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Northeaster Storm- How's everyone affected by it doing?


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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New York
Just wondering how everyone on the East Coast is handling the big storm and if everyone affected is alright.

I live in upstate NY (near Buffalo) and we were not affected by it- Thank goodness!:biggrin: We get our share of lake effect snow.

Last year if you remember we had 7 feet within 24 hours.

Just hoping everyone is safe and warm.:1d6a4743:
Thanks lpdude for asking. It actually was the second largest snowstorm in the recorded history of New York City with around 26" just missing the #1 ranking by a bit. But it did happen on a Saturday and I have not yet been out of my apartment, just watching the white stuff accumulate in the street. But I am about to venture out now, put on my new snow boots that arrived too late for last winter and try them on for size as I go to see what condition my car is in. I will travel by subway tomorrow so I don't need to dig it out yet.

Luckily we get lot's of advance notice of storms and I was fully stocked up with bread and milk, as that is what people seem to buy before a snowstorm. lol

Now onward and outward into the sunny but cold snowy sidewalks of New York.

Thanks again for asking, buddy!!! :biggrin:
Just wondering how everyone on the East Coast is handling the big storm and if everyone affected is alright.

I live in upstate NY (near Buffalo) and we were not affected by it- Thank goodness!:biggrin: We get our share of lake effect snow.

Last year if you remember we had 7 feet within 24 hours.

Just hoping everyone is safe and warm.:1d6a4743:

Hey lpdude86, I'm also from near Buffalo -- I'm in Lockport. And yes, we dodged the bullet this time. I hope everyone else is well, but I'm happy for once to just see it on the news and not out my window!
Upstate NY also, not so much as a snow flake! :biggrin: Lucky this time around but,..it's still Winter and that can all change JUST THAT QUICK:sign0048: or as we say...."In a New York Minute"...lol
I hear ya. Been on the 290 and it is clear as can be another mile and your in a white out.

Gotta remember Mother Nature is in charge of the weather and she can be a real bitch!:scared:
Today is very sunny and the temperature is now 35 degrees which is good for snow removal. Most of the houses on my block have been shoveled but the two or three that are not become a problem to pass, luckily my high boots kept my feet dry, but the best place to walk is still in the street as very few cars are passing by. There was a ban on driving on Saturday which ended at 7 AM this morning but very few people are driving today.

The parked cars are all buried in varying amounts of snow. I did brush my car off as best I could. The drivers side next to the sidewalk is buried, but the passenger side facing the open street had a low level, but it is a very light powdery snow that brushed off pretty easily. Now I will let it sit in the sun and hopefully mother nature will do the rest over the next few days, as I don't intend to drive for a while. The city suspended the alternate side parking regulations through Friday so nobody has to move their car unless they want to, or in my case, their bosses make them. lol
Glad you are doing well and are safe. We are use to that kind of snow here so we know ow to handle it. It got to be difficult in NYC with the millions of people that live there.
Glad you are doing well and are safe. We are use to that kind of snow here so we know ow to handle it. It got to be difficult in NYC with the millions of people that live there.
Thank you. It was a God send for it to come down in the early hours of Saturday morning rather than during a weekday or we would have had a real mess and a lot more dangerous situations and possibly fatalities.
I live in Florida, but I can feel your pain. The front that caused the blizzard also brought a hard freeze to parts of Florida. We bottomed out at 29F this morning. That is not pleasant living in a trailer with only two small space heaters. I cannot visualize living in snow areas as I have NEVER seen snow as you all have my entire life. I don't think I would survive.
I live in Florida, but I can feel your pain. The front that caused the blizzard also brought a hard freeze to parts of Florida. We bottomed out at 29F this morning. That is not pleasant living in a trailer with only two small space heaters. I cannot visualize living in snow areas as I have NEVER seen snow as you all have my entire life. I don't think I would survive.
Just to give you a visual taste Louis, this is not my car, but pretty much what it looked like a few hours ago. lol

No way, Mike. I would feel so claustrophobic I would have to be institutionalized.
No way, Mike. I would feel so claustrophobic I would have to be institutionalized.

I live with that almost every winter, and I sort of like it. Its cozy being inside with a mountain of snow outside! Not a fan of having to shovel the snow or clean off the car, but otherwise its really pretty. And I'm fortunate in my area we almost never have power outages. About ten years ago a terrible ice storm hit here on October 13 -- a Friday, no less -- and there were people without power for weeks! I lost power during that storm for probably half a day.
Her in Pittsburgh, PA area , Jonas dropped between 6 to 1- inches of snow eith more inWest Virginia and mountains tops of Laurel Highlands, Digging out and today roads passable but still cold until tomorrow!