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Model Usage and Updates


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Sep 20, 2011
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Just a general observation which i would not be surprised if someone else hadn't brought up.

Since COVID, i have noticed that a group of models come into together and shoot scenes in various configurations. i have no problem with that as it maximizes scene production while minimizing costs.

however, could i suggest that scenes with the same model(s) be staggered. For example, take Drew, he is in 2 of the 5 most recent scenes and is in the 2 upcoming scenes. so unless one or both of the upcoming scenes are changed, Drew will have been in 4 of the last 5 scenes.

don't get me wrong, i like Drew (his build, his personality, his tats, he's a bottom are all check marks for me that he's ticking), but 4 scenes in 5 weeks when we only get 1 new scene per week is a bit much. as much as i like Drew as well as other models, the frequency of their scenes turns me off especially with the scenes being shot in the same location. once the action begins, it often feels like the same scene.
Yes, it has been brought up and as recently as last week Sha offered an explanation, which I do not totally buy into. The point was made that we had a brand new model named Aaron who had his BTS intro video released on August 9th, yet since then we have seen scenes with Chris & Drew, Dallas & Liam, and the next two scenes will be Dustin, (new to Broke Straight Boys), and Drew and then Drew with Liam I believe, from the picture. Sha said that he wanted for us to meet Aaron so we knew that there were new models coming up. But my question is if they had already had the shoot week with Aaron, why wait a month instead of interspersing his scenes with those of the others? I liked Liam when he first showed up here, but I have had enough of him, as well as Dallas. I don’t get the schedule of release dates either.
I don't understand the release issue either, if the filming is done month's or two in advance why not inner mingle the scenes. I love Liam but they have over saturated the viewing with him and Dallas, especially when we only get 1 update a week. Broke Straight Boys needs to come up with a better way before more people loose interest, variety is the spice of life!
I swear on my life that I haven’t spoken privately to these 3 members. Lol
So there are a few things here.

First it is important to know that before COVID we used to bring in 8 to 10 models in 1 week. This meant that we were able to film more scenes in that week than what we currently are able to. When COVID happened and we moved production back to D&E we were only able to house up to 4 models at a time. Assuming that each of the 4 models passed their testing the max number of scenes the production company could film in that week would be 6. It isn't too often that all the stars align and we even get that number of scenes. Less models in a production week means less scenes and less variety to mix scenes in. Our team has this discussion about trying to stay caught up often so we can mix scenes more but it seems to be a challenge. They try to film 1 week per month. It is also important to point out that Liam had to be used two shoot weeks in a row because of other model issues. He was a last minute sub that helped David film other models and bring in more scenes.

Many many years ago it was easier because there was a larger pool of models and back then Broke Straight Boys also filmed solos, side by side j/o videos, oral videos and then of course fucking videos. Analytics showed that the fucking videos is what members wanted as the others didn't fair too well. When we were able to house more models that gave us a variety of different guys to rotate. I would love to say we will get back to that stage as we will also strive to do just that but with the ongoing limitations that the studio has and the evolution of the way models create and consumers get porn, it is uncertain if we will. I encourage you to look at each shoot (update schedule) as a series. Follow that series and enjoy the development of that particular model. David has continued to work hard at recruiting and bringing us new models for the final interviews and we approve and schedule as quickly as we can.

With Aaron there were two other models that were brought in around the same time and it would not have made sense to release his scene before we were able to release the sequence of the other two models as that affected the order of Aaron's scenes as well.

I have spent 26 years in this industry and I have certainly not built a reputation of being misleading or deceitful. I have always been forthcoming with what is happening behind the scenes as much as I am aware of. It still surprises me when I read comments from those that should know me by now that are to the contrary. There is no incentive for me to be misleading.
I find the above few posts very interesting and to a point educational. I feel for you Sha, I know it is not easy , even if I do not totally agree with everything you say.
I have spent 26 years in this industry and I have certainly not built a reputation of being misleading or deceitful. I have always been forthcoming with what is happening behind the scenes as much as I am aware of. It still surprises me when I read comments from those that should know me by now that are to the contrary. There is no incentive for me to be misleading.
first, I’m not taking this as necessarily directed at me. I don’t think you’re trying to be misleading at all, in fact, in my comment on another thread I stated that I understood your explanation as to why you released Aaron’s interview so far in advance. I also, however, commented that it was understandable why there was some confusion with members as we’ve never had an interview released a month in advance like that before, so your explanation cleared that up.
But here is my question to you Sha. Why do you say that you have to release the six scenes with the four models as a series, over six weeks? When you had 8-10 models at a shoot week in Atlanta, or prior to that in Florida or in Colorado, all of the scenes from that shoot week were not the exclusive content released over the month or six to eight weeks, (with three and then two updates per week). Yes we would have a bunch of consecutive scenes from that model pool, but we would also get some scenes from prior shoot weeks that were held back.

As the original poster on this thread stated, it starts to feel like one long continuous episode when we get different combinations of Liam and Dallas or Chris. Every week with the same guys gives us nothing really new to watch. When David filmed Aaron with two or three different models probably in July, why not intersperse one or two of those scenes and then get back to Liam, Dallas and Drew? Then continue with Aaron and his group, and by then you will hopefully have another group of model’s scenes in the can, and perhaps show us two new guys and later go back to Liam’s group and then back to Aaron’s group?

I don’t think the average porn fan feels a need to see a series begin and end. I think they crave fresh models rather than seeing a continuation of the same guys over a six week period. I of course do respect your integrity Sha, but as a loyal member of your site with a continuous membership since 2008, I am asking for some variety. Do you see my point and does that make any sense to you?

Thanks for reading this and hopefully responding.
sha have you looked at the possibility of widening your scope to other places outside of our country as other sites have done?
When I click on the "all episodes" tab, Liam appears in 8 of the 15 episodes on that page. I am sure he is really good guy, but c'mon, there has to be some way to change things up a little bit. Maybe even a little change in the background would make some difference. Some of the episodes that I liked the best were filmed in a bedroom setting where the guys could spread out and go at it without banging their heads onto side tables. I still like the site, but wish things were a little bit different.
When I click on the "all episodes" tab, Liam appears in 8 of the 15 episodes on that page. I am sure he is really good guy, but c'mon, there has to be some way to change things up a little bit. Maybe even a little change in the background would make some difference. Some of the episodes that I liked the best were filmed in a bedroom setting where the guys could spread out and go at it without banging their heads onto side tables. I still like the site, but wish things were a little bit different.

We are the production studio that films Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals sites. We are planning on some outdoor shoots in the near future to change things up and hope you guys like it.
Yes of course all this makes sense and we are working with what we have. I said I encourage you to look at it as a series. I didn't say I have to release it as a series. It is released in that order for the reasons I have given in my long message above. When we were filming 8 plus guys a filming week that allowed for more scenes and then the next time we filmed we would have a completely different group of guys (this would mean a large amount of guys to rotate). This allowed for us to film so much content ahead of schedule that we could mix all the scenes up. Again, we are filming 4 guys at a time if they all show up and clear the testing. Sometimes we only have 2 or 3. Then when you have a guy that has to be brought in 2 times in a row like Liam was because of the no shows and testing results that week it created a situation that we have to repeat the same models with already a limited amount of material. Our past shows that we don't like to do that and the same applies now. This is simply what we are getting. The studio is much smaller than what we have ever had to work with in the past so that means less variety.

Regarding bringing in models from other countries, there is a lot that goes in to that. I can not nor will I speak for other studios, but in addition to other challenges there are also legal reasons why it would be a challenge to contract models from other countries.
When I click on the "all episodes" tab, Liam appears in 8 of the 15 episodes on that page. I am sure he is really good guy, but c'mon, there has to be some way to change things up a little bit. Maybe even a little change in the background would make some difference. Some of the episodes that I liked the best were filmed in a bedroom setting where the guys could spread out and go at it without banging their heads onto side tables. I still like the site, but wish things were a little bit different.

Welcome to the forum Rcheswick! :welcome:
When I click on the "all episodes" tab, Liam appears in 8 of the 15 episodes on that page. I am sure he is really good guy, but c'mon, there has to be some way to change things up a little bit.

We are planning on some outdoor shoots in the near future to change things up and hope you guys like it.

That’s cool. I love that.

Outdoor settings would be cool!

But even things like changing some of the decor in the background from scene to scene might be helpful. Pulling down some wall hangings or pictures and rotating them in and out would give the feeling of some change and variety even in the same studio. And even if the same models were present from one scene to another.
Just a general observation which i would not be surprised if someone else hadn't brought up.

Since COVID, i have noticed that a group of models come into together and shoot scenes in various configurations. i have no problem with that as it maximizes scene production while minimizing costs.

however, could i suggest that scenes with the same model(s) be staggered. For example, take Drew, he is in 2 of the 5 most recent scenes and is in the 2 upcoming scenes. so unless one or both of the upcoming scenes are changed, Drew will have been in 4 of the last 5 scenes.

don't get me wrong, i like Drew (his build, his personality, his tats, he's a bottom are all check marks for me that he's ticking), but 4 scenes in 5 weeks when we only get 1 new scene per week is a bit much. as much as i like Drew as well as other models, the frequency of their scenes turns me off especially with the scenes being shot in the same location. once the action begins, it often feels like the same scene.

Thanks for posting Drazil!
I agree tampa. I am sure that David will take these notes and apply them in the future.
When I click on the "all episodes" tab, Liam appears in 8 of the 15 episodes on that page. I am sure he is really good guy, but c'mon, there has to be some way to change things up a little bit. Maybe even a little change in the background would make some difference.

Thanks for responding Sha. :)

I meant to include the third sentence of Rcheswick's post. I have to give him the credit for suggesting the change in backgrounds and decor. I was merely seconding his suggestion. In Broke Straight Boys studios of the past they had some murals like that large Broke Straight Boys logo wall hanging they put over the inside of a garage door. It looked really smart! Nobody would guess it was actually hiding a garage door. haha Just to say that there are some low tech and cost efficient ways to change up one studio set with little more than some decor and window dressing and make it look like a new (or at least very different) room.
Thank you guys for the suggestions, sometimes we get caught up with production and we forget about the set design...yes, I am taking notes. This week we will be going shopping for more decor for Broke Straight Boys and change it around a bit.
I talked about getting out of that room and changing the wall color many times over a year ago. Crickets. Lol. David did eventually paint the wall a different color and I love him for that. I do look forward to the outdoor shoots.