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More trouble in Iraq


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
US fighter jets and drones have launched a new series of air strikes targeting the Islamic State militants in northern Iraq.
The militants have been terrorising the Yazidi people in the north of the country, who are stranded on Mount Sinjar after coming under attack from IS.
The US also dropped food and water to the refugees on the mountain.


France are offering to take on some of the Yazidi people and the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks the Brits should too. Britain is already full up to the brim of refugees and foreigners with no jobs. I don't see the church doors opening for them and giving them refuge..

We cannot keep going into these countries and saving their people year on year. Look what happened after the US forces left Iraq last time, within months there was havoc, turmoil and unrest. How many US soldiers were lost during that conflict ? The same goes for Afghanistan, because when the brits and US leave, the taliban will once again gain control. It's a pointless battle which history has proved.

Sad or what? Secularism is the only true guarantee for religious freedom. Islamic or any other extremism can only flourish unopposed with moderates in their midst. I think Obama has done the right thing. The genocide that the Islamic State are planning on is wholly unacceptable... And disturbs my porn viewing!x
Iraq part 4. sarcasm is the only place I can found comfort. this time we go to prevent genocide and aid the only ally we had in Iraq. we cannot impose a stable government on Iraq and remain true to our belief in democracy. we will come to back a better, more stable government to the Iraqi people and will remain until Iraq knows peace.
69 years after the end of world war II, we are still in Europe! the grandchildren of the those who fought to be peace are now ask to the ukrane.
a good people will do what we must, but the world must know we have homeless veterans and children. we cannot be the world's police without the world becoming a neighborhood watch.
ok jon! we all know that one solution is a long term presence. as a nation, we could float loans to pay for occupation long term. as a people there is no desire to have a third bite of the apple. another solution would be a stable region. it's hard to build roads in a conflict zone.
ok jon! we all know that one solution is a long term presence. as a nation, we could float loans to pay for occupation long term. as a people there is no desire to have a third bite of the apple. another solution would be a stable region. it's hard to build roads in a conflict zone.

The problem with the West is that we interfere too much - all in the name of humanitarianism - so they say. Iraq was getting managed ok by Saddam until we put our nose in. Yugoslavia was ok under Tito until he died and all hell let loose. The Soviet Union held all their states under strict control until the Berlin wall came down. Now all 3 of the above have or are having a bad time since their so called dictators have passed on. All for progress eh !!!
The problem with the West is that we interfere too much - all in the name of humanitarianism - so they say. Iraq was getting managed ok by Saddam until we put our nose in. Yugoslavia was ok under Tito until he died and all hell let loose. The Soviet Union held all their states under strict control until the Berlin wall came down. Now all 3 of the above have or are having a bad time since their so called dictators have passed on. All for progress eh !!!

The problem with not interfering this time is that the genocide of the Iraqi/Syrian religious and ethnic minorities will continue. IS will expand and threaten the adjoining states in the Middle East. It's already such an unstable area as it is. And then there is Israel. If IS and them set to war we'll have no choice but to get involved again. I don't know about you but hearing stories of kids being beheaded all for religious craziness gives me the willies...only matter of time before the war against the west is on europe's doorstep
The problem with not interfering this time is that the genocide of the Iraqi/Syrian religious and ethnic minorities will continue. IS will expand and threaten the adjoining states in the Middle East. It's already such an unstable area as it is. And then there is Israel. If IS and them set to war we'll have no choice but to get involved again. I don't know about you but hearing stories of kids being beheaded all for religious craziness gives me the willies...only matter of time before the war against the west is on europe's doorstep

True Shy, we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't xx
every time we get into a conflict, the reason was a good one. not always a truthful one, but always one that led to let's go do this.
what we got out the last war in Iraq is an enemy armed with our best weapons and local police forces armed with the ones we didn't leave in Iraq. better in somebody else's downtown streets than the ones at home.

When will this all end? Why? Why? Why are we the victims of retaliation whenever we are called upon to protect and defend people of other nations who are being persecuted and butchered by barbarians? I am at a loss for words.



Obscene isn't it? I can't begin to imagine what that poor guy James Foley went through. This is what happens when you give someone a holy book and tell them that this is the word of god and they can't even question it. Such a waste of human life. And the war won't stop in the Middle East. I'd be shittin myself if I were an Israeli or Christian Right now.

Chin up though. Things could be worse. I'm not sure how but it's the only way I can think rationally about this insanity xx
Obscene isn't it? I can't begin to imagine what that poor guy James Foley went through. This is what happens when you give someone a holy book and tell them that this is the word of god and they can't even question it. Such a waste of human life. And the war won't stop in the Middle East. I'd be shittin myself if I were an Israeli or Christian Right now.

Chin up though. Things could be worse. I'm not sure how but it's the only way I can think rationally about this insanity xx

Unfortunately, this is not a world war as we knew it in the 40's. This is a global crises extending from Europe, to the middle east, down to Africa and across to Asia. We even have our own crisis occurring here in our back yards in America. Good people are victimized by bad people. Other good people come in to rescue the victims of these abuses and then those good people are also victimized by the bad people for helping. Think of a pin ball machine. You are playing and you start to win. Then the pinball machine sends you an electric shock to make you lose. The game goes on and on.
Unfortunately, this is not a world war as we knew it in the 40's. This is a global crises extending from Europe, to the middle east, down to Africa and across to Asia. We even have our own crisis occurring here in our back yards in America. Good people are victimized by bad people. Other good people come in to rescue the victims of these abuses and then those good people are also victimized by the bad people for helping. Think of a pin ball machine. You are playing and you start to win. Then the pinball machine sends you an electric shock to make you lose. The game goes on and on.

Are you saying that America has no influence or has not influenced the state of the Middle East ?
Are you saying that America has no influence or has not influenced the state of the Middle East ?

It undoubtedly has, as has the UK. It all started with world war 1, then 2 and then the formation of the state of Israel (certainly illegal under international law if it happened nowadays), supporting Sadam and Colonel Gadaffi then the Gulf war and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. The list of meddling goes on and on but it all flows from something that happened nearly a hundred years ago and people feel a responsibility to keep poking their noses in
I came to the unfortunate realization that the middle east will never have peace in my life time. The problem is that both extremes are driving all the complex issues in so many different countries. I wish the "west" could actually manage to help the middle east out in ways where we were not interfering so much. I don't think we really understand the issues well enough to be anything other than making things worse. I feel for the majority living there who are in the "middle". They are the ones who really suffer. I for one am sick of listen to the idiot American's around me who think the best solution can only be military intervention. In my eyes that never was and never will be the solution. We can't manage how to figure out how to treat someone in my country who has skin that is "darker" than mine with the respect every human deserves. Too me that's pretty simple. Religious beliefs is 10x more difficult. So if the west thinks it is so special that it can solve these problems... well... we have a lot to learn.
Re: ISIS or whatever they are calling themselves today - send no ground troops in, but bomb them off the face of the earth. They show mercy to no one; what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Are you saying that America has no influence or has not influenced the state of the Middle East ?

I am merely saying that today we are fighting a war of a different nature. In the first and second World Wars we knew who the enemies were and where they were located. We tried to remain neutral in those wars but assisted our allies in supplies, etc. However, we were drawn into those wars when we were directly attacked for our supportive efforts. We were drawn into the current conflicts (war) when we were personally attacked on our home front on September 11, 2001. In the first two wars, as I said, we knew who the enemy was and where they were. Today we are facing an enemy like creepy crawlers, a cancer that has infiltrated many nations. We refer to them as terrorists, militants, extremists with no one leader, no one home base. They are not an army that marches by land, comes by sea or air. They infiltrate during the night and attack when least suspected. When they do attack their message is subtle. I invite you to go back to 2001 and research the number of terrorist attacks that have occurred since that time throughout many of our nations.

Ask yourselves, who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? The bad guys don't give a shit about the good guys. Yet, the good guys continue to be the victims of violence and brutality for their humanitarian efforts.

This country declared war on terrorism following that fretful day on 9/11. Today, we reaffirmed our commitment to eradicate the cancer that is spreading throughout the globe. Together with our Allies we will succeed.

Iraq is likely to be a failed state for years. I don't think there is the political will or courage in Baghdad to take the necessary decisions and actions to keep the country form falling apart at the seams. Saddam held it together through fear, murder and ruthless repression. For now the occupation by IS has redrawn the borders of Syria and Iraq. The Syria/Iraq borders exist only on paper and no longer function as a designation of individual sovereignty. What I find chilling about this latest chapter is the idea that the U.S. could start virtually helping the other ruthless Syrian dictator Assad by bombing and executing IS operatives on what used to be Syrian soil. I cringe at the very thought of our tax dollars and American lives being put in harm's way when the ancillary consequence is to help that murderer stay in power.
Iraq is likely to be a failed state for years. I don't think there is the political will or courage in Baghdad to take the necessary decisions and actions to keep the country form falling apart at the seams. Saddam held it together through fear, murder and ruthless repression. For now the occupation by IS has redrawn the borders of Syria and Iraq. The Syria/Iraq borders exist only on paper and no longer function as a designation of individual sovereignty. What I find chilling about this latest chapter is the idea that the U.S. could start virtually helping the other ruthless Syrian dictator Assad by bombing and executing IS operatives on what used to be Syrian soil. I cringe at the very thought of our tax dollars and American lives being put in harm's way when the ancillary consequence is to help that murderer stay in power.

Tampa, the word you mentioned was "chilling" What is chilling is the fact that this country has taken the brunt in this struggle. Yes, we have spent many dollars but those dollars don't even come close to the cost of American lives we have lost. What will it take to end it all? Another atomic bomb?
Tampa, the word you mentioned was "chilling" What is chilling is the fact that this country has taken the brunt in this struggle. Yes, we have spent many dollars but those dollars don't even come close to the cost of American lives we have lost. What will it take to end it all? Another atomic bomb?

I think Tampa is a bit short sighted when it comes to IS. This IS has done horrible things and if people don't convert to their religion then they get murdered. I don't think we've seen half of the atrocities that they have done, so the world had better beware of more shocks to come. The only way to get rid is A - If a country like the UK has citizens fighting for IS then they are not allowed back. B - Ship out all their relations out of their home country. C - Send in crack troops to destroy every tentacle of their organisation.

Both the UK and the US have lost a lot of lives in Afghanistan for a fight that is really not ours and furthermore no one ever learnt from history in that country. No one has ever defeated the Taliban and never will. However, IS has come out of nowhere and is expanding fast and is trying to form a new state encompassing Syria and Iraq, so what is next if they manage to do this.

Bomb the bastards.