I support gay marriage. However, I would like the gay community to come up with another term than "marriage." The word marriage has meant one thing for hundreds of years and should retain its meaning. Let's call it a gay "union," or whatever. However, once the union is performed, it gives a same-sex couple the same rights and responsibilities as a married couple. Same-sex marriage is not going to destroy Christianity or the country.
I just don't care how men and women running for federal office feel about gay marriage. It is not relevant. Marriage is not a federal issue; it is a state issue. Maybe someone should bring that up and then they can all shut up about it. As you point out it is brought up to win some votes. For some people this may be a defining issue. For me the defining issue in this election is the economy.
I am looking for someone who is pro-business and pro-job growth. I am looking for someone who can lead us into creating living-wage jobs here at home. There is no reason why we can't make electronics, etc. here in this country. I would suggest that if you want access to the American market, a certain percent of what you sell here has to be made here. We did that with autos. Now this would not pertain to everything, but to autos, televisions, computers etc.
And I don't care which party leads us out of this mess. It has been both parties that helped to get us to this point over the past 30 years or so.