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I would love to know the answer to this, too! I guess I might have noticed, if I were paying attention: but, my LEFT HAND was TOO BUSY - LOL!!!

Which models are left-handed on Broke Straight Boys?

Hey there andtx88,
Welcome to the forum! Hope to read more of your posts. Do you find "lefties" hot? It is a definite turn on for me...whether it's their hands or which side they dress on,:hitit: it's all good!
Lefties just fascinate me. Maybe because they have the ability to do things with their left hand that I can't do properly. But I think it's more than that. On the cerebral level, they are using a part of their brain that I don't; well not to the extent that they are. Watching a guy masturbate with his left hand makes me more focus on his actions than I would be with a rightie. What I preceive as "awkward" makes me more fixated and curious than I would be with a rightie masturbating. It's almost unexplainable.
Hey, Angelone -

That's very cool! To me, being left-handed isn't awkward at all - it's totally natural. In fact, I come from what is famously the most left-handed family on earth: whereas lefties are less than 10 per cent of the general human population, in my family they are over 50 per cent. (In days of yore, they actually had the banisters installed on the opposite side of the staircases in their houses, so they could carry their swords in their LEFT HAND, as they fought off assailants on the way down.)

And gosh, if I had ever met a guy with a fetish for the "sinister" before - perhaps I'd already be married!!!

When I Broke My Right Hand All I Had Left Was My Left Hand So I Adapted hahaa so Do I Count
When I Broke My Right Hand All I Had Left Was My Left Hand So I Adapted hahaa so Do I Count

You always count! Besides, there are a few of us in here willing to lend you a hand...at least!
When I Broke My Right Hand All I Had Left Was My Left Hand So I Adapted hahaa so Do I Count

So... Inquiring minds would like to know. haha Did you ever master the art of self-love to satisfactory completion with the non-dominant hand while the other was out of commission? Or did you look to volunteers for that? Or both? :masterbate: :blowjob: LOL
So... Inquiring minds would like to know. haha Did you ever master the art of self-love to satisfactory completion with the non-dominant hand while the other was out of commission? Or did you look to volunteers for that? Or both? :masterbate: :blowjob: LOL

Hahaha I did look for help a lot but if I needed my space believe me my left hand got to finally meet my dick hahah