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Our Models, Straight and Gay. . . .


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey, guys,

After I finished posting all my love-letters to JASON (whom I love so much): I thought I was all done posting. (Because, for me, every good Broke Straight Boys day ends with Jason!!!

When I went back to see if my posts went through, I saw all sorts of raging controversies about whether model "X", or "Y", might be "straight", or "gay", and whether it matters, or not. Because I am incorrigibly loquacious, before I log off the Broke Straight Boys forum for the day - I will give you my thoughts, on the subject.

First, I totally get that this site is called "Broke Straight Boys", for a reason. There are a lot of gay guys out there (some of whom "look" or "act" in stereotypically "gay" ways, and many who do not): who ABSOLUTELY PREFER straight guys, as objects of erotic fantasy. (Some gay guys have very involved fantasies about "turning" straight guys, and while I don't really approve of that, I get that, also.)

The REASON gay guys love straight guys is simple. As gay kids, growing up, we are INEVITABLY attracted to other boys and, later men, who are MOSTLY straight. (The old axiom that 10 per cent of the population is gay is WILDLY overstated - more recent, careful, studies, put the figure at four to five per cent of the population, at MOST.) MOST of the guys we had crushes on - in school, on the hockey team, on the football team (!), or in the junior church choir (!!!) - well, they were mostly straight.

And - hey - because they were MEN, and beautiful, and at least SOME of them were NICE - we liked EVERYTHING about them! We liked the way they walked and talked and acted, and sometimes, that involved (*blushing*) straight stereotypes, too. And there's nothing wrong with that, I think: it's just natural!

Where I think this turns negative (and where it almost prompts me to shed a tear, actually) is when members start imputing things about a model's sexual NATURE, about or directly TO a model, based on what he has or has not done, in a video. And INSISTING that that characterization is TRUE. I think this is wrong; potentially hurtful; and something that may prompt some models we like and care for, to stop wanting to share, with us. . . .

Let's turn it all around, for a minute. I don't look, or act, in a manner that people consider stereotypically "gay". (Six VERY nice straight girls have offered to marry me, over the years, and the women at work are ALWAYS trying to set me up with SOME nice girl. *BTW, I am totally 'out' to family and friends, and will be at work also, if this thing with Mr. K. works out - fortunately there is no prejudice in my workplace: I am just a shy and quiet person - except, obviously, in PRINT - and don't believe in making a big deal about something which is not YET a big deal.)

But, let's suppose I were 21 again, and good-looking (which, I know, are two suppositions which require GIANT suspension of DISBELIEF) - and I had GIANT student-loans to pay off, and someone came along and said to me, "Hey, 'A' - we'll pay you X dollars to lick a pussy: or even f*** a girl." I wouldn't have done it THEN, because it was a different time, and we were all much more inhibited (at least, in my part of the world): but, if I were 21 right now, and I were in that kind of a financial crunch, I just might do it ~ who knows???

And who knows? If I had been captured on video, circa 1985, eating pussy or f***ing a girl (and there were six girls at least, who wanted me to do it - though not on video - LOL!!!) I might have even smiled and laughed and made you all believe I LOVED IT! Because, even though I am a 6.6 on the Kinsey Scale (I have never kissed a girl, never DATED a girl, and turned down ALL those girls who wanted to date ME, because I knew it would be dishonest) - sex IS a beautiful thing. It is joyful, and pleasurable, and comforting, in the most elementary HUMAN way. And, it is always a joy to give another human being pleasure, and comfort: even though our society has put severe restrictions upon doing this sexually. *There are good things, and bad things, about those restrictions, but that is another subject, entirely.*

However, the point is - anyone seeing that notional video of "Ambivalent", happily pleasing some pretty girl, and SMILING afterward, MIGHT HAVE SAID - "OMG - there is NO WAY that guy could POSSIBLY be GAY - did you see what he JUST DID, with that GIRL??? He is a closet straight guy!!!

But, that would have been a ridiculous thing, to say. Because, while I know that, in some lifetime, that sort of thing could have happened, to me. . . my real erotic, romantic, and EMOTIONAL connections (of that kind) have always been, EXCLUSIVELY, to other MEN. THAT is my centre, and my core, and who I am. And I am sure that the converse is true, for many of OUR favourite models.

PLEASE just THINK about this, all you casual and callous commentators, on our models' "true" sexual orientation. Just as WE are who we are, and have had to take the blows for it (the first time I went to a gay club, in the '80's, I was turned back from the door, because the doorman said: "YOU don't look gay, to me: I think you're a COP!"): our models are who they are, also. I hope you will all love them for WHO they are, and just give them that freedom. When I was young, I was not recognized for who I was. . . Now, you just imagine, if you were not recognized or cared-for, for who you are, or worse still, if someone tried to "turn you", into something or someone YOU are not??? It would HURT.

Personally, unlike many of the members who come here explicitly for the Broke Straight promise: I have no investment in the guys being straight, at all - much less in their "turning". I do not care if they are straight, gay, bisexual, bicurious, asexual, or prefer to have sex solely with PUMPKINS. I come here solely because they are beautiful, and are generous enough to share their beauty with us. Sure, some of them may use the site as an opportunity to search, and explore: just as I seem to recall that I was told Shane, from BSB1, is now happy and with a male partner. (And sorry, Shane, if I have misremembered, or gotten this wrong.)

But, if that is true: #1 - Would any of you BLAME a guy for taking this chance to explore? And, #2 - Does ANY of us think that MOST of the guys fit this pattern? Because, I could almost guarantee you, that most of them, do not. (It is hilarious, and perverse, to me, that on most of the European sites I have been a member of, legions of straight models are represented as being GAY, to gin up the clientele - and on most of the American sites I have been a member of, a significant number of gay models are represented as STRAIGHT: for just the same reason ;-)

(I think there is a significant difference in the European and the American ethos, in this regard - European gay guys seem very comfortable with homosexuality as an accomplished fact: and want to DATE the models, immediately! Whereas American guys, remembering their repressed youth, imagine that ANY goodlooking guy is BOUND to be straight from the beginning, and so need to go through extended torture-narratives of his being initially straight, and subsequently converted. As a Canadian, I just sort of sit in the middle, and say, "Hmmmm???")

The fact is, guys - about 94 percent of your favourite models are straight, on ANY site, whatever it claims: and they are there to pay the bills. They may suck, f***, or do a multitude of other things I am too shy to mention - - - but, at the end of the day, they're going home to SALLY or SHIRLEY - not US. About 6 or 7 per cent of them are gay, even though many of them are not always the ones we THINK are gay: often, they are the ones we never GUESSED, were gay. These are facts, that, as viewers of gay erotica, we just ought to come to GRIPS with.

Finally, this is my message: please, please, just let's be nice, and decent, to ALL of THEM. Yeah, most of them are straight, and some of them are gay, but they are all doing a really tough thing, sharing with us, here. Being a model on an erotic site is a tough decision, to say the least, and all of these guys are (at the least) in a FINANCIAL pinch. Sure, some of them are straight, and some of them are gay, obviously. But here is my little cri de coeur. . . .

JUST SUPPOSE there is a kid who IS really gay, and is struggling with it, and signs on with a site like Broke Straight Boys to explore, and figure things out. Does anyone really think he is really HELPED, when a legion of ancient gay men sign on to the board and say, "There is NO WAY he can be straight - because he did X! And Y!" Comments like that will only drive a boy like that DEEPER into the closet, and make him more miserable, than the day he arrived :-(((

AND, WHAT ABOUT the MAJORITY? The TRULY straight boys who have signed on with Broke Straight Boys, because they are truly financially strapped, and need a way to pay the bills? When THEY hear a legion of ancient gay men say, "There is NO WAY he can be straight - because he did X! And Y!": he is just going to want to quit, immediately: because, he is going to think, "I do not need this kind of stress, in my life." Furthermore, he is going to come away from this experience believing that all gay men are assholes ~ which I know we are not, but, reading some comments (far less on this board, than on others) it sure seems so, sometimes.

So, my sincere and impassioned plea, is this. Let's be KIND to the models, and treat them as WE wanted to be treated when WE were 21. Let's be good and supportive friends, and REFRAIN from speculating on their sexual preferences, let alone IMPUTING sexual preferences which they have denied to be theirs. That kind of jackassery is the perfect formula for driving models AWAY - not to mention, losing good friends :-(((

Of course, if a model shares, on here, that he is gay or bisexual, I know we would ALL rise to the challenge of supporting him. But. . . I should ALSO hope that, if I model says, on here, that he is so sad because his girlfriend has just left him - or so JOYFUL because his girlfriend has just told him she LOVES him: we would offer care, concern, or rejoicing with HIM, TOO, just as the occasion warrants.

Because, that is just what friends DO - isn't it??? For just about all MY life, gay people have been struggling to be accepted as who we are, without someone trying to change us - speculating about us, JUDGING us, or trying to CHANGE us. Now that things are FINALLY getting better, I think we owe our STRAIGHT friends (including the models we love) the same respect, and care.


P.S. The anthem, "I am what I am", is not just for gay boys - it is for straight boys, and straight women, and lesbians, and EVERYONE, to cherish, too. We should all love each other: just for being who we ARE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=KW-AxyBQ1kA
Someone welcomed a straight new member today stating that this was a gay site. Yet we are to believe that the models are straight as per the title - which we know only suits certain occasions. We've had all different sexual orientations on this site apart from transexuals (well it's not been admitted) so we can only believe what is said on the can. Unless of course you have good gaydar and can detect a gay guy from a mile away - and not they do not have to be prissy queens either. I have good gaydar and the comment I made on another thread is my interpretation on what I see in a particular model.

And I will also say that I think our dear new model Lucas is at least bisexual because I pick up on things and the way people look at each other. It's not labels - it's observations. I am openly gay but not camp, I have a heterosexual type job as an engineer but stand my corner when a gay jibe is fired at me (most of the time I ignore them but one can tell if someone is serious).
Thank you Ambivalent, I really appreciate you saying this and hope it makes an impression on some people who are always questioning the models honesty. I'm happy with what I see and I believe that nearly all of the models are straight and if they put on a good show frankly I don't care if they are gay. I'm here for the entertainment and the fantasy.
First, I totally get that this site is called "Broke Straight Boys", for a reason. There are a lot of gay guys out there (some of whom "look" or "act" in stereotypically "gay" ways, and many who do not): who ABSOLUTELY PREFER straight guys, as objects of erotic fantasy. (Some gay guys have very involved fantasies about "turning" straight guys, and while I don't really approve of that, I get that, also.)

The REASON gay guys love straight guys is simple. As gay kids, growing up, we are INEVITABLY attracted to other boys and, later men, who are MOSTLY straight. (The old axiom that 10 per cent of the population is gay is WILDLY overstated - more recent, careful, studies, put the figure at four to five per cent of the population, at MOST.) MOST of the guys we had crushes on - in school, on the hockey team, on the football team (!), or in the junior church choir (!!!) - well, they were mostly straight.

And - hey - because they were MEN, and beautiful, and at least SOME of them were NICE - we liked EVERYTHING about them! We liked the way they walked and talked and acted, and sometimes, that involved (*blushing*) straight stereotypes, too. And there's nothing wrong with that, I think: it's just natural!
I am a member of the former group mentioned, "ABSOLUTELY PREFER straight guys, as objects of erotic fantasy."

That's what initially attracted me to this site, and what I am still here for, (aside from the forum). And I too totally relate to the straight player on the hockey team that we may jerked off to, thinking about nightly while back in high school.

I want the models to initially come to this site as very inexperienced or actually first timers to gay sex when we first see them. If they discover they enjoy it, then it is fine to see them with other newbies to teach the art male sexual pleasure. And behind the scenes makes the guy's hotter. I'd love to find out more of the real Ayden, who I consider to be a very straight identifying guy. Yes it matters to me to able to believe that they are not gay as newbies, but then I am willing to let things progress as they naturally do, before my voyeuristic eyes.
I am a member of the former group mentioned, "ABSOLUTELY PREFER straight guys, as objects of erotic fantasy."

That's what initially attracted me to this site, and what I am still here for, (aside from the forum). And I too totally relate to the straight player on the hockey team that we may jerked off to, thinking about nightly while back in high school.

I want the models to initially come to this site as very inexperienced or actually first timers to gay sex when we first see them. If they discover they enjoy it, then it is fine to see them with other newbies to teach the art male sexual pleasure. And behind the scenes makes the guy's hotter. I'd love to find out more of the real Ayden, who I consider to be a very straight identifying guy. Yes it matters to me to able to believe that they are not gay as newbies, but then I am willing to let things progress as they naturally do, before my voyeuristic eyes.
Has to be said again NY, but Tank Shane was the perfect example of progression on this site. I am naturally masculine and have only prefered that in a partner so when a new model comes on with some gay attributes for me it's hard to watch. The total bottom model such as Anthony, CJ from 1 and even Cousin Anthony well that works for me because there not flaming queens! (no offense) lol and whether they are totally gay or bi doesn't matter because they don't act the stereotype gay.
Has to be said again NY, but Tank Shane was the perfect example of progression on this site. I am naturally masculine and have only prefered that in a partner so when a new model comes on with some gay attributes for me it's hard to watch. The total bottom model such as Anthony, CJ from 1 and even Cousin Anthony well that works for me because there not flaming queens! (no offense) lol and whether they are totally gay or bi doesn't matter because they don't act the stereotype gay.
As you know Peter, Tank Shane is right up there as one of my all time favorites too, along with Logan and the current "apple of my eye", Ayden, for much the same reasons that you expressed. Our attraction to masculine, "believably straight" guys is the reason we became members here in the first place.
For me I guess I equate being straight with being masculine, which is not realistic in the real world. I have known many straight men who are quite limp wristed and fey, hell I think rainbow skittles fall out of their mouth when they talk but just because they have those mannerisms does not mean they are gay even if my gaydar is flashing big pink letters GAY.

What I like to see on here is masculine men if they are gay or bi and masculine and tell a story I don't care. I don't care if they lie about it because they're selling fantasy here and I'm buying it. I don't like it if they play the role to the hilt and get so vocal about being straight that they feel they have to knock or put it down by saying it's disgusting, it's not a good idea to insult your audience.

I really like Anthony yes he is an awesome bottom but he is a good top too and I think even when he does have a big dick pounding his hole he's still masculine because he take a pounding like a fucking MAN and I admire him for that and I can believe he is straight just like I believe Colin is straight and Colin take that dick like a MAN too.

I really don't care if a model is openly gay on here there have been a couple of really hot masculine gay models from time to time. I do not like watching the feminine guys which we have also seen I don't care if they are straight or gay I don't want to hear a lisping feminine voice or see some limp wristed jerking off. I have had some very god friends who are nelly but I never wanted to sleep.