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Oklahoma tornado


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
Sincerely hope that none of our members or their families are affected.


At least 91 people, including 20 children, have been left dead after a huge tornado tore through Oklahoma City suburbs, officials in the US state say.
Worst hit was Moore, south of the city, where neighbourhoods were flattened and schools destroyed by winds of up to 200mph (320km/h).
About 120 people are being treated in hospitals.
President Barack Obama has declared a major disaster in Oklahoma.
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Alastair LeitheadBBC News, Oklahoma City
Hours after the storm struck, the frantic search-and-rescue operation is still going on.
Heavy machinery is being used under floodlights to try and find and free those still trapped under the tons of debris.
The town of Moore was hit by a record breaking storm once before - 14 years ago - when a deadly tornado took a similar path.
More people are already known to have been killed this time around.
Hospitals have been treating the scores of injured - many are still critically ill and the authorities warn that the number of dead is likely to increase.

He also ordered the federal authorities to join in the search and recovery efforts which are continuing throughout the night.
Monday's twister hit Moore, a suburb of about 55,000 people, and remained on the ground for about 45 minutes.
The Oklahoma chief medical examiner's office said at least 20 children were among the 91 dead.
Plaza Towers Elementary school took a direct hit: the storm tore off the building's roof and knocked down walls.
"The school was flattened. The walls were pancaked in," Oklahoma's Lt Gov Todd Lamb told the BBC.
"There's still roughly two dozen children that are missing. There have been some bodies recovered from that school and it's absolutely horrific and devastating."
Another school - Briarwood Elementary - was also damaged, and teachers were later seen leading pupils out to safety.

Oklahoma Gov Mary Fallin said it was a "tragic" day.
More than 200 Oklahoma National Guardsmen as well as out-of-state personnel have been called in to assist the search-and-rescue effort.
'Most powerful tornado'Shocked survivors spoke of the tornado's power.
"We locked the cellar door once we saw it coming, it got louder and next thing you know is you see the latch coming undone," survivor Ricky Stover said.
"We couldn't reach for it and it ripped open the door and just glass and debris started slamming on us and we thought we were dead, to be honest."
Melissa Newton said: "There's shingles and pieces of sheet rock and wood in our yard and all across our neighbourhood. Some homes are completely gone. It's devastating."

The damage wrought by the tornado was "unlike anything that I've ever seen before," said Rick Smith of the National Weather Service

James Rushing said he had rushed to Plaza Towers Elementary School, where his foster son Aiden was a pupil, to see it destroyed by the storm.
"About two minutes after I got there, the school started coming apart," he told the Associated Press news agency.
The National Weather Service (NWS) said Monday's tornado had generated winds of up to 200mph.
"It's certainly the most powerful tornado that I've ever dealt with in my 20 years with the weather service," NWS meteorologist Rick Smith in Norman, Oklahoma, told the BBC.
The town of Moore was hit by a severe tornado in May 1999, which had the highest winds ever recorded on Earth.
But Betsy Randolph of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol told local news station Skynews 9 that the damage on Monday appeared to exceed that of the 1999 tornado.
Tornadoes, hail and high winds also hit Iowa and Kansas, part of a storm system stretching from Texas to Minnesota.
On Sunday, a tornado smashed a trailer park on Highway 102 near Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma's state medical examiner confirmed earlier on Monday that two people had been killed in the area.

Damn. My heart goes out to those in Oklahoma. Yesterday, we in MN were on tornado watch. Luckily, we got nothing but a heap of rain and thunder but it was still scary. I can't imagine how these people feel.
I'm sure I am not the only one affected, but I am waiting by my phone for news that everything is alright.
I'm sure I am not the only one affected, but I am waiting by my phone for news that everything is alright.

I hope you'll get good news soon, honey. My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy.
These storms are very destructive. One gets a few minutes of warning and then boom. My brother and his family live in northeast Kansas. I called him today to check to see if they are all OK; they are. I can not even imagine living through this kind of devastation. I am watching cable news and the level of destruction is just unbelievable.
My heart is breaking for all these people and the children. It is so startlingly tragic. I hope all and their families survive this as well as they can although I know that the loss is devestating
Enough communication is up in the area for me to find out my family members are okay.......but 1 friend lost their home.

I am still just numb over the two schools that were hit.
Enough communication is up in the area for me to find out my family members are okay.......but 1 friend lost their home.

I am still just numb over the two schools that were hit.
I am very relieved to hear that all of your family members came out okay. Thanks for reporting back, as I was very worried for you.
Why do so many people in tornado alley built houses from wood; instead of bricks and concrete?
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Ask the 3 little piggies

Ask an architect!

How to Make a More Tornado-Resistant Home

If an extremely powerful tornado drops down on a home, there’s not a lot you can do: Our wood-frame houses just aren’t built to withstand such force, as the pictures from tornado-ravaged towns this weekend attest. But you can strengthen your home to make it more resistant to high winds. Here’s how.

read more: http://www.popularmechanics.com/out...to-make-a-more-tornado-resistant-home-7148806
You can donate any amount if funds to redcross and other organizations. We did the other day a little boy came to the door. Kind of a good feeling really, wasn't much but any bit will help out. Neighbors helping neighbors, it really is a good feeling. My heart does go out to the victims and their families.