I was never an Obama supporter anyway, but I feel sorry for the guy. He inherited a huge economic mess and unfortunately he has never had the political clout to reverse the spiraling downturn.
And frankly, it is not even a question of Dems or Repubes (oops). the truth is, our society is to blame, for not standing up sooner and demanding that our elected officials be held accountable for the poor decisions that have brought our country down this dirt road.
Tampa, sweetie, love you more than my good luggage, but I don't give a damn frankly what they do. What we have here is a genius plus (with class) versus 6 or 8 people scrambling to run against him all of whom have just gotten off the short bus. I'll bet a blow job he wins; I want to give it to Bobby but hell at my age I'll give it to any of my friends here on the forum......just saying.
Tampa24, I have to respectfully disagree with you. In a poll that was just conducted in the last several weeks, Romney and even Santorium are leading Obama in the race. There's still a long way to go before November and the election. Many things can happen between now and then. Talk about baggage. Obama has a big job ahead defending his record. What will be will be.