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P.S. Adam - you're an amazing lover :-) I wanted to say so, personally.


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
P.S., Adam ~

These days, I am never sure if we are meant to be writing to the models on THIS part of the site, or the "talk to the models" part of the site, or - you know, wherever.

However, I did want to tell you, personally, that you way you interacted with Daniel in that last scene that was just posted (or that I just saw, anyway) not only turned me on, but it touched my heart, as well.

Sure, like anybody, I can get off (pretty hard, sometimes) on really WILD SEX, and banging like there's NO TOMORROW. I mean, that kind of stuff is kind of fun to SEE - just like it's kind of fun to see the battle-scenes in Star Wars, and not be vaporized by the "Evil Empire", oneself - LOL!

What I want to tell you, from my heart, Adam, is that I think ~ just like my erotic HERO, JASON; and my lovely board-friend, PAUL: you, Adam Baer, are a genius lover. I would say that you all have your own special styles, when it comes to "topping". Jason is a little bit mischievous (and wow, I love that guy!); Paul is a little bit aggressive, but joyful and affectionate (and I love HIM, too).

What I wanted to say to you, is that the way you treated Daniel in your last update, is EXACTLY the way I think is nicest and best, for ME. Hey, I know that you are straight - and I am not holding this against you! LOL! But what I love, in a lover, is gentleness, kindness, passion, patience, and STRENGTH ~ and a kind of quiet dedication to making the other person HAPPY.

This isn't ALWAYS what people like the best in erotic video - where people often like a lot of wild, flashy, fireworks! But I have to say that, in your video with Daniel (of course, you had a SUPER-BEAUTIFUL and SUPER-SKILLED and RESPONSIVE partner!) I thought you did everything right. Just like I would like it to be, in the most perfect, and happiest moment, ever.

Adam, I have always thought you can tell a LOT about a person by the way he makes love. In such moments, all a person's best and WORST qualities seem to come out, pretty unfailingly. (It is hard to HIDE very much of your personality, in such raw moments.)

Well, Adam - I think you are (all at once) a great and gentle lover, and a very intelligent and KIND man: and when you find that right girl for you, I know she is going to be very happy. Not only with your strong and compelling and gentle skills in the bedroom ~ but also with your whole NATURE, as a kind and thoughtful man.

Hugs, and take care ~
Ambi - You are beginning to saturate the site with your new threads on Adam, Jason and Paul, virtually each week. It's hard for me to keep count and know which one to answer to. Can't you just add you new comments to an existing thread and put a sub header.
Ambi - You are beginning to saturate the site with your new threads on Adam, Jason and Paul, virtually each week. It's hard for me to keep count and know which one to answer to. Can't you just add you new comments to an existing thread and put a sub header.


Jon, apologies. I know that I am MUCH too enthusiastic about my favourite models, and I do adore Adam, Jason, and Paul. I understand that my effusions may sometimes put some people off, but, truly - I wasn't meaning to disrupt or spoil your enjoyment of the forum.

In this instance, over the period of a few weeks, we had a number of (what I regarded as) truly fine and inspiring videos from my favourite models and, undoubtedly, they moved me to post a little too much ;-) It was an unusual circumstance, and so, I suppose, an unusual cluster of posts - albeit that some of them were nostalgic, or reflective, or personal, and not a direct response to the videos per se ~ although certainly prompted, by them.

However, I do post by themes, as they occur to me, quite deliberately. In this instance, I wanted to tell Adam that he's a good and sensitive lover, which, to my mind, is a little different from offering a video review, per se. I also wanted him to see it, and know how I felt, without the message being possibly lost, in a thread devoted to a different, and separable, theme.

Again, my apologies if this has seemed to be (or has actually been) too much repetition, which is hurting people's scrolling-fingers, or causing their computer "mice" to seize up altogether! But, I have always supposed and hoped that, if someone sees a new thread that I have posted, and it is obviously of no personal interest to him (or her), he (or she) can just scroll past it, with no harm done. . . . (When I post something about, or to, a favourite model, I imagine everyone is free to say, of me, "There he goes, AGAIN!", and just pass it by ;-)

Especially as I do my best, always, never to post about models or videos that aren't to my taste. I prefer to encourage the management, site staff, and models I love, to make more videos of the kind I appreciate, by offering as much encouragement as I can, for the efforts which I think have been supremely good. In the hope that more good things will ensue. But I never expect that anyone must ever read ANYTHING, that I write, anytime or EVER.

And, having written just over 300 posts - while other more senior members have written many thousands - I should hope that even the full complement of ephemeral notes I might ever share here, will never clot the arteries of this suffering board, to the point of a full cybernetic infarction.


P.S. I'm just a bad boy. . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeFbVrC8Tnw
Ambi - don't ever let ANYONE tell you to shut up! (I'm probably next-in-line to get a slap on the wrist from joninliverton very soon)- oh well, such is life without a wife ..... too bad! I for one enjoy your post(s).
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P.S., Adam ~

These days, I am never sure if we are meant to be writing to the models on THIS part of the site, or the "talk to the models" part of the site, or - you know, wherever.

However, I did want to tell you, personally, that you way you interacted with Daniel in that last scene that was just posted (or that I just saw, anyway) not only turned me on, but it touched my heart, as well.

Sure, like anybody, I can get off (pretty hard, sometimes) on really WILD SEX, and banging like there's NO TOMORROW. I mean, that kind of stuff is kind of fun to SEE - just like it's kind of fun to see the battle-scenes in Star Wars, and not be vaporized by the "Evil Empire", oneself - LOL!

What I want to tell you, from my heart, Adam, is that I think ~ just like my erotic HERO, JASON; and my lovely board-friend, PAUL: you, Adam Baer, are a genius lover. I would say that you all have your own special styles, when it comes to "topping". Jason is a little bit mischievous (and wow, I love that guy!); Paul is a little bit aggressive, but joyful and affectionate (and I love HIM, too).

What I wanted to say to you, is that the way you treated Daniel in your last update, is EXACTLY the way I think is nicest and best, for ME. Hey, I know that you are straight - and I am not holding this against you! LOL! But what I love, in a lover, is gentleness, kindness, passion, patience, and STRENGTH ~ and a kind of quiet dedication to making the other person HAPPY.

This isn't ALWAYS what people like the best in erotic video - where people often like a lot of wild, flashy, fireworks! But I have to say that, in your video with Daniel (of course, you had a SUPER-BEAUTIFUL and SUPER-SKILLED and RESPONSIVE partner!) I thought you did everything right. Just like I would like it to be, in the most perfect, and happiest moment, ever.

Adam, I have always thought you can tell a LOT about a person by the way he makes love. In such moments, all a person's best and WORST qualities seem to come out, pretty unfailingly. (It is hard to HIDE very much of your personality, in such raw moments.)

Well, Adam - I think you are (all at once) a great and gentle lover, and a very intelligent and KIND man: and when you find that right girl for you, I know she is going to be very happy. Not only with your strong and compelling and gentle skills in the bedroom ~ but also with your whole NATURE, as a kind and thoughtful man.

Hugs, and take care ~

Thank you A, that means a lot! Really! It means ALOT to me that you say that, thank you.
Ok guys, really it's not worth all the commotion!
Thank you A, that means a lot! Really! It means ALOT to me that you say that, thank you.

Oh my .. You definitely did something right to get such an amazing post by Ambi. He's an amazing guy and he has great taste in men (most of which, I share).
PS: You're definitely worth it :smile:
Thank you A, that means a lot! Really! It means ALOT to me that you say that, thank you.


Adam, you're welcome. You are really a wonderful model and a cherished person, and it is so nice getting to know you a little, on the board.

Can you read English ? I did not yell at Ambi at all. Jeez go and work for the PC brigade.


Hey Jon, hugs (XOXOXOXOXO) ~

I did not feel that you were yelling at me, at all. And I didn't see your original post as offensive in any way: but we have different posting-styles (yours is significantly more methodical and organized, I think!) and I was just trying to explain mine, a little better.

Sorry also, that I wrote to you after several days had elapsed, Jon. I seldom have the leisure to read or respond to posts daily - usually I am able to do so once a week, or so.

Also, I am sure that Rick meant no harm. Jon, you are a delightful person, in so many ways, and so much FUN, as well. Your approach to posting is sometimes very, well, direct and uncompromising - and it has taken me a little time to understand it, and to know (as I now do) that there is GREAT goodwill and friendliness animating all that Joninliverton writes! (I am a cranky old Scotsman, and a slow learner, too!!!)

So, let's all just relax, get to know each other, and have a great time! Just please don't be mad at me, Jon, if I sometimes spontaneously shout out and send a big hug to Jason, Paul, or Adam, randomly - and not in the context of the established thread-architecture. I'm not an engineer, I'm an "artsy" ~ and this is just the way people like me, do things ;-)))

Hugs to all,
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Hey Jon, hugs (XOXOXOXOXO) ~

I did not feel that you were yelling at me, at all. And I didn't see your original post as offensive in any way: but we have different posting-styles (yours is significantly more methodical and organized, I think!) and I was just trying to explain mine, a little better.

Sorry also, that I wrote to you after several days had elapsed, Jon. I seldom have the leisure to read or respond to posts daily - usually I am able to do so once a week, or so.

Also, I am sure that Rick meant no harm. Jon, you are a delightful person, in so many ways, and so much FUN, as well. Your approach to posting is sometimes very, well, direct and uncompromising - and it has taken me a little time to understand it, and to know (as I now do) that there is GREAT goodwill and friendliness animating all that Joninliverton writes! (I am a cranky old Scotsman, and a slow learner, too!!!)

So, let's all just relax, get to know each other, and have a great time! Just please don't be mad at me, Jon, if I sometimes spontaneously shout out and send a big hug to Jason, Paul, or Adam, randomly - and not in the context of the established thread-architecture. I'm not an engineer, I'm an "artsy" ~ and this is just the way people like me, do things ;-)))

Hugs to all,

I understand you Ambi - it's just that other's don't understand us. xx