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Okay folks, BSB is making some changes. Can we get used to it?


BSB Addict
Oct 24, 2016
Reaction score
Lansing, Michigan
Am I the only one who ever questioned whether or not these boys were straight or broke? I didn't take that at face value any more than I believed their cover story or that their "stage name" was real. Sure, it encouraged to the fantasy of young guys discovering "gay" things, but it was still up to me to actually take it there. Broke Straight Boys has been here a while, and the face of "adult entertainment" is changing. Guys who started with Broke Straight Boys are either out of the business or working with other studios or venues, and those models from other studios are looking to work here. I've seen plenty of changes in my lifetime and I've been able to change, so I guess I'll have to do it with this as well. I am still responsible for my own fantasies. If you don't like what their reality is, don't follow them on Twitter. I don't. I don't care what their real life is. I want to see a scene that gets me off.

If Broke Straight Boys is hoping we work with them during this, then I'm going to respectfully ask them to do something. OKAY ADMIN...BRYCE, SHA, MARK, ARE YOU READING THIS? I've belonged to this site, on and off, for 8 years or more. I don't consider myself a porn aficionado, so I've never belonged to any site for an extended time. I've always enjoyed the models, and their production value has improved a lot over the years. It wasn't until recently, though, that I joined this forum. It's been fun posting with other, more veteran members and comparing our ideas of different models. It's also been fun kidding around with some of them, too. But lately it's been more of a pain than it's worth. Please, if you're going to provide a member forum where we can feel free to post how we feel, DON'T BAN MODELS FROM POSTING HERE! Frankly, if a model has a problem with something I've said, I would just as soon have them respectfully call me out on it on the forum. I can handle that. And if a model wants to call me names make statements about me, I can deal with that, too. But I would rather have that happen here than behind my back on another site where A. I'm not going to see it and have to hear about it from someone else on the forum, and B. Nobody else there is going to know what they are bitching about. I"m speaking strictly for myself, but I think we're all pretty much adults here and can deal with that. The models are adults as well, and how they deal with an issue it up to them, but I don't think that admin needs to act as a babysitter. Can we agree on this?
Two points OF. I do understand that Broke Straight Boys has been changing and transitioning and that the straight angle is basically only a name of the site and not a description of 99% of the models, but when I just logged onto BSB Twitter to see if any of the models were bitching about forumites again, I saw that on the offical BSB Twitter page it says,

"Broke Straight Boys
The Official Broke Straight Boys website. Straight Boys doing things for cash."

So it still says "Straight Boys doing things for cash" and so I still feel comfortable occasionally mentioning the lack of straight guys on the site at this time and place.

And secondly, management doesn't routinely "ban" models from the forum as Gage Owens has been posting over the last few days. It was only one particular model who was rude that was recently banned. I'm not real happy about these new pro adult entertainers and escorts on the site, who advertise on twitter as such, but it is what is is. I have no answers, but I'm just along for the ride to see where it takes us.........:001_rolleyes:
Am I the only one who ever questioned whether or not these boys were straight or broke? I didn't take that at face value any more than I believed their cover story or that their "stage name" was real. Sure, it encouraged to the fantasy of young guys discovering "gay" things, but it was still up to me to actually take it there. Broke Straight Boys has been here a while, and the face of "adult entertainment" is changing. Guys who started with Broke Straight Boys are either out of the business or working with other studios or venues, and those models from other studios are looking to work here. I've seen plenty of changes in my lifetime and I've been able to change, so I guess I'll have to do it with this as well. I am still responsible for my own fantasies. If you don't like what their reality is, don't follow them on Twitter. I don't. I don't care what their real life is. I want to see a scene that gets me off.

If Broke Straight Boys is hoping we work with them during this, then I'm going to respectfully ask them to do something. OKAY ADMIN...BRYCE, SHA, MARK, ARE YOU READING THIS? I've belonged to this site, on and off, for 8 years or more. I don't consider myself a porn aficionado, so I've never belonged to any site for an extended time. I've always enjoyed the models, and their production value has improved a lot over the years. It wasn't until recently, though, that I joined this forum. It's been fun posting with other, more veteran members and comparing our ideas of different models. It's also been fun kidding around with some of them, too. But lately it's been more of a pain than it's worth. Please, if you're going to provide a member forum where we can feel free to post how we feel, DON'T BAN MODELS FROM POSTING HERE! Frankly, if a model has a problem with something I've said, I would just as soon have them respectfully call me out on it on the forum. I can handle that. And if a model wants to call me names make statements about me, I can deal with that, too. But I would rather have that happen here than behind my back on another site where A. I'm not going to see it and have to hear about it from someone else on the forum, and B. Nobody else there is going to know what they are bitching about. I"m speaking strictly for myself, but I think we're all pretty much adults here and can deal with that. The models are adults as well, and how they deal with an issue it up to them, but I don't think that admin needs to act as a babysitter. Can we agree on this?
Im with you OF. I like to hear from models and like you I'm an adult and can take anything said about me or to me. Thanks for bringing that up and I'm with you all the way!!!
Whatever Broke Straight Boys is doing, and who the hell can tell what they are up to, I've got to observe that the Oliver Saxon And Shawn Andrews scene is ranked higher by the membership than any of the last 10 scenes. Gay Straight Broke. I don't care. This scene is hot.

I mean, I'm a simple man. I can't get get past the information about how Shawn's dick is so damned pretty and seems to be made just the right size to fit into my old mouth. I think about things like this a lot. And Oliver's dick is just the right size to really stretch out Shawn's ass hole. Geeze. Did you see that look on his pretty face when Oliver penetrated his hot hole?

Teddy Roosevelt observed that its easy to point out how the strong man stumbles, or how the doer of good deeds could have done them better. Broke Straight Boys has put together a fantastic website with great sex. Not near all the scenes are fantastic. Even in the old BSB1 days, all the scenes were not great. I can't figure out what the fuck Broke Straight Boys is doing most of the time because I don't have a single creative bone anywhere in my body. But I'm telling you, the only times I really regret is the times I've come to the forum and made negative and critical observations about the scenes or models. . I'd love to take it all back, but so far all I've been able to do is to look for a scene I love and jerk off to it. That doesn't fix what I've done wrong, but when I'm sitting there wasted after I've busted, I don't seem to care as much about life's mistakes.

Things don't have to be perfect for me. I'm just watching Broke Straight Boys and enjoying my life. Some scenes more than others! So I don't really care what they are up to. I'm just following along like an un-creative puppy dog and so far they make my dick as hard as it can be expected to get at my rather advanced stage of life.
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Im with you OF. I like to hear from models and like you I'm an adult and can take anything said about me or to me. Thanks for bringing that up and I'm with you all the way!!!

Thanks cfinlasvegas. I just want to see some civility here, and I hate to see any censorship. It was through my interaction with Ronan Kennedy on this forum that I developed a respect for him. I see someone in the review thread referred to Oliver as "I don't remember his name". Okay, I got a chuckle out of that, but let's get beyond that.
Two points OF. I do understand that Broke Straight Boys has been changing and transitioning and that the straight angle is basically only a name of the site and not a description of 99% of the models, but when I just logged onto BSB Twitter to see if any of the models were bitching about forumites again, I saw that on the offical BSB Twitter page it says,

"Broke Straight Boys
The Official Broke Straight Boys website. Straight Boys doing things for cash."

So it still says "Straight Boys doing things for cash" and so I still feel comfortable occasionally mentioning the lack of straight guys on the site at this time and place.

And secondly, management doesn't routinely "ban" models from the forum as Gage Owens has been posting over the last few days. It was only one particular model who was rude that was recently banned. I'm not real happy about these new pro adult entertainers and escorts on the site, who advertise on twitter as such, but it is what is is. I have no answers, but I'm just along for the ride to see where it takes us.........:001_rolleyes:

Fair enough, Mike. Don't stop asking for more straight boys on the site. I'm with you all the way on that. That's what brought be to this site, And I didn't mean to imply that admin was routinely banning models on the forum. I know that doesn't happen. It was just a way to mention the ban without singling out Oliver. Yeah, he was rude to some forumites, but I don't need admin to hold any of our hands. They should not have banned him, period. If he hadn't been banned, maybe he would have come here to call me and Andy "dumb fucks" instead of doing it on Twitter. Once that got out, it encouraged a deluge of posts that resorted to name calling on this forum. That's the kind of stuff that needs to calm down. I don't plan on going anywhere soon either, but I would like to see this forum become civil again. And if a model has an issue over something I or anyone else has said, comment to my face, not behind my back. I think that's a reasonable request.
Whatever Broke Straight Boys is doing, and who the hell can tell what they are up to, I've got to observe that the Oliver Saxon And Shawn Andrews scene is ranked higher by the membership than any of the last 10 scenes. Gay Straight Broke. I don't care. This scene is hot.

I mean, I'm a simple man. I can't get get past the information about how Shawn's dick is so damned pretty and seems to be made just the right size to fit into my old mouth. I think about things like this a lot. And Oliver's dick is just the right size to really stretch out Shawn's ass hole. Geeze. Did you see that look on his pretty face when Oliver penetrated his hot hole?

Teddy Roosevelt observed that its easy to point out how the strong man stumbles, or how the doer of good deeds could have done them better. Broke Straight Boys has put together a fantastic website with great sex. Not near all the scenes are fantastic. Even in the old BSB1 days, all the scenes were not great. I can't figure out what the fuck Broke Straight Boys is doing most of the time because I don't have a single creative bone anywhere in my body. But I'm telling you, the only times I really regret is the times I've come to the forum and made negative and critical observations about the scenes or models. . I'd love to take it all back, but so far all I've been able to do is to look for a scene I love and jerk off to it. That doesn't fix what I've done wrong, but when I'm sitting there wasted after I've busted, I don't seem to care as much about life's mistakes.

Things don't have to be perfect for me. I'm just watching Broke Straight Boys and enjoying my life. Some scenes more than others! So I don't really care what they are up to. I'm just following along like an un-creative puppy dog and so far they make my dick as hard as it can be expected to get at my rather advanced stage of life.

Feel free to keep enjoying it here, Andy. I plan on doing just that.
Teddy Roosevelt observed that its easy to point out how the strong man stumbles, or how the doer of good deeds could have done them better. Broke Straight Boys has put together a fantastic website with great sex. Not near all the scenes are fantastic. Even in the old BSB1 days, all the scenes were not great. I can't figure out what the fuck Broke Straight Boys is doing most of the time because I don't have a single creative bone anywhere in my body. But I'm telling you, the only times I really regret is the times I've come to the forum and made negative and critical observations about the scenes or models. . I'd love to take it all back, but so far all I've been able to do is to look for a scene I love and jerk off to it. That doesn't fix what I've done wrong, but when I'm sitting there wasted after I've busted, I don't seem to care as much about life's mistakes.

I'm right there with you on that one StuddAndy. haha
Am I the only one who ever questioned whether or not these boys were straight or broke? I didn't take that at face value any more than I believed their cover story or that their "stage name" was real. Sure, it encouraged to the fantasy of young guys discovering "gay" things, but it was still up to me to actually take it there. Broke Straight Boys has been here a while, and the face of "adult entertainment" is changing. Guys who started with Broke Straight Boys are either out of the business or working with other studios or venues, and those models from other studios are looking to work here. I've seen plenty of changes in my lifetime and I've been able to change, so I guess I'll have to do it with this as well. I am still responsible for my own fantasies. If you don't like what their reality is, don't follow them on Twitter. I don't. I don't care what their real life is. I want to see a scene that gets me off.

If Broke Straight Boys is hoping we work with them during this, then I'm going to respectfully ask them to do something. OKAY ADMIN...BRYCE, SHA, MARK, ARE YOU READING THIS? I've belonged to this site, on and off, for 8 years or more. I don't consider myself a porn aficionado, so I've never belonged to any site for an extended time. I've always enjoyed the models, and their production value has improved a lot over the years. It wasn't until recently, though, that I joined this forum. It's been fun posting with other, more veteran members and comparing our ideas of different models. It's also been fun kidding around with some of them, too. But lately it's been more of a pain than it's worth. Please, if you're going to provide a member forum where we can feel free to post how we feel, DON'T BAN MODELS FROM POSTING HERE! Frankly, if a model has a problem with something I've said, I would just as soon have them respectfully call me out on it on the forum. I can handle that. And if a model wants to call me names make statements about me, I can deal with that, too. But I would rather have that happen here than behind my back on another site where A. I'm not going to see it and have to hear about it from someone else on the forum, and B. Nobody else there is going to know what they are bitching about. I"m speaking strictly for myself, but I think we're all pretty much adults here and can deal with that. The models are adults as well, and how they deal with an issue it up to them, but I don't think that admin needs to act as a babysitter. Can we agree on this?

O.F., I think this is excellent idea and is something I have been saying forever. We all know that whether a disparaging remark is made on this forum or somewhere else, the intended recipient is going to see or hear about it. I am in total agreement that it is better to hash out Broke Straight Boys business on Broke Straight Boys rather than elsewhere. My only caveat is that if this is done, we must not look to Admin to step in unless the posts get threatening or vulgar, each side must be able to say what they will - I'm sure that the matters will work out, either with the "offending" member getting a comeuppance from the forumites or with the "offending" performer getting the same.

Just some off-the-wall food for thought: We hear the complaints all the time regarding gay/straight on the site and that's fair, the site was originally believably straight guys doing gay things to get the cash and that is what I was attracted to. However the times and the site have changed. We all know the current state of the site - there appears to be more bi or gay performers than straight; ok, I think so, too. I get it, it's not what we came for in days gone by. My silly question is this: Had you rather see the variety of performers we have here, or had you rather Broke Straight Boys use only their straight performers over and over and release just the same ones every week paired up together? It has been explained by Broke Straight Boys staff many times that the pool of straight guys willing to appear on a site such as this has shrunk to almost nil and that they are not receiving applications as they once did. It has even been suggested for the members to refer prospective models to the site, which should put hundreds of "scouts" out there. The fact is that if the applications are not coming in, they can't hire them. So, it does not do any good whatsoever to continually repeat and repeat the fact that many of the models are gay - this is not news, everyone already knows it. I'm not talking about the occasional reference to it - that's going to happen, and probably should.
O.F., I think this is excellent idea and is something I have been saying forever. We all know that whether a disparaging remark is made on this forum or somewhere else, the intended recipient is going to see or hear about it. I am in total agreement that it is better to hash out Broke Straight Boys business on Broke Straight Boys rather than elsewhere. My only caveat is that if this is done, we must not look to Admin to step in unless the posts get threatening or vulgar, each side must be able to say what they will - I'm sure that the matters will work out, either with the "offending" member getting a comeuppance from the forumites or with the "offending" performer getting the same.

Just some off-the-wall food for thought: We hear the complaints all the time regarding gay/straight on the site and that's fair, the site was originally believably straight guys doing gay things to get the cash and that is what I was attracted to. However the times and the site have changed. We all know the current state of the site - there appears to be more bi or gay performers than straight; ok, I think so, too. I get it, it's not what we came for in days gone by. My silly question is this: Had you rather see the variety of performers we have here, or had you rather Broke Straight Boys use only their straight performers over and over and release just the same ones every week paired up together? It has been explained by Broke Straight Boys staff many times that the pool of straight guys willing to appear on a site such as this has shrunk to almost nil and that they are not receiving applications as they once did. It has even been suggested for the members to refer prospective models to the site, which should put hundreds of "scouts" out there. The fact is that if the applications are not coming in, they can't hire them. So, it does not do any good whatsoever to continually repeat and repeat the fact that many of the models are gay - this is not news, everyone already knows it. I'm not talking about the occasional reference to it - that's going to happen, and probably should.

Leedwb, my only point is this. Let's keep this forum civil. It's supposed to be for the members to make their comments and maybe suggestions for the models or ideas for new scenes. Sooner or later, someone is going to say something that upsets someone. That is inevitable. But if it happens on the forum, it should stay on the forum. If a model is offended, I think he has every right to call out the member on the offense. But it should be done respectfully, without name calling or telling members, "if you don't like it you can leave". But even if a model goes overboard in his response, I don't think admin should ban them from the forum. That kind of censorship is not going to lead to anything good. So I would like to see the model who was banned to be reinstated. They're supposed to be adults as well, so let the two of them work it out without admin's interference. Of course if it escalates to threats, they would need to intercede.

As far as the kind of models we like to see, I think Broke Straight Boys needs to do what is has to do to stay competitive. If this means bringing in models who are gay (like that's a bad thing) or models who are professionals from outside the organization, then that's what they need to do. Hopefully, if the drought of curious straight guys willing to try porn lessens, they will return to their original mission. Until then, they have to do what's necessary to provide new and exciting scenes to the site. It just so happened that the two issues happened at the same time, and the forum turned really ugly. I just want to suggest that we give that a rest and give the forum an opportunity to be enjoyable again.
O.F., I think this is excellent idea and is something I have been saying forever. We all know that whether a disparaging remark is made on this forum or somewhere else, the intended recipient is going to see or hear about it. I am in total agreement that it is better to hash out Broke Straight Boys business on Broke Straight Boys rather than elsewhere. My only caveat is that if this is done, we must not look to Admin to step in unless the posts get threatening or vulgar, each side must be able to say what they will - I'm sure that the matters will work out, either with the "offending" member getting a comeuppance from the forumites or with the "offending" performer getting the same.

Just some off-the-wall food for thought: We hear the complaints all the time regarding gay/straight on the site and that's fair, the site was originally believably straight guys doing gay things to get the cash and that is what I was attracted to. However the times and the site have changed. We all know the current state of the site - there appears to be more bi or gay performers than straight; ok, I think so, too. I get it, it's not what we came for in days gone by. My silly question is this: Had you rather see the variety of performers we have here, or had you rather Broke Straight Boys use only their straight performers over and over and release just the same ones every week paired up together? It has been explained by Broke Straight Boys staff many times that the pool of straight guys willing to appear on a site such as this has shrunk to almost nil and that they are not receiving applications as they once did. It has even been suggested for the members to refer prospective models to the site, which should put hundreds of "scouts" out there. The fact is that if the applications are not coming in, they can't hire them. So, it does not do any good whatsoever to continually repeat and repeat the fact that many of the models are gay - this is not news, everyone already knows it. I'm not talking about the occasional reference to it - that's going to happen, and probably should.
I think your post is 100% "right on" Leedwb and I am the worst offender about constant bitching about the non-straightness of the current models, and I've been chastised both on the forum and off by other forumites that if I don't like it to quit the site. But the history of the site, the forum, and the potential for a new Abram or Ronan Kennedy is what keeps me here, and as much as I do bitch, believe me that I do check myself from doing it a lot more, trying so hard to remain silent when a new model joins here or a new scene is released featuring unattractive and totally fem boys. So I apologize for doing it and I am trying as best I can to keep it to a bare minimum as best I can, but it is not easy for me.
I think your post is 100% "right on" Leedwb and I am the worst offender about constant bitching about the non-straightness of the current models, and I've been chastised both on the forum and off by other forumites that if I don't like it to quit the site. But the history of the site, the forum, and the potential for a new Abram or Ronan Kennedy is what keeps me here, and as much as I do bitch, believe me that I do check myself from doing it a lot more, trying so hard to remain silent when a new model joins here or a new scene is released featuring unattractive and totally fem boys. So I apologize for doing it and I am trying as best I can to keep it to a bare minimum as best I can, but it is not easy for me.

Thanks for the apology, Mike. I think that's the way the forum should work. But don't be too hard on yourself. like you said, there has got to be another Abram or Ronin out there, but it might take some time to find him. And we still have Rowan. We have to let him develop as a top before he gets deflowered. And gay or not, Shawn is one hot little fucker who knows how to use his cock. So all is not lost.
Excuse me if I don't participate in this discussion. I learned a while back to keep my mouth shut.

I now live by the "Schultz Rule." "I see nothing, I know nothing" so I say nothing.
Excuse me if I don't participate in this discussion. I learned a while back to keep my mouth shut.

I now live by the "Schultz Rule." "I see nothing, I know nothing" so I say nothing.
LOL Louis! :biggrin:

I think your post is 100% "right on" Leedwb and I am the worst offender about constant bitching about the non-straightness of the current models, and I've been chastised both on the forum and off by other forumites that if I don't like it to quit the site. But the history of the site, the forum, and the potential for a new Abram or Ronan Kennedy is what keeps me here, and as much as I do bitch, believe me that I do check myself from doing it a lot more, trying so hard to remain silent when a new model joins here or a new scene is released featuring unattractive and totally fem boys. So I apologize for doing it and I am trying as best I can to keep it to a bare minimum as best I can, but it is not easy for me.

LOL, I'm right there with you, Mike. I do love the "believably straight" models. I don't think you go overboard with your comments ,regarding them - we all want to express ourselves on occasion. I, too wish this could be an almost Broke Straight Boys v1 site, but I will take a few Ronans or Chris Taylors, or even a few Jesse Avalons thrown in and consider it just fine with me, lol. And, if no one else wants them, they can come on down South and we will go fishing... or something.

O.F., I totally agree with you on civility in the forum and letting members and/or models work out their differences here rather than elsewhere. I know, due to human nature there will be some heated conversations, but let's face it, almost none of us know each other personally, neither models or members so what's the worst that can happen, someone hits the IGNORE button and doesn't know that the other person is even posting? I could deal with that if necessary.