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That he is. He was the perfect match for Syrian Thomas. An old hand and a calming influence.Hot scene. Darron is an A+ instructor.
You shared my ambivilent feeling about Syrian Thomas. There have been prior Mormon boy gay porn stars who used gay porn as a total rebellion against their sexual repressive upbringing by first having sex outside marriage, then having sex with other boys and then bottoming for them. But Sryian seems to be half out of the Mormon Church and half in, which makes it unclear how long he will be doing this. There are some Christian and Jewish demoninations out there who teach that if God made you gay, that is his will and you should embrace it.Awkward at the end. Syrian Thomas is sexy and all but are we sure he wants to do this? Lol. And Eddie is so funny….you can tell by the look on his face that he is sick of Syrian Thomas’s bs and is ready to rock. I’m hoping for a good scene. Hang in there Syrian Thomas…..it’s gonna be alright! Darron, you had me at hello!