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"Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful......"


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
Living in Upstate NY has it's "pros and cons", today's weather definitely promises to be a "con." Presently it's raining. This will turn into snow/sleet/ice later on as the temperature drops! Flash Freeze I don't have a problem driving in snow but, I don't have the driving on ice thing down at all! Hope all those on this side (east) of the coast get from point A-B without incident! I see many NY'ers on the forum! Be safe! Ice can usually mean, but not exclusively, power outages, which really suck! Stay safe, warm and dry Mikeyank and all other NY dwellers, and those on the "east coast" in general!:shock:
am waiting for ice storm and snow to hit herein pittsburgh any time now! Saw a cute poster recently of a grinning wolf! Caption above picture read "the groundhog said we were to have 6 more weeks of winter!"
caption below read "so i ate him!"
NYC is raining now changing to ice and then ending in snow. Thurs will be 20's Sat back to 50's then Monday down to 20's. Weather is nuts. I wonder what the summer will be like.
Today is sunny and the first day of year to hit 60 deg. But the rain will return for the weekend!!
I am experiencing my 2nd Blizzard of 2014. I live near Buffalo NY and it is the 1st time in over 130 years that this area has had 2 blizzards in 1 season. I know that this may sound weird but the snow falling right now (the wind has stopped) is really quite pretty.
I even hate to say this about 74 right now in San Francisco. Going to hit the low 80s by the weekend.Shit we really need
the rain.Might not be able to flush.. Oh Well.I feel so mean...Honest feel for you guy's.
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I even hate to say this about 74 right now in San Francisco. Going to hit the low 80s by the weekend.Shit we really need
the rain.Might not be able to flush.. Oh Well.I feel so mean...Honest feel for you guy's.
Nothing mean about enjoying your nice weather Johnny. I notice Tampa is staying out of this weather discussion too, probably 75 and sunny! We will have spring soon here on the east coast, I hope??? :confused1:
I'm around. lol The high will only be 68 and sunny tomorrow where I am. But the weekend should be in the mid to high 70's.

I also agree that blizzards can be quite pretty. I remember the blizzard of '78 when we had whiteout conditions for hours and hours. It was the first time I saw lightening during a snowstorm. Then no electricity for 2 days and no school for a whole week. Ah the memories... haha
am waiting for ice storm and snow to hit herein pittsburgh any time now! Saw a cute poster recently of a grinning wolf! Caption above picture read "the groundhog said we were to have 6 more weeks of winter!"
caption below read "so i ate him!"

Living in Upstate NY has it's "pros and cons", today's weather definitely promises to be a "con." Presently it's raining. This will turn into snow/sleet/ice later on as the temperature drops! Flash Freeze I don't have a problem driving in snow but, I don't have the driving on ice thing down at all! Hope all those on this side (east) of the coast get from point A-B without incident! I see many NY'ers on the forum! Be safe! Ice can usually mean, but not exclusively, power outages, which really suck! Stay safe, warm and dry Mikeyank and all other NY dwellers, and those on the "east coast" in general!:shock:
So how did you make out in upstate New York, Betu? Luckily we had no snow or ice, just ridiculously cold freezing temperatures for mid March here in the city, BRRRRRRRR.

But it's supposed to get back to the 60's on Saturday. I love the warm weather, as the good looking young guys shed their winter clothes and wear shorts and tank tops, and show off their assets. :001_tt2:
So how did you make out in upstate New York, Betu? Luckily we had no snow or ice, just ridiculously cold freezing temperatures for mid March here in the city, BRRRRRRRR.

But it's supposed to get back to the 60's on Saturday. I love the warm weather, as the good looking young guys shed their winter clothes and wear shorts and tank tops, and show off their assets. :001_tt2:

I actually didn't get a lot of snow! But, the rain yesterday made the water on the roads quite slick! With just enough of that cold snow on top of it! It's still quite "chilly" wind blowing and all! I made it home without incident and now, on my way....back to work!