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Josh`s cock in Ridge.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I like guys with unusual, some would say deformed cocks. Some guys have curved cocks up down right left. I once saw a guy when he got hard his cock went straight up but just under the head it made a right angle turn and the head pointed to the left out the side. Cool.

I think you guys have given poor Josh a complex about his dick head.
He`s a big boy and he could have fucked the shit out of Ridge but he looked like he was holding back because of his cock complex. Ridge was very accommodating and picked up the slack well. The only thing I would say to Ridge is,"Drop the Rock bro!" You`re a sexy guy with a long fat cock. Loosen up and let that "street punk" out to play. I can see in your eyes you got a little mean and nasty in there. A lot of calculating and manipulation but some pure mean and nasty too.
I think that David found that shoot hard work.
He perservered tho', was very patient and kind with the guys. I'm glad that Ridge got hard for Josh while he was being done...Josh obviously got off on that.
A different kind of shoot from some of the recent red-hot stuff, but I enjoyed it very much. I think that Josh would make a better bottom than top? My opinion for what it's worth
Loved Josh's body, Ridge's grudging enthusiasm for bottoming, and alla round loved the update!
I am so sorry to say goodbye to Josh He is one of my favorite of the new guys. i think he is very hot and seems to be a great guy ready for anything and really getting off on being taped i will miss him
I am so sorry to say goodbye to Josh He is one of my favorite of the new guys. i think he is very hot and seems to be a great guy ready for anything and really getting off on being taped i will miss him

Didn't The David say somewhere that they had managed to contact him again. with a view to coming back? Or is that just 'wishful thinking'?? Iliked Josh too - he seemed a Genuine Broke Straight(ish) Boy.
Man I don't know. I'm debating on that one. I like Ridge, even though I didn't care for his "yawning" while getting fucked. I thought it was disrespectful towards Josh. Anyway, as for Josh, I'm still picturing his dick when I see him. I just can't pass that and just for that, it's hard for me to get going. He's really attractive for sure.
I will miss Josh, too. He is cute with a hot body. He is a natural in front of the camera, and he was hard from the start, unlike Ridge the pro. Josh has such a great attitude and I LOL when he started talking dirty! Ridge is hot, and he plays to the camera, too. I enjoyed this vid, but then remembered as smiling Josh signed off, he was about to be told he wouldn't be welcome back.:thumbdown:
I loved Josh and thought he was hot. You dont have to have a big dick to be sexy. Would have loved to see more!
i thought the josh and ridge scene was very hot. i used to think dustin was the hottest, but in my book he's been overthrown. ridge and josh are the new kingpins. i also loved the luke and cody session. they really got into it. would love to see a 3way with luke, josh and ridge. luke is abaolutely awesome. i really love his attitude and he is gorgeous from head to toe, awesome!!!!!!!!
Loved Josh want more if possible. Ideal would him getting fucked by Nelson or a flip-flop with Danny. I am curious how the "straight" models express their disdain for Josh's dick? BTW for the information of whoever writes the copy "board" is not the past tense of the verb "to bore" that is "bored" and I don't care that spell check lets you get away with it.
It was a very odd experience watching a video with as much nervousness as I did with this one. I so wanted Josh to do well as a performer after going to bat for him as much as so many of us did. We rallied around Josh like no other model I can remember.


The overall video was not the greatest of all time of course. But it WAS very good. Josh is a natural in front of the camera. With a little more coaching and experience he could/could have done very well on the site. There are many who will not be able to enjoy him fully because of his misshapen willie. I know that. But he's still a very very hot guy. Who in here wouldn't kill to go out on a date with him and be seen in public together? And to kind of let it be known...I'm with him. He's with me.

Josh is a hunk!

I so wish he would agree to come back and bottom. Not the least of which so that he could make his $1500. He has shown even as an amateur first timer that he kind of understands how to perform for the camera. All he would need is a little more coaching and experience.

I was very pleased to see the positive chemistry between Ridge and Josh. Ridge was very nice to him and did not betray any real condescension. So Ridge gets props from me for that. Except for the yawning part of course. And there was still the fact that Ridge refused to give oral to Josh. David also may have been leery of filming closeups of Josh's dick. So we may never know if that decision was mostly David's call as the director and cameraman or if it was Ridge. Or both. It's too bad about everything that went down after that video though.

Josh would be welcome back here ANY time. In my eyes at least... :001_smile:

JOSH DID VERY GOOD!! :thumbup:
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Loved Josh want more if possible. Ideal would him getting fucked by Nelson or a flip-flop with Danny. I am curious how the "straight" models express their disdain for Josh's dick? BTW for the information of whoever writes the copy "board" is not the past tense of the verb "to bore" that is "bored" and I don't care that spell check lets you get away with it.

I'm not sure spell check goes anywhere near that copy ever!
Yeah I think Josh's cock is HOT! He has no problems getting it hard, and he's a really hot guy anyway! He also seems really nice, and down to earth. He's definitely one of my favs. I think Ridge is hot too, but he seems a bit on the arrogant side and I too really hated it when he was yawning as he was getting fucked! Definitely was a scene killer in my opinion. Poor Josh probably figured he was a really boring fuck to Ridge yawn like that. I can tell you this much, Ridge is probably one of the very few straight guys who yawns when he's getting fucked by a dude!

I could say a lot about my feeling of the straightness of Ridge but why bother I don't know what the deal is with Josh's dick Maybe I have been around more or seen more naked men but I really doubt it His dick is fine , he is a handsome hot guy blessed with a beautiful set of nips The Ridge yawn was a desperate attempt for a close up and stupid I think Josh should be put with Deisel and let them go at it I love when porn guys get arrogant Really ???
Tampa, and everyone else who's batted for Josh on this thread, that's what I'm saying. He's such a nice guy and could be a very hot preppy pornie given the chance. I'd be so chuffed if David were able to get him back for another series of shoots, bottoming and topping and kissing with someone as nice as he is. I was on tenterhooks the whole time, like Tampa, because of the cleft dickhead and the ventral piss slit, so I'm gonna hafta run it again to squeeze all the good out of the episode.

Gotta say that it was clumsy of whoever did the montage of the final version, not to clip out Ridge's crass mock yawning. The little a-hole did that because he's used to being fucked hard by a really hung top, and Josh wasn't doing it the way he likes it.

I like Josh tons, but I'd love to see him in a scene where I wasn't anguished for him by the time it had ended. He's got so much potential and has been so badly treated so far.
Tampa, and everyone else who's batted for Josh on this thread, that's what I'm saying. He's such a nice guy and could be a very hot preppy pornie given the chance. I'd be so chuffed if David were able to get him back for another series of shoots, bottoming and topping and kissing with someone as nice as he is. I was on tenterhooks the whole time, like Tampa, because of the cleft dickhead and the ventral piss slit, so I'm gonna hafta run it again to squeeze all the good out of the episode.

Gotta say that it was clumsy of whoever did the montage of the final version, not to clip out Ridge's crass mock yawning. The little a-hole did that because he's used to being fucked hard by a really hung top, and Josh wasn't doing it the way he likes it.

I like Josh tons, but I'd love to see him in a scene where I wasn't anguished for him by the time it had ended. He's got so much potential and has been so badly treated so far.

I wrote some nasty things about Ridge in my original post, but deleted them before I posted. Some of the other guys expressed my view in a more polite way.

Josh has a lot more camera appeal than the majority of the Broke Straight Boys models. I am still amazed at how badly Josh was treated. Not only was it not fair, it wasn't very nice............

This covers my thoughts on Ridge in this vid (I still think he is a plus for Broke Straight Boys): The little a-hole did that because he's used to being fucked hard by a really hung top, and Josh wasn't doing it the way he likes it.
Josh has a lot more camera appeal than the majority of the Broke Straight Boys models. I am still amazed at how badly Josh was treated. Not only was it not fair, it wasn't very nice............

This covers my thoughts on Ridge in this vid (I still think he is a plus for Broke Straight Boys): The little a-hole did that because he's used to being fucked hard by a really hung top, and Josh wasn't doing it the way he likes it.

LMAO Paris! I love the way you call them like you see them.

I too thought that Ridge's "straight" ass was used to and wanting some super hung top to plow him so hard and deep that his tonsils would hurt. :monkeyfuck: :ohmy: LOL
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LMAO Paris! I love the way you call them like you see them.

I too thought that Ridge's "straight" ass was used to and wanting some super hung top to plow him so hard and deep that his tonsils would hurt. :ohmy: LOL

You better stop holding your feelings back. It can come back to bite you! LOL!

I actually quoted Slim, but thanks! :biggrin: Yeah, I was going to post worse in my original post, but stopped myself in time! LOL!
You better stop holding your feelings back. It can come back to bite you! LOL!

I actually quoted Slim, but thanks! :biggrin: Yeah, I was going to post worse in my original post, but stopped myself in time! LOL!

Paris you are a str8 up dude to insist on the attribution but the fact is that the quote had more flavor in your post than it did in mine, fair is fair.
You better stop holding your feelings back. It can come back to bite you! LOL!

I actually quoted Slim, but thanks! :biggrin: Yeah, I was going to post worse in my original post, but stopped myself in time! LOL!

Oops! My apologies Slim. I'll give you the credit. LOL

I think that if we didn't have any of the controversy of Ridge's treatment of Josh that he would actually be held in higher regard. In spite of my feelings about Ridge he does have a nice body and looks good on camera. Maybe David could arrange for Ridge to have a ride on Adam's mini baseball bat. I know I'd watch!! LOL That would be some prime time entertainment! Providing of course that Adam plows him prison bitch style. The way Ridge seems to want it. :w00t: