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New ads.... Check 'em out


Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2010
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A few more to follow... with one you may not be ready for.
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Thank for posting all the "spank bank" in one place!:001_tongue: Bar far, my favorite is Paul's. It's one of those "perfect moment" photos; it could have been taken today or 20 years ago (okay, I know, he would have been 2, but you know what I mean). I see that photo and picture so many of the guys I knew back in the 70's and 80's....fuck, now I have to go sing "Memories" and masturbate!:tmi:
Beth and Mikeyank... if I made both of you happy with this post.... I have done my job for today.... lol!
Where are these "ads" from? Damien a Cali boy? He's from Boston.
Loved them. Where are the larger format ones for my computer background

I'm saying why would u make it so small?? Let's get the larger ones up here ASAP I need some new photos for my fan page on fb
Hey Damien,

I hope you are taking precautions with FB like not using the same email address for your personal FB account (Is that an oxymoron or what?) and your Broke Straight Boys FB account. As Ian found out the hard way, the fine folks at Google and FB decided a while ago that it would be a brilliant idea to randomly post things to our FB accounts that shows our friends some of our browsing history and Youtube videos we might have watched or created recently. I suspect that they do that by linking email addresses and probably only a few things that only the real technically minded are aware of.
Hey Damien,

I hope you are taking precautions with FB like not using the same email address for your personal FB account (Is that an oxymoron or what?) and your Broke Straight Boys FB account. As Ian found out the hard way, the fine folks at Google and FB decided a while ago that it would be a brilliant idea to randomly post things to our FB accounts that shows our friends some of our browsing history and Youtube videos we might have watched or created recently. I suspect that they do that by linking email addresses and probably only a few things that only the real technically minded are aware of.

I mean I don really care if ppl know my real name I put it out there on an audition tape for the TV show. So there's nothin I can do put the thing that really makes me mad is when I'm on my fan page and they wanna use my real name. Like no u don't know me on a personal or government level so call me by what I'm PUTING out. & that would be DAMIEB KYLE ;) good question Tampa
They came off of the Adam 4 Adam site. That is the size they are on there. I also wondered about the whole Cali thing.