me I have misunderstood?

A number of people on this forum have mentioned the Republican Party's opposition to the gay movement, especially gay marriage. They are just throwing a little red meat to the religious right. Remember G.W. Bush and the suggestion that we pass an amendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage. Pure bullshit and not going to happen. This is a non-issue. Look at where they stand on other important issues.

Dear Tim,

I do not like anybody that gives further encouragement to homophobic people who genuinely believe "gay marriage" will distroy traditional marriage by its mere existence, whether they are the religious right, wide-eyed liberals, or NAZIs. I hate the idea of a significant constitutional right, the right to one's pursuit of happiness, to be trampled on just for some moralistic politician to make some political points using gay people as mere pawns and their plight to change the topic of discussion and so by preventing the public from getting answers for questions the politician was afraid of answering honestly.

This additional marriage amendment they would like to add to the constitution, whether passable or not, is a needless political distraction from the pressing issues of the day such as having a "do-nothing Congress" that is bought and paid for by lobbyist/special interest, or that the financial disarray of the country could lead to our ultimate demise as a world leader. Furthermore, some of these hard-core fundamentalist right people have been fed the lie that all of this gay marriage hoopla is a conspiracy to make Christianity irrelevant in the US today. These people have been talked into becoming paranoid and believe whatever bullshit is fed to them by their hatefilled religious leaders and would not even recognize Christ if they bumped into Him.

These people don't value objective facts or education unless they are preceeded with "Christ tells us..."! They have no ability to make prudent choices because they are never allowed to exercise their free choice in their daily lives. They are too brain-washed to know that Rick Perry is stupid as shit and is only slightly more stupid than GW. they naively think is a "good man, born-again Christian" and had everybody's best interest in mind when he appointed former lobbyist and former industry personnel to dismantle much of the "checks and balances written into federal policy that formerly protected the average Joe and his family. This was no mere accident.

I just think you need to reconsider the significance of your opinions and whether they hurt the country at large more than they help! If we rely on the status quo, then America as we know it is simply DOOMED!


I support gay marriage. However, I would like the gay community to come up with another term than "marriage." The word marriage has meant one thing for hundreds of years and should retain its meaning. Let's call it a gay "union," or whatever. However, once the union is performed, it gives a same-sex couple the same rights and responsibilities as a married couple. Same-sex marriage is not going to destroy Christianity or the country.

I just don't care how men and women running for federal office feel about gay marriage. It is not relevant. Marriage is not a federal issue; it is a state issue. Maybe someone should bring that up and then they can all shut up about it. As you point out it is brought up to win some votes. For some people this may be a defining issue. For me the defining issue in this election is the economy.

I am looking for someone who is pro-business and pro-job growth. I am looking for someone who can lead us into creating living-wage jobs here at home. There is no reason why we can't make electronics, etc. here in this country. I would suggest that if you want access to the American market, a certain percent of what you sell here has to be made here. We did that with autos. Now this would not pertain to everything, but to autos, televisions, computers etc.

And I don't care which party leads us out of this mess. It has been both parties that helped to get us to this point over the past 30 years or so.
I have a large disagreement with the deregulation movement; this was big with Reagan and Bush. Yes, there can be over regulation. And that does get in the way. However, most regulation came about because of a problem. Remove the regulation and the problem will probably occur again. And the taxpayer usually gets the bill: pollution, banking bailouts, etc. This is a point you bring up and I believe a good point. But remember Clinton and Rubin helped get rid of Glass-Seagall.