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Just for jason matthews ;-)


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, Mr. Jason Matthews ~

Though we have lots of AMAZING new models, here on Broke Straight Boys - and it is so nice watching their videos, and getting to know them, here, on the board - I don't want you to think I am ever forgetting you. You're the reason I am here; and even at this distance (miles and miles, and model to member, an inseparable gulf, in many ways): you are one of the most wonderful and special people in the world, to me.

Sometimes, people marvel at some of the things I say to you, in all my silly "fandom". (And sometimes, people BARF, as well - because I am prone to pour on all that Canadian MAPLE SYRUP - LOL!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCx8oCgTQbs )

But, you know, I'm just a wild Celt. I love my friends as if they were lovers; and I love my loved-ones, well. . . extrapolate ;-))) LOL!!! I think that life is VERY short; that it is really important to live each day, as if it were your LAST (and you never know); and that it is MOST important, always to SHOWER the PEOPLE you love, WITH LOVE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_etU9MED4k

I think that life is too short, and too uncertain, to miss ANY OPPORTUNITY, to say "thank you"; or to tell someone that you really care.

Jason, I want to thank you so much, for coming back to Broke Straight Boys; for posting (and inspiring me); and for simply always being a magnificent person.

I'm an OLD guy. And I am nothing to look at, either. I guess I have had some moderate success in my career, so that I've been able to worm my way up into the LOWER middle-class - but nothing spectacular, either. And, in my whole life, I never had any success in love, either. Really, ZERO.

You have done two REALLY SPECIAL things, for me. First, your beauty and your passion has kept me happy and content through many a long arctic night! And that may seem like a small thing: but really, it is not. I really respond, emotionally, to very few models, but I certainly respond to YOU: and I am so grateful, for that!

Second (and much more important) - by all the wise and interesting things you have posted on the board - sharing YOUR understanding of life, and love - you gave me the COURAGE to try again, and find my very own boyfriend. And, I think, without your friendship here, I would have been much too scared even to TRY.

And now I DO have a very lovely boyfriend, and a chance at being happy, and I simply want you to know, Jason, that your encouragement in all of this has been a big part of making my life happy and meaningful, again. As we know - from all your videos on Broke Straight Boys and College Dudes - you are an amazingly gorgeous guy, and a GENIUS lover. . .

But you are ALSO one of the sweetest, brightest, and kindest people I've [n]ever met! I am so, so, sooo glad that Broke Straight Boys brought you back! And I am so, so, sooo glad that you have been a part of my life!

Thank you for being here, and just for being. . . YOU. If my old age is happy, I want you to know, you have played a HUGE part in that.

Hugs, your fan,

P.S. I want to wish you all the happiness in your own life, that you have given all of US.

"It was a very good year" ~ Frank Sinatra ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emAe6IClGys
I will ditto the appreciation for Jason and his work. Also being a fellow "Pittsburgher" from south of the city, I know Jason has a wonderful personality, sense of humor and dedication. I also am so glad Broke Straight Boys is retaining him. Wish they would do same for Collin, Cody, Ashton(if he is out of the slammer) and Spencer Todd. Have a nice day Jason. Look forward to seeing you soon.