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Lance Armstrong's fight with the overpowering USADA...


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
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Not since the generally ill-reputed "Grand Inquisition" has the power to break someone's spirit been used with such little regard for basic human fairness and with such impunity as the USADA, in the case of Lance Armstrong's doping allegations. With the USADA being born from the rift raff of Washington congressional politics, why would or should anybody expect anything better than this adulterated iteration of justice, a de facto "Kangaroo Court". For those who insist that the Federal Government is too large, isn't this the perfect place to start the cutting?

Why don't they simply declare that the members of the USADA are "ABSOLUTE GODS" and, as such, "THEY OPERATE WITH TOTAL INFALLIBILITY, PURITY OF PURPOSE, AND ARE ABOVE ANY AND ALL REPROACH"! They are the true representation of what happens when any man-made judicial body is given so much "ABSOLUTE POWER" with no counterbalancing checks and balances. It appears that they enjoy gloating on the fact that they answer to nobody and have the power to bring everybody down to their knees!!!

How many excruciating hours of sweat and effort, not to mention also fighting the elements and fatigue, the press, and the disease of cancer, were they asked to endure in preparation to enable them to be fighting the so called "Good Fight"! They ought to be ashamed to show their face in public for this travesty of justice, namely stripping Lance of all his Tour De France wins! They truly deserve no respect for taking the easy way out by their essentially reinstating the much maligned medieval practice of "Trial by Ordeal" as practiced hundreds of years ago as a substitute for "real justice". Continuing with their unquenchable thirst for "justice", in their preferred form of human blood and with the prospects of endless litigation against Lance Armstrong can only be thought of as an Ordeal in the medieval sense of the term. In short they were hell bent on imposing on him devesting him of his lifetime "Tour de France" accomplishments, despite the fact that Lance passed countless drug tests at the time. So much for American fair-mindedness!

Sincerely outraged by the USADA actions,

I think it is a travesty the way Lance is being treated. As a cancer survivor, having him as a roll model did more for me than any medicine.
On this unhappy occasion...

Stimpy; As much as hate to say it, I agree with you 100%. :)

But his so called ex team mates all verify the drug allegations.. Why didn't they say something then ?

I think it is a travesty the way Lance is being treated. As a cancer survivor, having him as a roll model did more for me than any medicine.

Dear fellow forumites,

I don't agree with using any performance enhancing drugs for any competition. That is a given. Lance was tested all along the way through all his winning runs. They did not catch anything then, so why years later are they trying to stick it to him now! This is such an injustice to Lance Armstrong and his fans. Those team mates who testified against him did so most likely to save their own skin or perhaps out of petty jealousy.

Sad to say, but we all know former forumite - Jayman. He is one of my best and dearest friends. I speak with him several times per week by phone. Some years ago he was a Marine and a former Presidential Guard in Washington, who was forced out of the Marines for having gay sex, but he was never "caught in the act". No, they just found another careless gay marine in a "compromising position" to provide them with a list of 10 gay marines in order to reduce this caught Marine's penalty. This snitch turned in Jayman's name along with 9 others to reducing the severity of the informant's own penalty by changing an automatic "Dishonorable Discharge" into a "General Discharge" (which is below an "Honorable Discharge" but doesn't present additional difficulty in finding civilian employment afterwards). When Jayman was asked under oath if this was true about him, he answered honorably and honestly knowingly paying the price. As a consequence Jayman was required to leave the Marines prematurely but still receiving an "Honorable Discharge" (since he was never caught in the act).

All I know is that we don't know the degree of coertion exercised on Lance's team mates/informants that ultimately lead to them implicating Lance in the doping scandals. If they had protested then as to Lance's involvement, then maybe something could have been proven at the time. All I can conclude is that the USADA approached this issue with their minds made up! They are on a "Witch Hunt" that we as a nation have been subjected to from time to time throughout our history.

Lance himself stated his refusal to continue fighting the USADA is not an admission of guilt. Representatives of the USADA, however, have essentially stated the contrary opinion. I know that Lance Armstrong and his foundation dedicated to helping cancer victims has done far more good in just this short span of time than the USADA committee members will probably ever accomplish in a lifetime of negativity! I have to believe all of this is somehow "politically motivated" by the far-right evangelical extremist intent on destroying our country with their self-righteousness and their narrow view on life. It just sounds too familiar! :sick2:

Thank you all for your concern!


I've just been watching the british news and having read the Sunday times sports part too which, like all papers, seem to think that because Armstrong has lost the fight, means he is openly declaring his guilt.


Questions need to be asked why the 10 so called friends of Armstrongs are now choosing to come forward to say that he used enhanced drugs.. If they were whiter than white then why didn't they come forward earlier. Also, in the 7 or 8 years that Lance was at the pinacle of his career, don't you think it is strange that he was not once found guilty of any random drugs test.

I suspect that someone is paying these 10 people and if so, they should be charged.