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Kyle Porter's Indestructible Package


New Member
Feb 25, 2014
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So I like Kyle Porter a lot and think he's super hot, so I ask this as a 100% sincere question with no offense intendend:

Is his package, while indeed lovely, one short of the standard two testicles?

It's possible I'm making this up and he either has a very tight sack (preventing me from seeing the other bulge) or the camera angle doesn't show it as well as his alluring dong being lubricated by his partner's tounge (which, as unfathomable as it sounds, makes it hard for me to focus).

Anywho, the reason I asked was that if I'm not halloucinating, the most likely explanation is that he's a survivor of testicular cancer.

(Note: to be clear, I'm not saying he is.. though I request clarification as to that fact.)

Knowing a few people who have been through the ideal, I know these guys have got balls. (Pun intended.) It's absolutely nothing to be a ashamed of. It's a scary disease that can result in the surgical removal of one or both testicles as a preventative matter. To get through it is a testament to one's strength and fortitude.

It's relatively common (as far as it goes) in men Kyle's age, and like all cancers, awareness and early detection is key.

It is for this very reason that I am potentially "outing" him as a survivor. Being on Broke Straight Boys with a large audience in the target demographic (men), it's my hope that Kyle and Broke Straight Boys can work to spread a message even beyond the membership here.

One strong suggestion I have is to post a free memorable and quasi-pornographic video to both the members and non members sites having a model assist an undressed Kyle check his private regions (perhaps first playfully scolding the model -- once Kyle can stop groaning and regains the ability to speak -- that this cant be done with a tongue).

Take the idea, Broke Straight Boys! Play with it. It's yours. (Give me a piece of the action if it makes you a lot of money though! I'll probably donate to fight cancer. :biggrin:) Even if Kyle isn't a survivor and you just made it a PSA the concept still works in general for free viral media and traffic.

Lastly, I'm new to this form, so I don't know if I'll be able to moderate the replies to this post. I'm open to any thoughtful discussion. What's not ok, however, is making fun of someone because they suffer from this (or the results of) or any other condition (voluntary stupidity and asshattery excepted). Bottom line: don't be a douche. Be a person.
He has two. Difference is his sack is tighter than his brother's.

Welcome to the forum GayGreek! :welcome:

I hope you'll continue to post. You express yourself very well.

I had wondered the same thing at the time. It's possible that he just has a tighter scrotum than his brother. You took such great care in your post so as not to offend. I really admire the way you brought this up. Hopefully if Kyle sees this he won't feel that we would be disapproving of him as a model if he is in fact lacking a testicle for whatever reason. It doesn't affect my positive perception as a model. And most certainly it does not affect my perception of him as a person and fellow human being. Obviously you feel the same way. :)
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Another explanation is that his one testicle never drop during gestation. I've known several men like this; in fact, one of the two great loves of my life had only one ball for that reason. And by the way he had one of the largest amounts of cum upon ejaculation I've ever seen.
Very well written GG, and I agree with Louis that his sack is just tighter. I remember bringing this issue up about Kodi. But not because of he was short a nut, but for the lumps he had in his sack. Great advice GG about getting checked early.
He has two. Difference is his sack is tighter than his brother's.

Good screenshot! The difference is glaringly obvious here. I am/was not sure there's two there though.. and isn't scrotum tightness unusual variation to have given they're presumably identical twins? (Granted I'm obviously not a genealogist specializing in scrotums... though now having thought of it I may consider that career path..)
Also, just a quick fix to my OP.. where I wrote "ideal" I really (hopefully obviously) meant "ordeal" in case anyone was super confused.