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Question to my fellow members - How do you rate scenes?


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I watched the new Richie West "stuck at home" scene last night and I couldn't decide what kind of a rating to give it, so I just didn't vote.....yet. In all honesty, I am not a fan of his porn. He seems like a terrific kid and I know he is very highly rated and a fan favorite, but personally he is not the type of model that turns me on. We are all different with different types and turn-ons. But I was impressed with his efforts and thought it was very well done, particularly for a self made at home video.

But I really am not talking specifically about Richie on this thread. He was just the example that lead me to asking this question to my fellow members. This is a porn site and the initial reason that we all joined was to "get off" to hot guys, and so I have always given my highest scores to guys who turn me on and who excite me the most during their scenes. Porn is different than a dancing competition, or a singing show or even an ice skating completion. In all of those cases a performer might be a hot guy who titillates us sexually as a "sidebar" to the reason we are watching them. But here on a porn site the reason we are watching them is to get sexually excited and that has always been my criteria to judge a model or scene by.

So it gets complicated for me when I am not especially aroused by a model who does a good job in his scene. And also management often tells us that our ratings do contribute to a model returning to the site for more shoots. So isn't it in my best personal interests to vote highly for a guy I enjoy, even if his performance wasn't top notch in a particular scene? And conversely if a model does well, but I'd prefer not to see him return, as he doesn't excite me, then isn't giving a high vote to him work against my personal interests?

And by the way, I will never be convinced that our votes are the sole factor in determining the popularity of models, as we can manipulate our votes as I just mentioned. My belief is that our votes, for scenes overall, for the models in the scenes and our rating for the models on their pages is just one factor for management to use to gauge their popularity. I believe that the number of "hits" on scenes is a more useful tool as people aren't likely to watch models who do not turn them on and so the scenes that are the most watched have the most popular models. That seems basic to me.

And so as the forum has been in a lull period anyway in recent weeks, I just thought I'd share my thoughts and throw the question up to my fellow forumites as to what criteria they use in voting on Broke Straight Boys Inquiring minds want to know. :biggrin:
I thought about it and just voted for the Richie West stuck at home scene and gave the scene and the performer 5’s. I think he did a great job and there is no way I could not rate his scene accordingly.
I just don’t trust the system, so I don’t vote most of the time.
I watched the new Richie West "stuck at home" scene last night and I couldn't decide what kind of a rating to give it, so I just didn't vote.....yet. In all honesty, I am not a fan of his porn. He seems like a terrific kid and I know he is very highly rated and a fan favorite, but personally he is not the type of model that turns me on. We are all different with different types and turn-ons. But I was impressed with his efforts and thought it was very well done, particularly for a self made at home video.

But I really am not talking specifically about Richie on this thread. He was just the example that lead me to asking this question to my fellow members. This is a porn site and the initial reason that we all joined was to "get off" to hot guys, and so I have always given my highest scores to guys who turn me on and who excite me the most during their scenes. Porn is different than a dancing competition, or a singing show or even an ice skating completion. In all of those cases a performer might be a hot guy who titillates us sexually as a "sidebar" to the reason we are watching them. But here on a porn site the reason we are watching them is to get sexually excited and that has always been my criteria to judge a model or scene by.

So it gets complicated for me when I am not especially aroused by a model who does a good job in his scene. And also management often tells us that our ratings do contribute to a model returning to the site for more shoots. So isn't it in my best personal interests to vote highly for a guy I enjoy, even if his performance wasn't top notch in a particular scene? And conversely if a model does well, but I'd prefer not to see him return, as he doesn't excite me, then isn't giving a high vote to him work against my personal interests?

And by the way, I will never be convinced that our votes are the sole factor in determining the popularity of models, as we can manipulate our votes as I just mentioned. My belief is that our votes, for scenes overall, for the models in the scenes and our rating for the models on their pages is just one factor for management to use to gauge their popularity. I believe that the number of "hits" on scenes is a more useful tool as people aren't likely to watch models who do not turn them on and so the scenes that are the most watched have the most popular models. That seems basic to me.

And so as the forum has been in a lull period anyway in recent weeks, I just thought I'd share my thoughts and throw the question up to my fellow forumites as to what criteria they use in voting on Broke Straight Boys Inquiring minds want to know. :biggrin:

My general rule is the attractiveness of the models to me (obviously subjective) and how hot the sex is (more objective). Also I try not to go over 4.0 for an oral or solo scene. Although I make exceptions for a super scene such as the recent 5.0 I recently gave to the College Boy Physicals oral scene between Austin Grant and Austin Prince and to this solo at home scene by Richie (I must admit that I read Jay's post on the scene thread also giving a 5.0 before rating the scene myself, so his cogent post may have been an influencing factor on me as well). But ultimately sexual attraction is subjective as individual ratings of gay porn scenes must be.
My general rule is the attractiveness of the models to me (obviously subjective) and how hot the sex is (more objective)......................... But ultimately sexual attraction is subjective as individual ratings of gay porn scenes must be.
That’s how I see it too. Porn is not a level playing field. If you are hot and turn your audience on, then you are successful, and if our ratings influence who comes back, then we should give high scores to the guys who get us off.
For me there are a couple of rules I have followed since joining the forum that I do for reviewing scenes:
1. Never read forum comments until I have watched the scene myself. The reason I do this is so I can make my own mind up about a scene and not be influenced by others. There are some very strong influencers on the forum that can make their point of view the predominant one.
2.never watch the pre interview until just before I watch the scene. This I have found often if I watch in isolation has a bearing on the score. The Zeke/Jo's scene is a case in point. Zeke chewing gum and sitting wearing socks, both which I hate would have really influenced my scoring if I had not watched both together, also it would have influenced my opinion of Zeke.
3. I watch every scene that is released. Whether I like the models or not. The reason I do this is because of the amount of time and effort put into making a scene for our enjoyment. Also to give every model a chance to prove they are capable of being a porn model for Broke Straight Boys Sometimes this works for me, others it doesn't. I also view each scene independently from any previous scenes, so although I have my favourites, I will not let that influence the score for the current scene I am viewing.
4. Variety. Does the scene in my opinion have enough different elements to give it a good score. Calhoun 's scenes are a case in point. Nearly all Calhoun 's scenes I have scored either a 4 or 5. The exception to this was his scene with Ryan Park's where the noise the two of them were making was way over the top and came across as false and not believable, so this only rated a 3 from me. Ethan Steel is another case in point. This model in his first 8/9 scenes simply did hot have enough variety in his performance to warrant a high score. Lacked oral skills and used the same positions in every scene. However since his return his scenes have improved, although not at a 4 yet, Ethan is demonstrating improvement and I will recognise this in my review. I can only see an improvement if I watch each scene.
5. Finally I do not watch the post interviews. I find these really cringing and add no value in my opinion to the scene. I have watched a couple of these self congratulatory scenes and really don't enjoy them, so in order not to cloud my judgment of the scene I now don't watch them.
All the models and staff at Broke Straight Boys put a lot of time and energy into creating a great product , I would like to think that when they read our comments they take on board the negative as well as the positive from these to create even better future scenes.
Thank you Foxyman for your detailed and specific answer to my question. As I keep repeating, when it comes to human sexuality, the variations are endless, and we all process porn and sex through our own eyes and our own "dicks" lol.

You had also questioned on the scene thread Foxyman, the thought process of the folks who did not highly rate the "Stuck At Home With Richie West" episode, although those on the forum who commented all rated it highly. I discovered a long time ago, that the folks who post here on the forum only represent a fraction of over-all membership. And I would surmise that for the average member of Broke Straight Boys their votes are a visceral reaction to their level of sexual arousal. That is my basic reaction as well. But I do find the subject interesting and I'd love to hear from anyone else who'd like to comment.
The phrase "I know it when I see it" is a colloquial expression by which a speaker attempts to categorize an observable fact or event, although the category is subjective or lacks clearly defined parameters. The phrase was used in 1964 by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his threshold test for obscenity in Jacobellis v. Ohio.[1][2] In explaining why the material at issue in the case was not obscene under the Roth test, and therefore was protected speech that could not be censored, Stewart wrote:

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.[3]

This is the way I approach rating scenes. I'll watch a scene and when finished I get a general impression of how I reacted to it both mentally and viscerally and arrive at an overall rating based on those. Then I look at it to analyzed how much I liked or disliked each model's performance and the overall scene itself. Then I combine the two and arrive at my final rating. This might sound way complicated but for me it's second nature.
We're not deciding a nuclear arms treaty here...

That’s how I see it too. Porn is not a level playing field. If you are hot and turn your audience on, then you are successful, and if our ratings influence who comes back, then we should give high scores to the guys who get us off.

Yes! if we like the model and we get off, why not like the scene? And we cannot forget that this is very subjective. We may like a model because he reminds us of someone. We may dislike a model for the same reason. Similarly, one scene may contain elements that really turn up the heat for one viewer, and do nothing for another. I never think I am commenting on the objective beauty, skills, or general worth of any model; I'm just saying how the guy(s) and the scene affected me. And it is dreadfully tiresome- to me, subjective again - to read some of the joyless, verbose analysis and deconstruction of scenes that goes on here. On the other hand, I do enjoy updates on past models, and love it when the models themselves dip a toe into the Forum. That's fun!
I think this is an interesting thread. I generally vote for if it turns me on. I refer to the often mentioned peter meter. While I think the Richie West Jack off for instance was interesting and well produced, he is just too gay twink for me and I know that’s a popular look for Broke Straight Boys but doesn’t do anything for me. I recently upgraded my rating slightly because I agree with many that he did a great job. But is that the kind and kind of scene that I signed up to Broke Straight Boys for. No and hell no. I like the forum a lot. I love the archives a lot. But I use my ratings to honor scenes I think in my own opinion are hot, turn me on and I would like to see more of.
I do not watch every scene if both models are not my type. I watch the vast majority and have my own rating system which is just my personal view, I give almost every scene at lease a three, it requires some real effort on the part of the performers to get a 4 and a 5 only when the threshold has been greatly exceeded. For example The Landon and Richie scene was a 5, I give them rarely. Both guys are hot and had great chemistry which was obvious, it seriously could have been boyfriend sex and that load of cum that Landon took almost made me cream my jeans as they say. I still watch that scene on occasion. I will admit a strong prejudice for body type. Ryan Fields does nothing for me and I won't watch his scene. Ethan is awesome as is Richie, so there you go it's come down to what suits your fancy. But then again we have had seen the models where we say "where the fuck did they get him"? Interesting topic.
I do not watch every scene if both models are not my type. I watch the vast majority and have my own rating system which is just my personal view, I give almost every scene at lease a three, it requires some real effort on the part of the performers to get a 4 and a 5 only when the threshold has been greatly exceeded. For example The Landon and Richie scene was a 5, I give them rarely. Both guys are hot and had great chemistry which was obvious, it seriously could have been boyfriend sex and that load of cum that Landon took almost made me cream my jeans as they say. I still watch that scene on occasion. I will admit a strong prejudice for body type. Ryan Fields does nothing for me and I won't watch his scene. Ethan is awesome as is Richie, so there you go it's come down to what suits your fancy. But then again we have had seen the models where we say "where the fuck did they get him"? Interesting topic.
Thanks for responding Frontier. I do find it very interesting to hear from folks and see how they base their ratings. They are so subjective and it is a very inexact science, which is why it is my belief that the rating are only one factor in determining the popularity of models. As I keep saying the number of "hits" on scenes seems more accurate as people can up-vote or down-vote to fulfill their personal agenda. But it is unlikely they watch scenes with models they do not like. For me if a guy is attractive to my taste I will rate him highly and the opposite is true if they are not my type. My personal gauge is the rise or fall of my "peter meter". :masterbate:
Thanks for responding Frontier. I do find it very interesting to hear from folks and see how they base their ratings. They are so subjective and it is a very inexact science, which is why it is my belief that the rating are only one factor in determining the popularity of models. As I keep saying the number of "hits" on scenes seems more accurate as people can up-vote or down-vote to fulfill their personal agenda. But it is unlikely they watch scenes with models they do not like. For me if a guy is attractive to my taste I will rate him highly and the opposite is true if they are not my type. My personal gauge is the rise or fall of my "peter meter". :masterbate:

That’s exactly what I do. If Oldfart was still here I could argue about the lighting or the sound with him. But that has little to do with my ratings. It’s all about that Peter Meter. I am not a fan of nelly smooth twinks. They can swing from the chandelier but probably are not getting a high rating from me. And two nelly boys bumping pussy is going to be a 1 I don’t care how well it’s shot or the sound or the lighting.
That’s exactly what I do. If Oldfart was still here I could argue about the lighting or the sound with him. But that has little to do with my ratings. It’s all about that Peter Meter. I am not a fan of nelly smooth twinks. They can swing from the chandelier but probably are not getting a high rating from me. And two nelly boys bumping pussy is going to be a 1 I don’t care how well it’s shot or the sound or the lighting.
I have a feeling that the majority of fans vote the same way, watch and if you get excited by the action, maybe get hard and maybe shoot your load, that gets top ratings. It is not the lighting or the set. Hot guys, (totally subjective from member to member), having hot sex is what members give the highest ratings to, in my opinion.
for me, i vote/score based on what the performance does for me. there are some models i truly don't care for or i find are either not creative and if i can really put it out there appear sexually inexperienced and it shows so from me they get lower scores. i think we can all agree a different scoring system or more stars are warranted. often times, way too many times, i've felt a scene or model deserved a 10, but it doesn't exist. scoring also helps me keep track of scenes i've watched and not watched.
Earlier today br6205 made this comment on the "Cute Boy Fridays" thread. I thought it more appropriate to comment on it over on this thread.

Dah! I figured it out. On an unrelated subject it is very upsetting that a person's sexuality figures in to their career. Sadly in many subjects extraneous things do figure in to their rating. Case in point, when you see an action video about sex shouldn't it be rated on the players sexual performance not on their looks or body art. Unfortunately this often makes the rating a unreliable measure.
I disagree that ratings should be based on skills of a model in a scene. Porn is not the Olympics where the judges rate the performers on particular skills. For me, porn is designed to at the least, give the viewer a boner and at best get the viewer to shoot a load. Porn is totally subjective and the models looks are the most important factor to me when I give a rating. I also have a fetish for a guy appearing straight to me, and so a hot, good looking believably straight guy is going to get my highest ratings.

For example, earlier this morning I watched a scene from 2012 where Ayden Troy gave a blowjob to a very believably straight guy named Gabe Parrillo. That scene got me as excited as any scene I've watched here in a very long time. And so if I got hard and excited, shouldn't I rate that scene a 5? The fact that Gabe didn't reciprocate at all and that Ayden is not the best cocksucker on the site and that there was no kissing and no anal did not factor in my score in any way.

The way we rate models and scene is totally subjective. For those who judge on sexual performance regardless of looks or apparent sexuality, that is fine too. I'm just stating the way I rate.
Yes. Ratings are very subjective. Some viewers for instance would give a model a higher rating if he was covered in tattoos. While others would deduct points because of tattoos. Some would give models props for acting very eager to have sex with another dude, while some of us straight fetishists in here would be less impressed. But not always. haha Some of us might nitpick over the hairstyles of the models, while others wouldn't give a flip over (what to them) would be a very minor detail. So ratings are a plethora of calculations for each individual.

Yes. It could be just a matter of Olympic-like scoring for "Best looking blowjob", "Best continuous hardon", "Best technique for topping", "Best technique for bottoming", "Best kissing", "Best cumshot", and extra bonus points for increased level of difficulty for "Best synchronized cumshots". But for myself a lot more details factor into my decision on ratings than pure performance skills. Some of the newer and straighter models get very high marks and praise from me precisly because they are obviously new to the industry, hesitant, a little clumsy on set and totally new to gay sex. But I give them props for at least trying gay sex and pushing their personal boundaries. It takes balls (literally and figuratively) to put yourself out there in such a vulnerable way and do this kind of work.

One poster child for that who immediately comes to mind is Elijah Scott.

Elijah 1.jpg

Sometimes I think ratings don’t mean a thing. A model comes back and I think, “WTF?” So I’ve been reluctant at times to even score anything, because I don’t think it really makes a difference in the end...particularly over the last year and a half. At this point I’d rather just continue seeing new people come in.
Sometimes I think ratings don’t mean a thing. A model comes back and I think, “WTF?” So I’ve been reluctant at times to even score anything, because I don’t think it really makes a difference in the end...particularly over the last year and a half. At this point I’d rather just continue seeing new people come in.
I second that motion Jay for new, never before seen guys! To me, that’s what this site is all about.